What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
Filled the beer shelf, got the brake drum and shoes cleaned for the Toy, I'll get them put in tomorrow, Wandered in the outdoor garden. Zucchini has aphids again, happens every year, so I need to get it sprayed soon. I've used Neem on it before but that doesn't seem to help much. Sprayed the boonie pepper, it had white flys, that worked well on them. Leftover tuna and ribs for dinner. A little early for buds and suds, but it won't be long.


Well-Known Member
Filled the beer shelf, got the brake drum and shoes cleaned for the Toy, I'll get them put in tomorrow, Wandered in the outdoor garden. Zucchini has aphids again, happens every year, so I need to get it sprayed soon. I've used Neem on it before but that doesn't seem to help much. Sprayed the boonie pepper, it had white flys, that worked well on them. Leftover tuna and ribs for dinner. A little early for buds and suds, but it won't be long.
Get some green lacewing eggs. Their larvae will smash on aphids man. I used to have hella green lacewings in my huge liquid Amber tree before we cut it down. Aphids love when I grow Armenian cukes, I didn't even bother this year. Rather not deal with them lol.


Well-Known Member
I worked today, I drove to Detroit and picked up a bunch of medical equipment from a place that makes stainless steel lift tables for corpses and delivered them to Mercy Health hospital up in Ludington, MI.

Got home a few hours ago and had some Banquet hot n spicy chicken wings and potato salad for supper

Changed the oil in my lawn tractor and had a couple rum n cokes

I'm about to eat this bowl of rainbow sherbet and pass out


Well-Known Member
I BBQ some chicken and we made beans, potatoe salad, fried some green tomatoes and orka and bread.... there's a black berry pie in the oven now. Holy hell I should not plan meals when I have the munchies.KIMG1679.jpg KIMG1685.jpg KIMG1692.jpg

It's been a good weekend having my youngest grandson and daughter home for a few days.


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View attachment 4377429

I've seen more this year than in the recent past. Some were too small to photograph.
Had this guy scare the almost literal shit out of me the other day when he came swooping on my greenhouse while I was smoking and checking plants. He didnt waste no time having a feast on all the moths/flies attracted to my lights. About 5 inches tall.20190803_222419.jpg