Looking for Michoacan


Well-Known Member
There has to be someone on here with connections to maybe family farmers who didn't lose all the seed stock to Milhaus and his paraquat spraying.

Anyone know anyone who can score some authentic seeds? Please no hybrid with wedding cake/gelato.
I believe there's 'michoacan cream' produced by cannabiogen.


This delightful strain full of aromas got created by crossing together Peyote Purple and Michoacan Spirit. Its intense hashish tones are infused with undertones of grapes and lavender. This complex smelling hybrid hits with a clear and creative effect which transfors with time into a calm and relaxing stage while keeping the brain still active. It is adviced to not to cut her too late in order to get the best aroma and effect. Michoacan cream shows the best autumn colouring by the end of the flowering stage.

Genetics: Peyote Purple x Michoacan Spirit
Variety: Indica / Sativa
Sex: Regular
Area: Indoor and Outdoor
Flowering Time: 63-70 Days
Yield: Medium - High
Flavour: Spicy / Herbal
Effect: Creative, Energetic, Relaxing


You are looking for psychedelic lime green buds from '69. I do not have that but I do have Michoacan of a kind that I had in '75. Snowhigh seeds has it.
I've never seen it, but Cousin Wayne always talked about it. He said the buds would be different shades of color. Not sure if he meant on the same plant or different phenos. This was in the early 80's talking about the buds he had bought as a teenager in the 70's.
The stuff mixed with "peyote" whatever is bs. It is not possible to mix true peyote with cannabis. Entirely different species and COMPLETE BULLSHIT TO PUT ON CONSUMERS. Would NEVER CONSIDER IT.

I am talking the michoacan strain I smoked in 1969 before Nixon had sprayed paraquat.

Please don't consider posting that crap again.

I am looking for REAL not bs.

Hybrids are complete bs for kids born after '70s.

Please don't post again.
"Peyote" can NEVER BE a strain of marijuana. If you ever had it you would know that.

Real peyote would make you puke all over in your apology. Not for sissy "pot smokers'..
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Trump voter here hehe. That is gonna send grayeyes into a rage. hehe

I too had crazy Mexican stuff in '75 but was brown or reddish brown. There was pot back then that was tripped out and not because of high thc. Just different. Not a myth,
20 somethings. Just keep jambing it down your throat and swallow. You can do it.
You know you know nothing. When you do You will know what I said it true.

Just keep sucking. It is what you are meant to do,
"Peyote" can NEVER BE a strain of marijuana. If you ever had it you would know that.

Real peyote would make you puke all over in your apology. Not for sissy "pot smokers'..

Real Old School Seeds has some great Michoacan x Peyote that is the real deal. If you want the Michoacan effect you smoke the flowers and if you want the Peyote effect you eat them.

Cheers :)
@grayeyes Swamiseed.org has got em

Or see him at swamiseed_ig on IG. Thefarmok on IG is also running a hundred or so of them from him, this year, I believe.

You are welcome. Gas has that fire. You’ll see. NL5bx coming this fall.
If you truly read what Gas has it is stepped on. Not pure. But then take a look at the rest of his latest "improvements".