Epstein Commits Suicide.

Do you find his suicide fishy?

  • Yes

    Votes: 53 86.9%
  • No

    Votes: 8 13.1%

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knucklehead bob

Well-Known Member
There will be hell to pay. The victims and America thought he was finally going to get his pee pee whacked and they’re going to be mad, frustrated, suspicious.
Ain't no one that carries any responsibility for these Democrat/Republican Pedophiles is gonna pay a penny !

Let’s face it ... Epstein was smuggled out of jail by Mossad , and is probably now on Israeli soil . This is the most logical and plausible answer . He will probably go through some plastic surgery with a new mug & of course a new name . I understand autopsy results are coming out soon & once the death certificate is signed , it's "CASE CLOSED & SEALED" & all the pedophiles you Democrat/Republican Pedophile lovers , love & worship are free & clear .

It's going to be business as usual & all you fine people here can carry on spewing your glorious vitriolic repertoire of insults & assumptions to each other

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
There is a chance he is in a witness protection program. Barr did visit after his first attempted suicide. 45 years is not that long for him to give up enough names to get out while he is still alive. Not that I'm saying it would be right but if he helps capture many other pedophiles then it could be worth it in the end.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
"May be"? You're a little *soft* on stuff that most people wouldn't be
To clarify, I believe Trump may be a sexual deviant, but I have no first hand information or trusted source to turn that "may be" into a certainty. He's a douchebag though, whether he's a deviant or not.

It's also possible he is relieved Epstein is dead, assuming Epstein really is dead. In that regard, Trump is a lot like Bill Clinton.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
There will be hell to pay. The victims and America thought he was finally going to get his pee pee whacked and they’re going to be mad, frustrated, suspicious.
Are you personally frustrated that you didn't get to watch Epstein getting his pee pee whacked, "American" ?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
So the derp state made him wealthy and let him pimp young girls in order to create cause for blackmail on politicians and then killed him and made it look like a suicide so that he couldn't expose them.

That is what I got from your video tty. That's why I regret clicking on any link you share.
If you wanted to rule the world, controlling currency and the "head politicians" via blackmail might be a good way to do it wouldn't it ?

Also, the derp state may not be the top of the power food chain, it may be allowed to exist as a higher level of useful idiots, to enable the real power to remain in place.

Why would pimping young girls cause any consternation if killing millions of people is sort of a thing to the world's most powerful people ?


Well-Known Member
Big Shit Evangelicals have been going to Moscow for years for “World Family Congress” or something like that. Of course Putin has no piss videos on any of them. Might explain some of the strange love for Putin some of these supposed believers show.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Big Shit Evangelicals have been going to Moscow for years for “World Family Congress” or something like that. Of course Putin has no piss videos on any of them. Might explain some of the strange love for Putin some of these supposed believers show.
Do you suppose Putin has a treasure trove of Hillary engaged in trysts with young women ? I see Hillary more as the type to piss on somebody, rather than being pissed on herself though.

Did you see her glee over the whole anal raping Ghaddafi with a bayonet? She fell out of character for a moment there....

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Why would anyone be so obsessed with Hillary Clinton?
There was a good possibility that she could have been President. Having her controlled via blackmail would be a good move if you were seeking to maintain power.

I mean the possibility of her being President was so great at one time, that a very prominent member of this website bet his continued membership on her being elected. Now, THAT'S obsession!


Well-Known Member
Well if they couldn't or didn't consent, isn't it possible that Bill Clinton, Epstein and whatever motley crew was accompanying them could have invoked "democracy" and simply outvoted the girls?

Isn't that how democracy works ?

Yeah I agree if Billy boy was raping children, as much as I liked him as president he should be locked up too. Same with everyone.

Holy shit! You all must check out whitney webb, a journalist who has a four part series , with fourth coming out soon. Its on mintpress news. It runs deep, with incredible number of links through out the series. It gets into the decades long network and where epstein was situated inside it. I have no doubt there be some factual errors in this series. But a must read.

Edit: trump supporters will not like what they read. But i encourage you to read it as fiction if you like, but do read it.
I did a quick search if Whitney Webb, I would be sure to see how news sources pick up her stories, but with all the misinformation and propaganda, I am quick to not trust the sites she is posted on.

Whitney Webb | Russia Insider News


Mattis Prevented WW3 With Russia in April. Now He's on the Chopping Block for Crossing Israel-Firsters; Adelson, Bolton & Kushner · Whitney Webb.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
She would have been vastly superior to the Abomination of Desolations.
Arguing over who would make a better overseer is slave talk. Hillary is more polished than Trump, but at the end of the day she is just another thug, like Trump.

She may even be a more efficient thug than Trump, since she and Bill got Epstein to give them money (funneled to them thru "charity" ...wink) .

Are you okay with Hillary literally laughing at Ghaddafi being anally raped with a bayonet ?

Why was Ghaddafi killed? Is it possible it had to do with him not playing along with the currency lords?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Yeah I agree if Billy boy was raping children, as much as I liked him as president he should be locked up too. Same with everyone.

I did a quick search if Whitney Webb, I would be sure to see how news sources pick up her stories, but with all the misinformation and propaganda, I am quick to not trust the sites she is posted on.

It's hard to break free from long held beliefs, I'm sorry you believe there is such a thing as a good President. Jimmy Carter, an anomaly who snuck into the Whitehouse is a good person, but there are no "good Presidents". None.

Bill Clinton was a charming megalomaniac psychopath. He will never be locked up as long as his enemies "have accidents" .

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Nothing even close to bizarre as this prick has ever happened to my country as this prick.
Okay, so Trump is a clown, but how soon you forget Richard Nixon...drug war, gold standard, etc.

And let's not forget the racist FDR who knowingly deceived the American public into WWII and tried to stack the Supreme Court so he could become a dictator like his pal Joe Stalin.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
That’s right, nothing comes close to this fascist bastard who loves to stir hate and seems to be the Father of Lies.

All Presidents lie, it's part of the job description. I'd say policies implemented during Nixon's time in office and during Obama's should not escape scrutiny.

I mean Obama was okay with executing an "American citizen" without due process, which isn't quite as bad as Trump suggesting abandoning due process regarding gun confiscation etc.

It's hard to keep up with all the things the murderous bastards have done, but it will get worse...wait and see.