Tried coke


New Member
so I tried doing two lines of coke yesterday, this was confirmed to be 100% pure coke and tested for fentanyl. So it is legit, I tried it with a friend who has done it before and even he stated that it felt like coke to him, anyway after snorting I DID feel something but it wasn’t very exciting, honestly I’d prefer Molly or even Ketamine, and my pupils stayed the same, other than a slight euphoria and very mild increase in energy and creativity, it didn’t do much, I didn’t get over the top confidence or energy, and I felt really hungry which is odd considering I’ve been told it suppresses the appetite, I’ve decided not to try it again cause I’m honestly disappointed and so confused as to why people throw away their lives for the stuff when it’s nothing that special, has anyone else experienced this? I should note alcohol and weed and GHB are similar to me where I don’t really like using them and don’t seem to affect me very strongly without dangerous amounts and I have a VERY fast metabolism.
Who tested it? No one gets 100 percent. Nor are you likely to like it that way anyway.
I’m tempted to say I just expected it to be too intense for me like in the movies but I felt in complete control of my actions might be a better way of putting it and I don’t have an addictive personality
I’m tempted to say I just expected it to be too intense for me like in the movies but I felt in complete control of my actions might be a better way of putting it and I don’t have an addictive personality

If it is good you will feel exuberant, euphoric, alert. Too much and you may get sweaty, a little short of breath, maybe a little nauseated. Goes away in less than an hour. Your fro t teeth may feel wooden or cold. Imagine the first few minutes of a good roll. Like that.

I know some need to be coaxed into feeling it at first but if it is relatively pure you should notice.

I have met many who figure they could take it or leave it because what they had was bunk. When I showed them the real thing they said "oh, now I get it, yes, this is real nice".

But the best needs to be a good mix of several alkaloids, not just the one.
coke is pretty subtle.

its not meth your not gonna do a line and stay up all night with your colored pencils.

its for chilling and socializing.

lame af tho. i get enough fake niceties from people in day to day life.
coke is pretty subtle.

its not meth your not gonna do a line and stay up all night with your colored pencils.

its for chilling and socializing.

lame af tho. i get enough fake niceties from people in day to day life.
I guess I was under the assumption that coke was more hyper than meth, I’m glad it wasn’t, but that’s what I was expecting
so I tried doing two lines of coke yesterday, this was confirmed to be 100% pure coke and tested for fentanyl. So it is legit, I tried it with a friend who has done it before and even he stated that it felt like coke to him, anyway after snorting I DID feel something but it wasn’t very exciting, honestly I’d prefer Molly or even Ketamine, and my pupils stayed the same, other than a slight euphoria and very mild increase in energy and creativity, it didn’t do much, I didn’t get over the top confidence or energy, and I felt really hungry which is odd considering I’ve been told it suppresses the appetite, I’ve decided not to try it again cause I’m honestly disappointed and so confused as to why people throw away their lives for the stuff when it’s nothing that special, has anyone else experienced this? I should note alcohol and weed and GHB are similar to me where I don’t really like using them and don’t seem to affect me very strongly without dangerous amounts and I have a VERY fast metabolism. sound like you've been talking to @HeatlessBBQ :lol:

BBQ exposed:
That just seems counter productive to cut an upper with a downer..

Yah think? I've had hydro and coke, morphine and coke....and on and on. All I ever really got out of it all was a sort of dreamy awareness. My opinion mind you, it is a waste of both the opiate and the blow. So again, we know that people are going nuts with this ultimately useless dangerous powder fentanyl ( I have experimented with it and find it barely euphoric and not synergistic with other opiates. It's the hamburger helper of narcotics).
So why would anyone go through the trouble of crushing up coke and adding infinitesimal amounts of this stuff? Or why would the source blend it in at crystallization? Seems a waste of money.

But that is not to say it isnt done. Lots of folk fancy themselves as "blenders of experience" "try this dude!" No different than an adventure mixologist pouring rum and gin into skim milk.
I was just told by a source “watch out for fentanyl”
So I assumed that was an issue but I guess I wasted 75$??

Ok. Cocaine is one of the most myth soaked, lore encumbered, stories drugs in existence.

I could post dozens of foolish little "tails" about it that have been laid down through the decades.

"I had to take a shit after the first line so it must be cut with baby laxitive"
"If they dont cut it then you might od"
"The pure stuff makes your nose bleed"
"The ..(fill in a color) is the best
"The ..(fill in the physical appearance) is the best)
"Its all wacked except for the stuff I get"
"If it smells like (fill in the smell) it's the best"

Its cut with...crushed glass, meth, detergent, rat poison, sugar, heroin, fentanyl, novocaine (no such thing), procaine, lidocaine..... if younget it off 'the brick's. It's pure.

If you get it off "the brick" it's not pure.

"I had some once that was..........)

"Its all wacked if you get it off the street....under an eighth, under an ounce, under a lb"

"If you base it then its pure"
"If it melts when you.... its pure"
"If it turns (name a color) in (name a solvent) its pure.

I am sorry if I am attacking anyone's favorite myth, I really am but

I have been looking at, tasting, working chemically with clandestine and on occasion pharmaceutical cocaine for 40 years.

Every single time i.claimed to know definitively all there was to know about it I was proven or I proved myself wrong.

It is a fascinating chemical precisely because of its relation to society. Were pharmaceutical, 98 percent pure cocaine available to all who wanted it, I suspect that most would eventually grow bored with it and move on to other things.

I believe the allure is that mystique, the cost, the romance. After all, it comes ready made with stories.

I'll give you an example. I am a devout smoker of ultra premium cigars. One a day, I love my aged, lovingly collected vitolas.

But invariably, when the subject of my passion comes up, what is the very first thing I hear from my kind but naive friends? Something about "cubans".
"I had s Cuban once"
"Cubans are the best"
"Oh canndo, thank you but I only smoke cubans"

And so this aura surrounds one of the few drugs that cost more than gold.

So, you have an expensive chemical (cocktail really) that most women find sexually attractive, represents excess of every sort and even goes s ways toward fortifying people for those excesses.

And then you add to that your local cocaine dealer. He finds that this above all others can creatively adulterated..

Add to THAT what I said before, that your white powder was manufactured in the middle of a jungle
By people with no more than a 5th grade education who are doing what they were told to step by step. There were only a few true artisans in the 70s and eighties. Now I doubt there are any left at all.

Now, again, consider that they do not have access to quality chemicals. Do any of you old timers recall the heavy smell of diesel in your precious powder? How about benzene? I dont recall them. I think I first encountered it in the early 90s.

Why? Cause coca country is on a solvent diet. No 55 gallon drums of dry acetone.

No dry methanol. And certainly no way to bubble through the final product.

So they cycle through and past the perfect methods and solvents to kerosene and benzene. , no third wash because what little acetone they have cant be wasted in a procedure that, practically, to them, only reduces the yield and the gringos dont really care even if the jungle techs might.

And of course when it gets over the border it IS cut, why? Because that's the way it has been. Because consumers have no distinction and at that level they are buying prestige more than a proper cocaine high.

It isnt anyone's fault I suppose. Most dont know what they want because they havent ever had it and some are driven to the idea more than the substance.

Dont believe me? How often do you think some guy who has scraped up his 200 bucks or whatever, sees his man decides that it just isnt good enough and rejects it?
Not many, they would rather have bunk in their pocket than walk away.

That's not cocaine, that is the idea of cocaine. Our new friend that started this thread is living proof.