Exposure to this is important, will induce high femaleage!!!


Well-Known Member
I heard that if a cloned female hermies, and pollinates itself, it produces mostly female seeds...Dont know how true that is..probably bullshit
I'll be able to find out with bagseeds that came from a clone of a clone of a clone (5th generation I think) and one hermied and got all the other girls completely knocked up. Unfortunately I managed to kill or lose the vast majority of the first grow off those seeds, so I don't know for sure at this time. I'll just have to find out with the next batch I grow out, though.


Well-Known Member
I think the 7 seedling I have going were from hermied clones as well. So far the 3 big ones all look female. I might have to wait like 3 more days to know for sure
I'll be able to find out with bagseeds that came from a clone of a clone of a clone (5th generation I think) and one hermied and got all the other girls completely knocked up. Unfortunately I managed to kill or lose the vast majority of the first grow off those seeds, so I don't know for sure at this time. I'll just have to find out with the next batch I grow out, though.


Well-Known Member
I've got those three Bagseed Girls. Wanna guess what they were accidentally pollinated with while I took just five days for myself? You guessed it, a fuckin' hermie (I even have a FuckinHermie folder on my computer :lol: ). Hermie's a known strain that shouldn't have hermed, but! my thinkin' cap is always on, and one of the questions brewing in my head is whether or not pollination of select sites early on in flowering might just prevent hermaphrodism. I'd be willing to give up a few bottom buds if it were a method proven to prevent the transition altogether.