New to growing and thinking of going DWC? Don't

Yeah it’s not a pissing contest I just like to verify that people dispensing advice can grow healthy plants.

I've long thought that there should be some sort of timed test with different levels to go thru to establish users knowledge levels. Then you get a score by your name so people you reply to know whether you know your shit or not. Got to be timed so peeps can't be googling everything to get a better score than they deserve.

I consider myself an advanced grower with general knowledge about almost everything pertaining to smallish grows mainly in DWC and soilless. I'm now getting into the organic side slowly but have never had great results growing in real dirt. As a voracious reader I have been reading everything I can get my hands on about growing since the 70s and still do.

I'm still not beyond screwing up my own shit tho so still have a ways to go before I get close to 'Expert' level. lol

By the way, my grow is by no means ideal. I don't control my environment at all throughout the year. Its in a basement so its too cold in the winter and too hot in the summer. But damned if I'm going to condition air that is being vented out. The plants deal with it, there is one round in fall and another in early spring that are perfect though. Humidity? Haven't taken a reading in years. No need since I won't control it. If I was doing this in DWC I would expect my yields and quality to be worse because it is more delicate when it comes to heat.
Is that what you do? You “verify” people do you? If you knew growing you would read my advice and wouldn’t ask me to verify anything because my knowledge does that. What you were hoping for was either for me to not post or post a plant you could rag on. Learn to talk like a man and come back when you do.

No, talk doesn't verify anything. End product does, so looking at what someone can do is one of the only ways you can establish trust.

Because why would you waste your time listening to someone who grows plants that you feel sorry for?

Sorry I made you feel so threatened, buddy.
I've long thought that there should be some sort of timed test with different levels to go thru to establish users knowledge levels. Then you get a score by your name so people you reply to know whether you know your shit or not. Got to be timed so peeps can't be googling everything to get a better score than they deserve.

I consider myself an advanced grower with general knowledge about almost everything pertaining to smallish grows mainly in DWC and soilless. I'm now getting into the organic side slowly but have never had great results growing in real dirt. As a voracious reader I have been reading everything I can get my hands on about growing since the 70s and still do.

I'm still not beyond screwing up my own shit tho so still have a ways to go before I get close to 'Expert' level. lol


I don’t know anything about soil other than what I keep my moms in. I read whatever I can get too, I’ve got access to good databases through work and school.
No, talk doesn't verify anything. End product does, so looking at what someone can do is one of the only ways you can establish trust.

Because why would you waste your time listening to someone who grows plants that you feel sorry for?

Sorry I made you feel so threatened, buddy.
Lol, I don’t need to see a pic to know if somebody’s grow advice is solid. You do, you’re just showing me your level, that’s ok
I don’t know anything about soil other than what I keep my moms in. I read whatever I can get too, I’ve got access to good databases through work and school.

Have you seen this link? I hand it out all over since I stumbled across it a couple years back. Can never know enough. :)

I found a great spot to download FREE POT BOOKS . I downloaded a grow bible first and got lots more. Books look great and complete like the real ones I have here. No web site but just a page of links. Just right click on what you want and then "Save Link As" to download so they don't open first as many are 50+ megs. They got lots. Enjoy.

God I remember smuggling (in my mind) rosenthals book from the states and scared shitless that I was going to get fcked going home at immigration. Just having that book you were done. Now it’s a click. Btw, anybody remember buying a phone book of web pages? Before yahoo?
By the way, my grow is by no means ideal. I don't control my environment at all throughout the year. Its in a basement so its too cold in the winter and too hot in the summer. But damned if I'm going to condition air that is being vented out. The plants deal with it, there is one round in fall and another in early spring that are perfect though. Humidity? Haven't taken a reading in years. No need since I won't control it. If I was doing this in DWC I would expect my yields and quality to be worse because it is more delicate when it comes to heat.

I got the same basement thing going on but there's an insulated cold room down there the old guy I bought the place from built and I have a temp/rh controller on my exhaust fan and all the air going in is from the cooler area in the basement only so I do have a fairly tightly controlled environment in there. Only got to 67F down there which is a few degrees higher than usual in the summer. Just a big concrete box underground so the walls and floor are always cool. Heater on a thermostat too so the night temps are where I want them. Warm and humid this summer and was getting nervous about flowering thru it but the rh has been going down a bit so with any luck they'll be fine.

I would like to set it up as a sealed grow with CO2 and full air/rh conditioning with more automated watering and have most everything but a CO2 tank and dual-hose portable 3-in-1 A/C unit. Hopefully getting my own RO unit PDQ so I don't have to buy it any more. Our tap water comes out of a dugout on my property and isn't fit to drink. pH 8+ and around 400ppm.

I made a chiller out of an old water cooler using a small fountain pump to circulate the nutes thru it's tank for my last 10 or so DWC grows. Worked great and only cost me $14 for the pump. :) I find DWC way easier than growing in pots. Rubbermaid tubs with multiple plants per tub.

Honestly, i don't get why it exists or why one person keeps bringing it up.. i am trying DWC for the first time myself.. if it fails i will figure why and try again or go back to coir.. it's really not something that needs this much BS about.

Yeah it’s not a pissing contest I just like to verify that people dispensing advice can grow healthy plants.

I advocate a variation of a DWC which is my version of an SWC, then I also point to it with detailed instructions on build as well as a detailed reasoning for each and every part, for example the square tubs lend themselves to a self supporting scrog, and so on. The link is in my sig.

Nevertheless, someone will reply, 'have you seen a crusty bucket'. FFS.
Growers in dtw get anywhere from 0.5 to 2.0 gpw depending on their strain and abilities
0.5 to 2.0 gram per Watt does not say much.
Watt in led or HPS?
How long does the grow occupy your room?
On what surface is that grow?

If someone grows 2.0 gram per 1 Watt HPS, and with 1 x 600 Watt bulb in a total of 10 weeks on 1 M2, so with a yield of 1200 grams, I will call that person a liar.
If someone grows 2.0 gram per 1 Watt led, and with a fixture of 300 Watt led in a total of 20 weeks on 2 M2, so with a yield of 600 grams, I will advise that person to look for another hobby.
I advocate a variation of a DWC which is my version of an SWC, then I also point to it with detailed instructions on build as well as a detailed reasoning for each and every part, for example the square tubs lend themselves to a self supporting scrog, and so on. The link is in my sig.

Nevertheless, someone will reply, 'have you seen a crusty bucket'. FFS.

And some people will keep insisting they invented something new when we’ve seen it a hundred times, lol. Would you like to see my version of macaroni and cheese? I call snwc (short noodles with cheese)
0.5 to 2.0 gram per Watt does not say much.
Watt in led or HPS?
How long does the grow occupy your room?
On what surface is that grow?

If someone grows 2.0 gram per 1 Watt HPS, and with 1 x 600 Watt bulb in a total of 10 weeks on 1 M2, so with a yield of 1200 grams, I will call that person a liar.
If someone grows 2.0 gram per 1 Watt led, and with a fixture of 300 Watt led in a total of 20 weeks on 2 M2, so with a yield of 600 grams, I will advise that person to look for another hobby.
Well I was saying some grow a little some grow a lot, but thanks for adding your 2 cents, that really clears it up.
Well you forgot to ask if I’m talking a 24 or 18/6 correct veg because that really matters when counting those watts
No clue what you are talking about.
I am just saying that in general a lot of people compare systems and grows without naming all the circumstances.
And then lots of times the information they give makes no sense or does not prove or explain a thing.

"Growers in Drain To Waste get anywhere from 0.5 to 2.0 gpw depending on their strain and abilities"
So do people in soil, DWC, E&F, rockwool, etc.
"Growers in Drain To Waste,soil, DWC, E&F, rockwool, etc. get anywhere from 0.1 to 4 gpw depending on their strain and abilities" is also true and also is useless information.
And I am saying you don’t need to get that specific when my point was people will make a little or a lot depending on their strain and ability. You are focusing on the wrong thing.

And if you are bringing up veg time then how can you not have a clue about lightening schedules and how they factor into gpw?

But here is what I want from you, go find me that indoor grower you are talking about who does a 5 week run to hit 2.0 gpw that you used for an example. I’m dying to see it.
Well you forgot to ask if I’m talking a 24 or 18/6 correct veg because that really matters when counting those watts
He didn’t mention about a thousand other variables either because he was trying to make a point, not play a game of “gotcha.”

Lurk more, think more, read more. Your posts are not painting a favorable portrait of you, in my mind.
BS, it’s the same thing thrown back I his face, if he wants to talk nonsense about variables of gpw like it isn’t common knowledge then I’ll throe it right back at him. And if you were honest you’d admit his whole post is about gotcha as you put it. Just nonsense. Grown men refusing to have real conversations.

Edit: did you get my point about gpw? I bet you did. I bet he did as well.
And I am saying you don’t need to get that specific when my point was people will make a little or a lot depending on their strain and ability. You are focusing on the wrong thing.

And if you are bringing up veg time then how can you not have a clue about lightening schedules and how they factor into gpw?

But here is what I want from you, go find me that indoor grower you are talking about who does a 5 week run to hit 2.0 gpw that you used for an example. I’m dying to see it.
His examples were hyperbolic as an illustration of outer bounds. What contest are you trying to win, exactly?

I think the way you presented the initial premise of this thread is total bollocks. Had you expressed similar thoughts with more nuance and understanding I might have agreed. But I think you’re looking to be “right” more than you are trying to help. A lot of the discussion has been good, in spite of many of your posts being confrontational garbage that serve no useful purpose.

For the record: I currently mostly use DWC with 4 plant sites and can pull well over a lb out of a 4’x4’ tent, with zero veg from rooted clone and very little effort. No environment control beyond central air and fans. I really might hit close to 2gpw, with essentially no veg time, in the next year. Especially in my little SOG tent. I only have to check on it every week or so. I have also grown in coco, and soil, using light from CFL, T5HO, blurple LED, HPS and HLG 550 RSpec (which is well worth the scratch) - all on a very small scale.