Can anyone help me tell if this plant is pre flowering


Active Member
EFA9C475-7076-4EF7-B836-E7FAAAEF8CC7.jpeg 0A9D3ACD-3760-4260-966F-10E719F9CB2A.jpeg Can anybody tell me if this is just new growth or is it starting to bud up. I can’t tell I’m a newbie and just started growing. So don’t judge me lol
I would say yes! Reason why is that it has that "bunched up" look right before it sprouts its pistils. Give it a week and you should start seeing some
Do you sees white hairs sticking out???

Picture is blury but it looks like white hairs... and if they are then you have female..
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Here is some more pics of her that’s a little bit clearer. Just let me know what you guys think. Thank you all so far for the replies

Do you see "balls" coming out those top or you sees white hairs???

If balls are started to forming then is male,if white hairs going out then she female..

Do you have macro feature on that camera??

You could go closer when you take pics and details will be more visible... its a tiny objects so macro shot will be great to have.. am dont sees best...
Sorry dear... I know its heartbreaking. My advice to you is when you pop some beans start them super early. I'm talking dec or jan.... let them grow for 2 months and then flip the lights. After a few weeks they will show their sex...kill thr males and then turn your lights back on and reveg them.