Enhancing substances for weed !


Well-Known Member
I dint found a lot(effectiv) about this,

Blue lotus (dried, extract,resin)
Kratom (Powder and extracts)
And for sure opium (but i am sceard of it)

The Rest that i found seems to be to light or just not nice..
Like wild lattuce...

What is your experience?
Spider webs man. Roll up a bunch of spider webs with your dope.

I was young, young enough to go to summer camp in southern California. When I pulled out my little pipe and filled it this guy I didnt know scrambled around me, collected some fresh spider webs, balled them up and dropped them in my pipe. We sat silent and smoking for a bit and then this guy said "ever see the movie mash?"

I had not.

"Ever hear the theme song for it? Suicide is painless?"

I had not

"Well, I wrote that song"

"Bullshit" I said

Later when he took me to visit his house and introduced me to Robert Altman I figured he might not have shitted me.... about that.

The spider webs though was bullshit.
Did any body testet blue lotus
or something else than opium?

Smoking joints and vaping togehter makes me Damm stoned , but i like to finde diffrent high's ;)
eating a mango 45-60 mins before smoking apparently enhances the high :lol:. It's not scientifically proven but a lot of people claim it works ...the myrcene in the mango supposedly allows THC to cross the blood brain barrier much faster/more efficiently. IDK though could be a placebo lol
eating a mango 45-60 mins before smoking apparently enhances the high :lol:. It's not scientifically proven but a lot of people claim it works ...the myrcene in the mango supposedly allows THC to cross the blood brain barrier much faster/more efficiently. IDK though could be a placebo lol

I know, but no ;)
To soft