Who can beat Trump?

Who will you vote for in 2020

  • Trump

    Votes: 11 33.3%
  • Sanders

    Votes: 9 27.3%
  • Warren

    Votes: 6 18.2%
  • Biden

    Votes: 7 21.2%

  • Total voters
The fat guy Trump jumped on about his weight and being a loser? The guy still loves him. We’re fucked. These chuckleheads will turn out in force in the name of Jesus and he’ll be back. I’ve predicted his re-election since 2017. No matter what he says or does they suck it up and ask for more. Maybe it’s best. He’ll surely worsen any economic downturn and one is coming sooner or later. Like always.
The fat guy Trump jumped on about his weight and being a loser? The guy still loves him. We’re fucked. These chuckleheads will turn out in force in the name of Jesus and he’ll be back. I’ve predicted his re-election since 2017. No matter what he says or does they suck it up and ask for more. Maybe it’s best. He’ll surely worsen any economic downturn and one is coming sooner or later. Like always.
Sounds like something shytstikk would say.
So you are in favour of prison inmates having guns? If they dont have access to guns then Trump is in favour of gun control?

Back to the Q. Who will beat Trump? I dont think anybody will. He has Russia influencing already. Its amazing how well Russia getting Trump elected has worked for them so far. Can you imagine if Americas economy continues to go backward for another 3 years?
Until everybody's vote is worth the same America will continue to get social media Presidents over substance.

Trump beats himself.
So you are in favour of prison inmates having guns? If they dont have access to guns then Trump is in favour of gun control?

Back to the Q. Who will beat Trump? I dont think anybody will. He has Russia influencing already. Its amazing how well Russia getting Trump elected has worked for them so far. Can you imagine if Americas economy continues to go backward for another 3 years?
Until everybody's vote is worth the same America will continue to get social media Presidents over substance.

No, I am not in favor of the present prison system which is so pervasive it extends beyond the walls of what most people think of as "prisons". As evidence I submit, "prohibition" itself. It is a vestige of mental capture and but one example of the expanse of "prison". Government schools for the evil win.

I don't care who will beat Trump. The Plantation may get a new master, slaves will still be made to pick cotton.

Not to be rude, but if an economy is dependent upon who is President, it only provides more evidence to my assertions above which you will barely understand, if at all.

Everybody's vote is worth the same, worthless. They all assure the plantation survives and that slaves must continue picking cotton.
The area I live in would literally become homeless and still vote for gawds man. My brother in law was over to pick up some sweet corn yesterday. It has been the worst spring for garden but we did get some green beans and corn to freeze. So I gave them some corn. His take on this is none of the media stories are true. Guess what news channel they do watch. They also have an Earnhardt sticker on their vehicles. Live in a 30 year old single wide. You can't make this up.
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The area I live in would literally become homeless and still vote for gawds man. My brother in law was over to pick up some sweet corn yesterday. It has been the worst spring for garden but we did get some green beans and corn to freeze. So I gave them some corn. His take on this is none of the media stories are true. Guess what news channel they do watch. They also have an Earnhardt sticker sticker on their vehicles. Live in a 30 year old single wide. You can't make this up.

Do you ever pickle any of your beans? Pickled beans are alright
That is the question of all time, because without Trump being removed from office, we're all dead.

Warren and Sanders (Harris is done) want fundamental change: single-payer health care, debt-free college, environmental protections and the end of big money in politics.

But as liberal voters size up the two leading candidates running on those values, Bernie and Elizabeth, one question is impossible to avoid: Can either one beat President Donald Trump?

Even some of the most passionate liberals are not sure Sanders or Warren is up to the task, knowing that Trump will use anything he can to tear them down: age, gender, personal background and, of course, their progressive plans to transform health care and the U.S. economy.

Democrats of all ideological persuasions consistently say their top priority is defeating Trump. And the Sanders and Warren campaigns are aware that no policy plan or campaign trail promise will matter as much as their ability to convince Democratic voters they can do that.

Multiple recent polls suggest that both Warren and Sanders would defeat Trump in a head-to-head matchup. Yet very few Democratic voters actually believe that's the case, and I'm one of them.

Just 9% of Democrats and those leaning Democratic think Warren has the best chance to win a general election, according to a poll released last week by Quinnipiac University. The numbers are only slightly better for Sanders: 12% believe he can beat Trump.

At the same time, 49% say Biden has the best chance to win.

More recent polls show both Warren and Sanders lead Trump in a hypothetical 2020 general election matchup, although Sanders' lead is larger than Warren's.

The poll's noted that each candidate draws his or her support from a different set of voters. While both are popular with liberals, Sanders has a stronger appeal with working-class voters and minorities, while Warren supporters tend to be whiter and more educated.

I want 1st of all to take back the Congress and the WH. That is my priority, so I'm going with Biden

Sanders and Warren and Harris are never going to be accepted by mainstream America, and those are the one's that have to vote for you in order to win.

Sure, I love their ideas, but I'm slightly out of the loop as far as my political ideals go, like gun control, green energy, increasing taxes instead of reducing them and spending less on military and more on social services, education and infrastructure, so my opinion is dead out of the starting gate as far as popular thought goes.

So, what's more important to you?

Ideals, or victory?
Idk I just wanna be able to smoke my weed freely & without worry.
Lol, you guys arguing like it actually matters which party is in power. Historically, both parties have enslaved the middle class with paying the lion's share of the country's debt and paying for services, while giving the rich a free pass to keep the gap between rich and poor ever increasing. Trump is just the first to be unapologetically honest about it. It just goes to show that America "can't handle the truth". Lol.

You can fire a Democrat in the WH, but after 4 years I'm willing to bet they will do exactly nothing to address the root cause of the problems with American society. They'll put up some cool window dressing and do the bare minimum to convince you of an atmosphere of change, but nothing meaningful will happen.

All this political posturing is nothing more than a WWE like performance, where no matter what the outcome, both sides keep cashing their cheques while secretly giving each other high fives.

Bet the Democrats vote for a other bank bailout when the giant ponzi scheme of a stock market crashes again. People lose their houses, investments and retirements again, while the rich walk away with the farm, and the lazy justice system will keep putting poor people in jail for essentially stealing "bread".

You're all suckers of your own arrogance.
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Do you ever pickle any of your beans? Pickled beans are alright
We used to. We usually just freeze some beans and cut off the ear blanched then frozen corn. We used to stuff bell peppers with shredded cabbage and pickle them. My wife still makes 14 day sweet pickles. Crock them in brine etc. The kids are on their own now. We just do it as a hobby now. The weather has changed so dramatically that I haven't been able to raise early crops like broccoli for around 15 years. To much rain so you can't get them out early enough to miss the heat. Lots has changed. When I was a kid we didn't have a refrigerator or freezer. You canned or dried or cured whatever. Mom used to hang end of season green beans to dry. Used to butcher and make lard. I go to Kroger's now.
Lol, you guys arguing like it actually matters which party is in power. Historically, both parties have enslaved the middle class with paying the lion's share of the country's debt and paying for services, while giving the rich a free pass to keep the gap between rich and poor ever increasing. Trump is just the first to be unapologetically honest about it. It just goes to show that America "can't handle the truth". Lol.

You can fire a Democrat in the WH, but after 4 years I'm willing to bet they will do exactly nothing to address the root cause of the problems with American society. They'll put up some cool window dressing and do the bare minimum to convince you of an atmosphere of change, but nothing meaningful will happen.

All this political posturing is nothing more than a WWE like performance, where no matter what the outcome, both sides keep cashing their cheques while secretly giving each other high fives.

Bet the Democrats vote for a other bank bailout when the giant ponzi scheme of a stock market crashes again. People lose their houses, investments and retirements again, while the rich walk away with the farm, and the lazy justice system will keep putting poor people in jail for essentially stealing "bread".

You're all suckers of your own arrogance.

The non-white male only agenda has been in the beginning stages of gaining power for only about 50 years. The democrats had power for about 2 full years and got a healthcare bill that covered about 91.2% of all Americans. And that was after having to fix the economy that the white male agenda party broke. That is when I really remember the hate groups online building up too, all the tea party stuff that sucked in all the older generations that were not properly prepared for the misinformation epidemic that they would be faced with.

And lol at your joke about the bank bailout, which actually ended up paying back fully by the banks with a healthy amount of interest payments added to it. And everyone was at fault for the crash in 2008, people at the end were buying up houses with cheap credit 3+ at a time to flip for a quick 20k. The ones that got caught holding the bag at the peak got screwed, but the vast majority of Americans were happy to ride the wave that the housing market brought. People buying furniture, tools, mowers, televisions, on and on, everyone was making hand over fist when people would move into a new home.
Lol, you guys arguing like it actually matters which party is in power. Historically, both parties have enslaved the middle class with paying the lion's share of the country's debt and paying for services, while giving the rich a free pass to keep the gap between rich and poor ever increasing. Trump is just the first to be unapologetically honest about it. It just goes to show that America "can't handle the truth". Lol.

You can fire a Democrat in the WH, but after 4 years I'm willing to bet they will do exactly nothing to address the root cause of the problems with American society. They'll put up some cool window dressing and do the bare minimum to convince you of an atmosphere of change, but nothing meaningful will happen.

All this political posturing is nothing more than a WWE like performance, where no matter what the outcome, both sides keep cashing their cheques while secretly giving each other high fives.

Bet the Democrats vote for a other bank bailout when the giant ponzi scheme of a stock market crashes again. People lose their houses, investments and retirements again, while the rich walk away with the farm, and the lazy justice system will keep putting poor people in jail for essentially stealing "bread".

You're all suckers of your own arrogance.
What a shit stupid pile of lies

Bush bailed out the banks you fucking idiot

Obama bailed out the people

You’re so dumb
I never said Obama did bail them out. This time the Dems will hold Congress, and they'll do the same was my point.
Thankfully I agree, If the global economy is on the brink of a great depression, I really hope that congress will do the right thing again and bailout us all once again. I hope even more that it doesn't come to that and whoever is elected can do the very little we require of them as president and not make shit so that nobody can plan on how to invest their time and money responsibly.
Not to be rude, but if an economy is dependent upon who is President,
Of cause its largely dependant on who is the CEO of the company. Thats what the President is and that's what a country is, a Business.
They should have a grasp of economics, get on well with their other CEOs for mutual benifit and look after their workforce and families. Making sure everyone is getting a dividend and sharing in the pie.
Of cause its largely dependant on who is the CEO of the company. Thats what the President is and that's what a country is, a Business.
They should have a grasp of economics, get on well with their other CEOs for mutual benifit and look after their workforce and families. Making sure everyone is getting a dividend and sharing in the pie.

Okay, let's play the analogy game!

A country is a farm and people are the livestock.