can somebody tell me where i can buy seeds in montreal???


Active Member
i wanna know where i can buy seeds because i live in montreal and wanna grow nice buddha but i dont wnat to pay by credit card on internet cause i think its not really good so plz somebody know where i can buy them??


Well-Known Member
hightimes, 1367 st. catherines ouest. if you can afford the ridiculous prices. for example they have female blueberry for $425!! everything there is double the price including books. I highly recommend comes in 6 business days or less, you can pay cash if you want. this is where I get all my things from. his own brand seeds are really good too. everything is in original packaging.


Well-Known Member
hightimes, 1367 st. catherines ouest. if you can afford the ridiculous prices. for example they have female blueberry for $425!! everything there is double the price including books. I highly recommend comes in 6 business days or less, you can pay cash if you want. this is where I get all my things from. his own brand seeds are really good too. everything is in original packaging.
425$ WTF... i have saw prices like this somewhere on the web.....ridiculous as you said :D


Well-Known Member
425$ WTF... i have saw prices like this somewhere on the web.....ridiculous as you said :D
Ya cheetah it is a true story,LOL. they gave me there seed catalog with all the prices on it. all the seeds they get are from other seed companies and when they sell it, it doesn't come in the original packaging either. I bought my fem blueberry for 160 canadian or 80 british pounds. the books that they sell for example the jorge cevantes latest bible on the book it says clearlt for 24.95 cdn but then you see a sticker covering it says 50 bucks! I do admit that they need to make money but thats ridiculous.

And for everyone if you haven't noticed yet. but when you buy seeds from the actual company like for example: nirvana or sensi greenhouse or whatever. If you buy directly from them the prices are more expensive than an actual authorized seed bank dealers. (98% of the time)

P.S. hey cheetah, are you really from Bulgaria? if so greetings from montreal canada! Have you decided on what nutrients your goin to buy? Did you know that Canna is the only nutrient compnay to actually sell there own line of marijuana seeds? they are 100% organic, totally balanced and specifically engineered for cannabis, hence the name canna biogen. the canna boost is a bit expensive but it is worth it entirely. what I do is 1 water with nutrients and the other with just water andif you want some suppliments like b1. so basically every second water is a flush. canna is literally so balanced that you do not need a ph meter or ec. And if you really in Bulgaria then Canna weill be easy for you to get. please let me know, pm me anytime cheetah. good luck man.


Well-Known Member
yea, i'm from BG . greetings from bulgaria :D . i'll check this nutes man. i use fertilizers, but here is hard to find what i need :D .i use 20-20-20 for veg and the plant loves it .but for flowering i use some weak fertilizer 8-15-15...... but the plant loves it too :D .


Active Member
Any news on this topic?

I'm in Montreal myself and certainly not interested in paying Hightimes prices for seeds. Are any of Montreal's other head-shops good places to buy seeds for good strains?

I'm a bit worried about ordering from a place like dope-seeds myself, since they appear to be based in England, which means that anything I order though them would go through customs. I imagine that trying to import cannabis seeds could get me in more trouble than I'd like to be.

I'm also quite the newb. Oh, I've been smoking longer than many people here have been alive, but my PhD in weed-smoking does not carry over to growing. As a result, I am constantly at the mercy of greedy dealers and their shitty watered-down M39/banger strains. Everyone keeps promising "exos", but in the end, none of them come through for me. It feels like I haven't seen a proper crystal-encrusted bud in about a decade.

I smoke quite a bit (an ounce a week), but I'm sick and tired of wasting money on these shitty strains. So, at this point I'm looking to give up and just start growing. There are problems, however: I live in an apartment where, spacially speaking, growing would be an issue. Also, I have no idea how many plants I need to have growing simultaneously to support my own habit. I do like to think that if I had decent weed, I'd smoke less, but I'd still pretty much have heavyweight needs.

Um, I just realized how this has become a rather pointless rant. Anyway, any more input on good sources of high quality seeds in Mtl?

Thanks for any feedback.


Active Member
Hey, what happened to my paragraphs? I might need to figure out this board's system. Should I have coded the "breaks" in my text?

Edited to add: Got it. Sorry. :-)


Well-Known Member
hightimes 2 in pont viau but very high prices, you can get them from me im in st im going to tornto soon to get some different strain seeds


Active Member
Thanks for your reply, bnoc450.

Are the prices better in Toronto? Are there more strains available? I'm looking for ultra-potent strains - whether they're couch-locks, euphoric, or cerebral, they've GOT to be strong.

What kinds of strains do you have?


Active Member
Thanks again. I'm bilingual too, so language is not an issue.

How's ICE for a newbie-grower? As I recall, it's a nice smoke, but how is it to grow?

I just smoked a joint from the bag of generic crap I have. Man, my mouth is physically watering at the though of smoking REAL weed.

Y'see, I just smoked, so my mouth shouldn't even be watering in the first place. Ugh.


Active Member
Just a point to be precise: If I do manage to start growing, I'm not interested in commercial growing, nor do I have the facilities to get into that. It would really just be for private use, so even as a heavy smoker, I probably wouldn't need a hell of a lot of seeds. As I said above, I am in an apartment, and I am also married to a non-smoker who's been pretty patient with my own affinity for the herb, but whose patience also has limits.

Also, this may be a stupid question, but does anyone here grow and have cats? I always wonder if they'd chew my weed plants the same way they smoke my regular plants.


Well-Known Member
cant really tell you how it grows cuz im early in veg but so far so good, easy to grow and realy really dosent need much water. Got the seeds at hightimes 2 for 80$ wich was weird cause all other good strains were going for for around 150$ wich was the price for white widow i think


Active Member
Hightimes are charging 150 for Widow??? I assume you mean packs of 10?

BTW, is it worth my while to seek out "feminized" seeds?


Active Member
All right, this is bordering on spamming, but this weighs heavily on my mind.

The more I research this, the more I see I have my work cut out for me. I think I have enough questions to start my own thread, soon, since this probably is not getting much attention from anyone outside Montreal.

By the way, is there a specific reason why I can't seem to send PMs?


Well-Known Member
Hightimes are charging 150 for Widow??? I assume you mean packs of 10?

BTW, is it worth my while to seek out "feminized" seeds?
ya all packs of 10, the seeds are awsome i germed 3 and all 3 sprouted. ummm id say no for the fem seeds cause out of 10 seeds ull get a few femeales and with that you can just create your own fem seeds


Active Member
ya all packs of 10, the seeds are awsome i germed 3 and all 3 sprouted. ummm id say no for the fem seeds cause out of 10 seeds ull get a few femeales and with that you can just create your own fem seeds
Do you know, on average, how many female seeds I can expect in a pack of 10?

And by creating my own seeds, should I assume you mean by having males around to help the process. Like I said: I'm a complete growing-newb.

Northern Rites

Active Member
I see that it has already been pointed out that seeds can be purchased at high times. While I don't know what the prices are like there for myself, it was mentioned that they are very high. I recently purchased a few seeds from Le Rock on St. Catherine near St. Dominique for my first grow. They were pricing at $10 per seed with their inventory in a small lock box behind the counter. They provided me with some print-outs of their strains and some information about them but no original packaging; rather my seeds came from a small vial. Regardless, I'm hoping that they are good seeds although I can't say at this time - they're only germinating, but looking good.

Also, there is a small "A-B seeds" company that I found based out of Montreal which accepts money order or checks. I thought about contacting the guy who runs that to see if I could make a cash transaction with him, but it's in Montreal either way.
