Help!! Heat Problem!!


Well-Known Member

I've decreased the number of lights to 6, and plate a container of water within the area. The temp has dropped to 96 F and 32%. :wall:


Well-Known Member
one problem with CFL's is the ballast is built in to the light so there is no good way to get that heat to be elsewhere.
All you can do is more air circulation or less light, or an AC unit.


Well-Known Member
If you can get the humidity up above 70% then the heat won't be a problem. Try running your lights on at night and off during the day. For vegging plant, make sure the lights are off from just before noon to about 4pm or around there. Just have the lights off for the hottest parts of the day and keep the humidity high. As high as possible until buds start to thicken. I recommend a cool mist humidifier.
You're the second person to mention the cool mist system. I'm looking for one now. Do you have any suggestion where I can find one?

So what you're saying is even though my temps seem to stabalize right now in the mid-90's, that if I keep my humidity high it will be ok? I ask because I don't want to have problem with mold down the line.


Well-Known Member
If you can get the humidity up above 70% then the heat won't be a problem. Try running your lights on at night and off during the day. For vegging plant, make sure the lights are off from just before noon to about 4pm or around there. Just have the lights off for the hottest parts of the day and keep the humidity high. As high as possible until buds start to thicken. I recommend a cool mist humidifier.
You're the second person to mention the cool mist system. I'm looking for one now. Do you have any suggestion where I can find one?

So what you're saying is even though my temps seem to stabilize right now in the mid-90's, that if I keep my humidity high it will be okay? I ask because I don't want to have problem with mold down the line.


Well-Known Member
intresting thread. you doing soil or hydro. if soil it sounds like it's ok to have high temps. If hydro dwc bubbler it's not good cause you want to keep roots at 68 70 degrees and no more. You definetly have problems with the plants if you go hydro with that heat. unless you have a built in ice maker for your res.


Well-Known Member
That other guy is me too. :lol: I keep getting banned because I K- the mods and stop by the old threads where I continue to set 'em straight. ;-)

High temps are okay if you can keep enough moisture in the air that the plant don't have to evaporate all their water off to stay cool. If you can't get temps down... get the humidity up. you're a RIU Rebel :mrgreen:

I'm looking online to see if I can get a cool mist humidifier shipped to me. I have much respect for everyone that grow inside.

Which growing method do you suggest with CFL? SOG, SCROG, etc. It must be completely organic.


Well-Known Member
intresting thread. you doing soil or hydro. if soil it sounds like it's ok to have high temps. If hydro dwc bubbler it's not good cause you want to keep roots at 68 70 degrees and no more. You definetly have problems with the plants if you go hydro with that heat. unless you have a built in ice maker for your res.
I'm going to be growing in Fox Farm's Happy Frog Organic Soil. The temp is stabilizing around mid to lower 90's. I'm going to buy a humidifier tomorrow and see if that will increase my humidity. I just want to make sure that I'm not going to be growing in vain if I can't get the temps back into the mid 70's.

The funny thing is when the lights are off the temps remain between 70-75, but as soon as I turn on the CFLs the temps sky rocket back into the 90s. I think I was lied to when I read that CFLs don't excessive heat.



Well-Known Member
cfl's r wicked hot. If your leaves spend anytime hitting the bulb they will fry and in any enclosed area they will make your temps sky rocket I have a grow box and have to leave the door open to keep my temps down and when te lights are off have to keep blankets on the box to keep the temps around 60 plus so it doesn't get to cold. I also have to have a stealth heater in my res. my grow box is in on my three season porch so I am still affected by the weather. you can unscrew a few lights it's not gonna make a huge diffrence with growth. I have 2 42 watt 4 26 watts my grew to about 19"inches. before I had to chop one for turning male on me. most of your growth will come when you move to 12/12.


Well-Known Member

I bought a cool mist humidifier today.

This morning I checked in the room (lights off) and the temperature was 76F with a humidity of 55% prior to using the mist and turning on the exhaust fan.

I ran the humidifier for about an hour before cutting on the lights and the exhaust fan so that I can have a few different variables to go by in this experiment. The humidity rose by 20% and stabilized between 70-75%.

With the lights off, and the exhaust on the humidity fell 15% and stabilize between 55-60%.

With the complete system running: lights on, exhaust and circulatory fan running, and the cool mist humidifier functioning...I let the system run for another hour. Sad to say the temps rose drastically to around 92-95F and the humidity fell between 35-40%. :wall:

With this information...can anyone see the flaws or where there's the need to make modifications.

I will be taking more pics today and posting it so you can see what I see.
I think I'm going to start my journal today also so I'll make sure and leave a link on this page when I do.

:peace: One Love :peace:


Well-Known Member
hmmm. iv never heard that its ok to have high temps, if you have high humidity too...your best bet will be to take that cooler back and invest in a larger fan...maybe 160cfm or so. then use the bigger one as your intake, and keep the smaller one as your exhuast. that way the air has a chance to circulate before it escapes.


Well-Known Member
Congrats on getting the humidifier. It's such an underrated investment. I only run mine when the lights are on. Without those CFLs burning off all the moisture, RH levels should be okay for you. 50% RH at 76* is nice.

Where are you exhausting to? If the exhaust air is being recirculated through the intake it's going to keep your temps high. Fill us in on the exhaust setup and get us some pics if you can.

If you're growing organic you should check out Subcool's Super Soil thread. If you want organic I would do something like that on a drip. You should check out Subcool's write-ups, they're full of great ideas.

With CFLs you'll have to keep your plants short unless you can surround the plants with side-lighting. I would suggest sea of green in like 1/2 gallon bags on a drip.

The air is being exhausted into the adjoining room. I plan on using surround lighting using an idea that I've seen by another grower on here that had a successful grow using them. (Pics will be up later on today once I get home, and create my grow journal...I'll make sure and leave the link on here) I'm definitely looking into using a drip system, but I'm still researching on how to set it up. I'm open to suggestions.


Well-Known Member
how big is your pace there is no way that 4"fan is gonna do much. I have for my 2x2x2.5 cubed box and it does shit. your gonna have to go bigger I made the same mistake. I am buying 2 6" air boosters 250 cfm.


Well-Known Member
hmmm. iv never heard that its ok to have high temps, if you have high humidity too...your best bet will be to take that cooler back and invest in a larger fan...maybe 160cfm or so. then use the bigger one as your intake, and keep the smaller one as your exhuast. that way the air has a chance to circulate before it escapes.
I will keep your suggestion on the bigger fan in mind. If I don't get any positive result out of this project by this weekend I will try that option.


Well-Known Member
how big is your pace there is no way that 4"fan is gonna do much. I have for my 2x2x2.5 cubed box and it does shit. your gonna have to go bigger I made the same mistake. I am buying 2 6" air boosters 250 cfm.
My measurements are 2x2x4. I thought my cfm would've been good for this small space, but now I know better. Like everything else in life, we live and we learn. I should be home in a few hours so I will put up some of the pics then. I'm seriously thinking about relocating my grow area


Well-Known Member
Get another fan and point it directly on the lites to help cool them, and add more vents, the plants will grow fine for veg if you can lower the temp to 95 deg. And look for a plant strain that is grown in a hot climate. My grow room runs around 92 deg, and it does fine. Your growth will be a lil slugish. AND DEFFINATLY A DRIP SYSTEM WILL HELP


Well-Known Member
Get another fan and point it directly on the lites to help cool them, and add more vents, the plants will grow fine for veg if you can lower the temp to 95 deg. And look for a plant strain that is grown in a hot climate. My grow room runs around 92 deg, and it does fine. Your growth will be a lil slugish. AND DEFFINATLY A DRIP SYSTEM WILL HELP
Thanks for the insight. When your room remains around 92F, what is your humidty like?

Are you using a drip system? If so, can you give me some suggestions on how your setup looks? Any Pics?


Active Member
i have never used cfls but i have 2600w inside and temp should be around 76 day 65 night acording to the kings of cannibus check out the sight video and all