Well-Known Member
I don’t know what I’m talking about? Says the guy ordering his seeds from attitude seeds
I’m not gonna recommended diesel seeds from TopDawg when I haven’t grown it. The only time I’ve grown diesel was clones from Oakland. I grew ECSD once around like 2010 and it was trash..could of been TopDawg
Ecsd is the true sour diesel cut that flooded the east coast and is pure gas , still haven’t found any strain that comes close to it . I’m guessing you didn’t have the correct cut , also it is a true bitch to grow and everything has to be dialed in just right in order to get her full potential. I got a pack of gellati, London pound cke , cereal milk and Gary Payton and not one of them puts a candle to the ecsd cut . Anyone who grew up here in the early 2000s knows the sour im taking about , $20 a .8 ny ma ct