What did you accomplish today?

Our housing on Guam was concrete filled block with a flat concrete roof. The shutters were 3/4 inch plywood you pinned closed with a 16 penny nail. We had 6 typhoons in 2 years, one a cat 4/5. Went through 2 minor hurricanes in Miss. also. I don't miss them at all.

As a lad I lived on Clark AFB in the Philippines for a few years (Dad was SAC) - to say we saw a bit of weather would be a severe understatement.
During the torrential rains we would occasionally hear the muffled ~Boom~ of unexploded ordnance going off in mud-slides in the mountains.
Needless to say we did not venture into the mountains.

But we did see the Bataan death march road and visited Corregidor island (mid/late 60's).
That transformed me as my Father explained what had happened in these places.
What about trying to graft it and cutting out the bad part? I have not attempted it, but it is a thought.
the problem with that is you can't do it and expect any kind of harvest: with the amount of foliage and top growth it will dry out and die before the endogenous water transport system grows back. If he had a lot of specialized equipment (humid barometric chamber) he might, just might pull it off. It works in fruit trees because it's done in winter when metabolism is almost in stasis.
the problem with that is you can't do it and expect any kind of harvest: with the amount of foliage and top growth it will dry out and die before the endogenous water transport system grows back. If he had a lot of specialized equipment (humid barometric chamber) he might, just might pull it off. It works in fruit trees because it's done in winter when metabolism is almost in stasis.
I learn so much here..
the problem with that is you can't do it and expect any kind of harvest: with the amount of foliage and top growth it will dry out and die before the endogenous water transport system grows back. If he had a lot of specialized equipment (humid barometric chamber) he might, just might pull it off. It works in fruit trees because it's done in winter when metabolism is almost in stasis.
I figured a slight chance of success is better than watching it die. Desperate times and all...