What did you accomplish today?

I figured a slight chance of success is better than watching it die. Desperate times and all...
Personally, I'd move it so it has less direct sunlight, spray the infected area with 2-3% peroxide and just let it ride and see what happens

edit: at this time is just the phloem girdled, that controls the top down flow (tops to roots) containing sugars and metabolites created by the leaves etc. Xylem is the bottom top flow, minerals and water from roots upward. Given the non-willted tops , the xylem isn't yet affected. It may likely plug up due to the fungus but it might not. Let the bitch ride
Personally, I'd move it so it has less direct sunlight, spray the infected area with 2-3% peroxide and just let it ride and see what happens

edit: at this time is just the phloem girdled, that controls the top down flow (tops to roots) containing sugars and metabolites created by the leaves etc. Xylem is the bottom top flow, minerals and water from roots upward. Given the non-willted tops , the xylem isn't yet affected. It may likely plug up due to the fungus but it might not. Let the bitch ride
As a youngster I saw an illustration in which a girdled fruit tree was saved by grafting a few fresh twigs into the healthy cambium top and bottom. Would such a procedure work (or usefully improve his odds) here?
As a youngster I saw an illustration in which a girdled fruit tree was saved by grafting a few fresh twigs into the healthy cambium top and bottom. Would such a procedure work (or usefully improve his odds) here?
I saved an ash tree in my back yard that my son took his frustrations out on with a baseball bat by doing something like that. I cut off the "bark" in chunks about 3" wide and long enough to span the girdle from above and below it, then fit them in the gaps. I did that in 3 places around the tree and they grew together fine and it didn't even loose leaves. It blew over in a wind storm a few years later, but it was healthy.
As a youngster I saw an illustration in which a girdled fruit tree was saved by grafting a few fresh twigs into the healthy cambium top and bottom. Would such a procedure work (or usefully improve his odds) here?
Not likely, you'd need a bridge say a ribbon of healthy green "bark" and the exacting conditions humidity, disease control, hormones and nutrients, to feed the tissue and keep it alive, halt desiccation and to growth/blend with the separate stem parts. Cannabis is a herbaceous annual vs a woody perennial. As well, it would have to be seriously trimmed above the infection, way too much water transport demand. Further, it's geared in flower as opposed to vegetative cycle. Wrong time of year and wrong conditions . If one had access to a well equipped plant lab it would be a fun exercise, with a low percent of success
For a start
In @DustyDuke 's case it has to be the Australian Crawl

(front crawl)
what caused that?
Not sure.
It's humid & the air is still, which is a perfect environment for mold/mildew.
But my other plants are fine.
I even found more branches that had mold infections and sprayed them too.

Non-pro tip:
Wear gloves before you mess with liquid asphalt spray.

(91% rubbing alcohol does not work at all as a solvent -- which was a very unpleasant surprise. :shock: :sad:)
Not sure.
It's humid & the air is still, which is a perfect environment for mold/mildew.
But my other plants are fine.
I even found more branches that had mold infections and sprayed them too.

Non-pro tip:
Wear gloves before you mess with liquid asphalt spray.

(91% rubbing alcohol does not work at all as a solvent -- which was a very unpleasant surprise. :shock: :sad:)
Try low-odor mineral spirits or Coleman fuel. Toluene or xylene work great but are somewhat more toxic.
@420God congrats, you are in for a challenge, personally I preferred wildland and search and rescue calls to traffic accidents and house fires. I wont say be careful, but be calculating, always have an out an escape, you didnt create the emergency no reason to compound it.

Put in my two weeks and accepted a job...wait for it...

In Denver! Indagrow is on the move
Id say hit me up when you get here, Ill show you around, but I dont get out much.