OK then. Biden 2020.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to vote for Trump again.
I like voting for the under dog.
And with all these people bashing Trump for stuff he hasn't even done.
I feel he deserves the vote.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to vote for Trump again.
I like voting for the under dog.
And with all these people bashing Trump for stuff he hasn't even done.
I feel he deserves the vote.

Well then you're not very bright, and that's OK. I'm glad that you recognize that and freely admit it.

Also, you're not in Weed, although you are in California, so you should just not vote at all because a vote for trump will be wasted in this State.



Well-Known Member
I'm going to vote for Trump again.
I like voting for the under dog.
And with all these people bashing Trump for stuff he hasn't even done.
I feel he deserves the vote.
We stopped him from fucking up healthcare. I blame him for trying.

His Muslim ban. We stopped his first attempt. He managed to find a legal argument. I blame him for that.

He appointed a judge who is staunchly against the right of women to make their own medical decisions. The judge is a rapist who doesn't see anything wrong with what he did. I blame Trump for him being on the SCOTUS.

He is setting back the world-wide development of alternatives to fossil fuel and making it harder to combat global warming. The increased number of floods and hurricanes we currently are experiencing? I blame him for that.

The rise in hate crimes? Yeah, I blame him for that.

Get you head out of your ass. Trump is a fucked up leader.


Well-Known Member
I can only imagine the uproar on this echo chamber if there were videos of Trump being a sexual predator by grabbing young girls from behind like old Joe Biden does.

Not that he ever will, but if Biden gets into the White House I'd make sure there is an age restriction for girls before visiting.

As much as the left seem to love pedophilia, young girls don't deserve to be attacked from behind by dirty old Bidens.
Is that what you really think, to connotate Biden contacts with women defines him as a sexual predator? ?
That Biden is a pedo deep down inside?
I always knew Brit's were fools (Brexit is a good example)) and you just helped to prove my point.
Your mind is fucked


Well-Known Member
I'm British, I couldn't care less who your president is.
If your a Brit and don't care, you sure as fuck spend a lot of time here discussing American politics.
Why don't u find a weed site in GB and talk your shite there, because your country is just about to get fucked hard next month with your own version of an incompetent asshole.
I'm Irish, and laughing now as I watch the greatest Empire on Earth (lol), slowly dissolve.
Brexit is going to fuck you hard.
Good :)



Well-Known Member
I'm going to vote for Trump again.
I like voting for the under dog.
And with all these people bashing Trump for stuff he hasn't even done.
I feel he deserves the vote.
list the items you think Trump has been wrongly accused of..no answer means you're just full of shite and so is your post.

here..let me help:



Well-Known Member
If your a Brit and don't care, you sure as fuck spend a lot of time here discussing American politics.
Why don't u find a weed site in GB and talk your shite there, because your country is just about to get fucked hard next month with your own version of an incompetent asshole.
I'm Irish, and laughing now as I watch the greatest Empire on Earth (lol), slowly dissolve.
Brexit is going to fuck you hard.
Good :)

we don't care who their prime minister is..why should you care, jim?


Well-Known Member
I'd define him by his posting here. He appears to be immature and craving attention. He has started 17 threads in the past month dealing in many diverse subjects like "do flies sleep?" and his constant diarrhea. :roll:

So I've defined him as a teenager. :lol:

Buck started it. I've been learning to troll from him.