Hay? Whats that smell.


Well-Known Member
Hi people,

I have some weed that just won't turn. I have done this before with no problems but this time the cut-grass or hay smell just wont go away.

I dried for a week, went into jars, temps in the mid 70's no moisture but I burped anyway. It feels dry but stems dont snap. they been that way for three weeks now. I dont know if I over dried them so today I am adding moisture with a damp paper towel and I am going to try again.

I have had three harvest's in the past without this problem. funny thing is it is the same stuff. I have cloned the same strain 3 times.

The only thing different was with this batch towards the end I had some trouble, in about the 4th week of flower they got over nuted but I fixed that by flushing.

Any ideas? Do you think I am on the right track?


Well-Known Member
May have dried to fast. The reason buds that are dried to fast smell like grass or hay is because they dried before the by-products of photosynthesis (nitrates, sugars, starches) got to fully break down. Drying in the dark helps this process along. Did you dry in a dark area? You said the stems still won't snap, how dry does the stuff feel? Did you hang then brown bag them then jar them or did you skip the brwon bag step? If the stems won't snap it doesn't sound like they are too dry, so can you describe how they feel? When you squeeze them between your fingers gently does it seem kind moist inside or does it break up (brittle)?


Well-Known Member
Well lets see,

I hung them for a week in a closet with a fan, and they felt dry, almost too dry. The stems didnt snap but The buds were brittle so they went into jars.

I didnt paper bag it because I felt the fan was too much for them. Although the fan wasnt facing the buds it did move the air.

I didn't use a fan before and they turned out fine but this was summer and temps were in the high 70s

So. Hung in closet for one week, three weeks in jars. One gallon mason jars, I burped daily for an hour or so but there was no moistures in the jars to speak of.

So assuming I over dried, but the stems didnt snap. Will adding moisture and putting them in a cool damp place like the refrigerator for a couple weeks get the by-products of photosynthesis (nitrates, sugars, starches) to to break down properly?

Thats what I did last night. I added moisture with a damp paper towel. Then removed the towel today and put them in the fridge. The buds were not brittle nor were they damp. they felt just right to me.


Well-Known Member
I have come to the conclusion the hay smell that wont go away wasn't caused by drying or curring. I forgot to mention I only flushed for one week and I flushed for two weeks before. I will give it two full weeks in the fridge but I dont think it will matter.

I bought some bubble bags to make hash out of it all.


Well-Known Member
What where the nutes you used? Organic? If so the flush shouldn't matter anyway cause it affects the taste not smell.


Well-Known Member
Did you harvest early? Buds that aren't ready can keep that hay smell/taste.
There is a possibilty. although I did flower for 9 weeks we did have a lighting issue that stressed the plants a couple weeks before harvest.

Maybe they were not ready. Some of the trichs were milky, some were amber. I am still leaning to the fact that I only flushed for a week though.

Thanks for the imput guys.


Well-Known Member
There is a possibilty. although I did flower for 9 weeks we did have a lighting issue that stressed the plants a couple weeks before harvest.

Maybe they were not ready. Some of the trichs were milky, some were amber. I am still leaning to the fact that I only flushed for a week though.

Thanks for the imput guys.

It's possible. Nutes can leave a strange chemical smell/taste in your buds and make them harsh to smoke.

Token Everyday

Active Member
i had the same problem with my harvest everybody told me it was probably harvested to early and the grassy smell is chlorophyll i was growing northern lights x big bud


Well-Known Member
Hi people,

I have some weed that just won't turn. I have done this before with no problems but this time the cut-grass or hay smell just wont go away.

I dried for a week, went into jars, temps in the mid 70's no moisture but I burped anyway. It feels dry but stems dont snap. they been that way for three weeks now. I dont know if I over dried them so today I am adding moisture with a damp paper towel and I am going to try again.

I have had three harvest's in the past without this problem. funny thing is it is the same stuff. I have cloned the same strain 3 times.

The only thing different was with this batch towards the end I had some trouble, in about the 4th week of flower they got over nuted but I fixed that by flushing.

Any ideas? Do you think I am on the right track?
Take one of the buds and squeeze it. You may be surprised if it lets the aroma out...seriously, give it a squeeze.