Gun control is coming

Now your just full of crap re 1-100 hunters not being ethical FFS, you have lost all credibility in your argument so no sense wasting time.
California also recently outlawed hunting bears with packs of blood thirsty hound dogs for precisely that reason, it was unethical. Yes, many hunters, especially trophy hunters are unethical human beings.
Why do you hunters
need guns when you could use pick up trucks or even scissors and paper clips? Isn’t that the argument gun mentalists use when there’s a mass shooting, “ oh they’d find a way, look at all the knife crime in the uk, you can’t walk the streets without being eviscerated”.
Find another hobby which makes your penis look big, monster trucks should do it.
I guess that’s an argument that is used. But guns will never be banned here or the States, pretty sure that hasn’t happened in the UK either has it? It’s not an argument I would use because I’m smart enough to know no guns = non gun violence, kind of a no brainer actually lol. As for my liking to hunt, yup pretty hard to justify it in most circumstances to a person who is against it so I don’t try. but that really is not the debate here as much as that’s what you seem to rely on in your argument. The all or nothing is what I’m talking about. Kind of like the “give me Bernie or I’ll give you Trump” thing. As for as the big dick thing, my penis is pretty much normal size and stays the same when I’m hunting, perhaps even smaller as it’s typically pretty cold when I’m trying to get a deer for the freezer. I’ll check next time though just to be sure.
California also recently outlawed hunting bears with packs of blood thirsty hound dogs for precisely that reason, it was unethical. Yes, many hunters, especially trophy hunters are unethical human beings.
That’s a good thing, it was an unethical way to hunt, the reasoning used was to ensure male bears were killed when treed and not sows, but you would know that right? And yes there are unethical people everywhere. You said 99% of hunters are unethical though ....... I called bullshit but you have failed to provide any relevant data so yup still bullshit, unless your personal belief is all hunters are. Then that’s a personal feeling. When trying to have a debate about the serious issue of stopping mass killing it might be smarter to use Data and not “feelings” lol.
My point is you won’t do shit with your all or nothing fight, kind of like what is/has been accomplished. By threatening gun owners/hunters by saying shit like we won’t like it is really not helping your cause. I don’t support what the NRA stands for either, but by your reasoning all gun owners do, they don’t support what I think should be responsible gun ownership. But if it came between you and all hunters are assholes and the NRA and me keeping my guns I’d probably think about supporting them instead of the support I give to logical thought out gun control groups. I truly believe hunters and the programs we have here to become a hunter/gun owner are working. Now we need to tackle the illegal/criminal issues and the social issues that are actually causing the deaths of innocents. My point is your distinction between legal law abiding gun owners and NRA second amendment nuts is clouded. 97% of US citizens want assault rifles banned and more controls, can’t be all non gun owners now can they?
What has been accomplished by giving gun owners the lead on this issue?

It is a statement of fact that non-gun owners are a super majority and its only though our cooperation have gun laws been so lax. It is also a fact that gun owners need to get busy on this issue or they will not have a say in how we legislate the new system of gun safety and control laws. Trying to get along with this industry hasn't done us any good. So, here it is. Face the facts. If gun owners don't like them, tough. It's not as if non gun owners are demanding the sacrifice of thousands of lives each year like "gun rights" advocates are doing. Policies that aren't based upon fact are bad ones and its time we fix this one.
What has been accomplished by giving gun owners the lead on this issue?

It is a statement of fact that non-gun owners are a super majority and its only though our cooperation have gun laws been so lax. It is also a fact that gun owners need to get busy on this issue or they will not have a say in how we legislate the new system of gun safety and control laws. Trying to get along with this industry hasn't done us any good. So, here it is. Face the facts. If gun owners don't like them, tough. It's not as if non gun owners are demanding the sacrifice of thousands of lives each year like "gun rights" advocates are doing. Policies that aren't based upon fact are bad ones and its time we fix this one.
Cooperation from hunters by calling 99% of hunters unethical? cooperation by saying all hunters should give up hunting? Ok carry on lol. Perhaps being from Canada I have a different outlook as to how gun owners are involved and active in gun control. I honestly do hope you guys get it figured out for yours and our sake.
Cooperation from hunters by calling 99% of hunters unethical? cooperation by saying all hunters should give up hunting? Ok carry on lol. Perhaps being from Canada I have a different outlook as to how gun owners are involved and active in gun control. I honestly do hope you guys get it figured out for yours and our sake.
For decades, hunters have had the opportunity to take ownership of this issue but they haven't. I'm not saying all gun owners are unethical. Maybe somebody else said 99% of "all hunters" are unethical, I didn't. I'm saying gun owners -- the vast majority of whom have never hunted -- have been opposing rational gun laws for far too long to be thought of as anything other than useless.

Also, nobody of consequence is calling for the end of hunting or the end of gun sales to hunters. But hunters will have to face tighter scrutiny, restrictions on what they can purchase, what ammunition they can buy and other regulations. They aren't going to like it. Tough nuggets.
For decades, hunters have had the opportunity to take ownership of this issue but they haven't. I'm not saying all gun owners are unethical. Maybe somebody else said 99% of "all hunters" are unethical, I didn't. I'm saying gun owners -- the vast majority of whom have never hunted -- have been opposing rational gun laws for far too long to be thought of as anything other than useless.

Also, nobody of consequence is calling for the end of hunting or the end of gun sales to hunters. But hunters will have to face tighter scrutiny, restrictions on what they can purchase, what ammunition they can buy and other regulations. They aren't going to like it. Tough nuggets.
Is this your answer to ending mass shootings? If not, why diminish the rights of millions of law abiding citizens for a few that are disturbed?
Is this your answer to ending mass shootings? If not, why diminish the rights of millions of law abiding citizens for a few that are disturbed?
This thread is about gun control, not the "mentally ill" red herring that the NRA and Republicans are using. But let's talk about that.

Are you endorsing giving control of who owns a gun to a government-staff psychiatrist? How would that even work? Can you give any examples of where that kind of program has cut the rate of deaths due to gun violence?

Too many violent people would pass a mental health evaluation for your ideas to actually cut into the rate of gun violence. How would a new test be designed? Can you give any examples?

You'd think that the prospect of adding good jobs would be an incentive for phsychiatrists to get behind the Right wing's suggestion. But they aren't. Here is what the head of the American Psychological Association says:

On Sunday, American Psychological Association President Rosie Phillips Davis issued a similar statement, calling mass shootings a public health crisis, and advocated for gun control.

“Routinely blaming mass shootings on mental illness is unfounded and stigmatizing. Research has shown that only a very small percentage of violent acts are committed by people who are diagnosed with, or in treatment for, mental illness,” Phillips Davis said.

“The rates of mental illness are roughly the same around the world, yet other countries are not experiencing these traumatic events as often as we face them. One critical factor is access to, and the lethality of, the weapons that are being used in these crimes. Adding racism, intolerance and bigotry to the mix is a recipe for disaster,” she added.
For decades, hunters have had the opportunity to take ownership of this issue but they haven't. I'm not saying all gun owners are unethical. Maybe somebody else said 99% of "all hunters" are unethical, I didn't. I'm saying gun owners -- the vast majority of whom have never hunted -- have been opposing rational gun laws for far too long to be thought of as anything other than useless.

Also, nobody of consequence is calling for the end of hunting or the end of gun sales to hunters. But hunters will have to face tighter scrutiny, restrictions on what they can purchase, what ammunition they can buy and other regulations. They aren't going to like it. Tough nuggets.
What you propose is a great start and I think it should go farther in that I think huge restrictions be placed on handguns. Maybe if you actually took my post in the context of who I was replying to and what was being said was mostly countering those assertions it would make more sense.
What you propose is a great start and I think it should go farther in that I think huge restrictions be placed on handguns. Maybe if you actually took my post in the context of who I was replying to and what was being said was mostly countering those assertions it would make more sense.
I replied to the post you sent me. What part did I miss?
I guess that’s an argument that is used. But guns will never be banned here or the States, pretty sure that hasn’t happened in the UK either has it? It’s not an argument I would use because I’m smart enough to know no guns = non gun violence, kind of a no brainer actually lol. As for my liking to hunt, yup pretty hard to justify it in most circumstances to a person who is against it so I don’t try. but that really is not the debate here as much as that’s what you seem to rely on in your argument. The all or nothing is what I’m talking about. Kind of like the “give me Bernie or I’ll give you Trump” thing. As for as the big dick thing, my penis is pretty much normal size and stays the same when I’m hunting, perhaps even smaller as it’s typically pretty cold when I’m trying to get a deer for the freezer. I’ll check next time though just to be sure.
Most guns are going to get banned in the US next administration. Try taking deer out with a .22 air rifle limited at 12 foot pounds, that’s all we are allowed in the uk, the deer thrive here.
Most guns are going to get banned in the US next administration. Try taking deer out with a .22 air rifle limited at 12 foot pounds, that’s all we are allowed in the uk, the deer thrive here.
No they won't. Most of the country would consider it castration.

I hope I am wrong, but it won't happen with this SCOTUS.
Most guns are going to get banned in the US next administration. Try taking deer out with a .22 air rifle limited at 12 foot pounds, that’s all we are allowed in the uk, the deer thrive here.
No shotguns? And no guns are not going to be banned although I wish some where, my big thing is US handguns which are causing huge issues in other countries as well. Deer are thriving here too, I hunt deer with my bow as I have done now for 40 years. I’ve never actually used a rifle for any large game here.