Reminder: Brett kavanaugh is a rapist


Well-Known Member
Going to just repost using my old quotes since DIY-THRALL isn't reading them. Its easier than just rewording the same sentences over and over again
Ain't you figured it out yet gimmie, I'm my own man and buck is a fellow happy warrior and we are gonna make you a most unhappy warrior grimmie. Do I sound like a thrall to you? I hope so, hope you think that way too.

BTW Yer Nazi is leaking out with your choice of words...

The Gram Reaper

Well-Known Member
Ain't you figured it out yet gimmie, I'm my own man and buck is a fellow happy warrior and we are gonna make you a most unhappy warrior grimmie. Do I sound like a thrall to you? I hope so, hope you think that way too.

BTW Yer Nazi is leaking out with your choice of words...
You are your own man but please stop relying on buck.

My name is the gram reaper, it would be grammie if you wanted a nick name. Grimmi implies that I am the grim reaper.

Yes you sound like a thrall to me, just like you hoped.

Is this conversation done?


Well-Known Member
You are your own man but please stop relying on buck.

My name is the gram reaper, it would be grammie if you wanted a nick name. Grimmi implies that I am the grim reaper.

Yes you sound like a thrall to me, just like you hoped.

Is this conversation done?
For now, but the future is up to you.


Well-Known Member
My name is the gram reaper, it would be grammie if you wanted a nick name. Grimmi implies that I am the grim reaper.
A sign of weakness, yer tying yer ego to it and now we know, buck is perceptive, didn't say a word. Yer oversized ego is your weakness and you will be easily prey for those who read these words.

This ain't no place for the weak son, close yer account before @potroast has to put ya down like a rabid dog

The Gram Reaper

Well-Known Member
For now, but the future is up to you.
A sign of weakness, yer tying yer ego to it and now we know, buck is perceptive, didn't say a word. Yer oversized ego is your weakness and you will be easily prey for those who read these words.

This ain't no place for the weak son, close yer account before @potroast has to put ya down like a rabid dog
So is this conversation done, or no? Every time we agree to it, I get an alert, and its you on here talking like a pirate.


Well-Known Member
Yep just spotted the post and figured you should know what is coming and why, it's unlikely you'll adapt, but, there's hope..

The Gram Reaper

Well-Known Member
Yep just spotted the post and figured you should know what is coming and why, it's unlikely you'll adapt, but, there's hope..
I’m gonna call you grimy
Here we go, again.

You spotted it because buck pointed it out for you. I said in that same post to be your own man and here he is spoon feeding you. Let me just repost everything again so we can keep backtracking for your memory.

You are your own man but please stop relying on buck.

My name is the gram reaper, it would be grammie if you wanted a nick name. Grimmi implies that I am the grim reaper.

Yes you sound like a thrall to me, just like you hoped.

Is this conversation done?
This ain't no place for the weak son, close yer account before @potroast has to put ya down like a rabid dog
How many times have you threatened this in the past two days? Do you really have that much power over him?


Well-Known Member
Here we go, again.

You spotted it because buck pointed it out for you. I said in that same post to be your own man and here he is spoon feeding you. Let me just repost everything again so we can keep backtracking for your memory.

How many times have you threatened this in the past two days? Do you really have that much power over him?
Because I've found it to be true of those driven by hatred, fear, delusion and greed, Trumpers and folks like you. Most of the Trumpers are normal people but have their perceptions distorted by these strong emotions, your different though.

Ya know something interesting grimy, all the times I said you were a psychopath on here in public, you never once protested that you were not, a normal person would have been outraged at such an accusation, not you. You were busy defending your ego and assumed I spoke the truth about that part of you and it didn't bother you at all. Interesting isn't it?
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Well-Known Member
Here we go, again.

You spotted it because buck pointed it out for you. I said in that same post to be your own man and here he is spoon feeding you. Let me just repost everything again so we can keep backtracking for your memory.

How many times have you threatened this in the past two days? Do you really have that much power over him?
Ya know grimy I been feeling a bit bad about what I did and would like to make amends.

You'll be happy to know that the reason I'm here at this late hour is I got a bum knee and it hurts like fucking Hell and has for awhile, got the other one replaced. It comes from trying to fold yerself up like a fucking pretzel on a meditation cushion for a old gentle master who was taught that way. It had many benefits, if you were raised in a culture where there were no fucking chairs! For westerners, not so much and it fucked up my practice more than it helped it.

So I'm sitting here up late hurting like fuck, but ya know something grimy, I'm not suffering at all and I'm quite happy and content. It's quite behind my eyeballs for the most part grimy, silent as is my house, because I can live with my thoughts and my conscience is clear. If it wasn't for hurting and getting off my circadian rhythm I'd be sleeping right now like a normal goddamn human being.

I'm sure you'll be delighted I'm hurt'n...

The Gram Reaper

Well-Known Member
Ya know grimy I been feeling a bit bad about what I did and would like to make amends.

You'll be happy to know that the reason I'm here at this late hour is I got a bum knee and hurts like fucking Hell and has for awhile, got the other one replaced. It comes from trying to fold yerself up like a fucking pretzel on a meditation cushion for a old gentle master who was taught that way. It had many benefits, if you were raised in a culture where there were no fucking chairs! For westerners, not so much and it fucked up my practice more than it helped it.
So I'm sitting here up late hurting like fuck, but ya know something grimy, I'm not suffering at all and I'm quite happy and content. It's quite behind my eyeballs for the most part grimy, silent as is my house, because I can live with my thoughts and my conscience clear. If it wasn't for hurting and getting off my circadian rhythm I'd be sleeping right now like a normal goddamn human being.

I'm sure you'll be delighted I'm hurt'n...
Shit, I didn't know pirates did meditation. You can stay up late, it doesn't bother me.The only one that gets mad when you stay up past your bedtime is buck.


Well-Known Member
Buck and the boys are gonna love this shit grimy... Sock time I should think, if yer smart enough to know how.


Well-Known Member
For those who think my treatment of the gram reaper to be cruel or unjust, here is my reply to his many pm's whining about not being able to get back at me while he was temporarily banned for antisocial activity. My reply was while he was still banned, a wise man would have known better ,or I should say a smarter psychopath, that was my opinion and now it is my judgement.

They know yer an asshole and I'm pressing yer buttons Gimmie

Like most of the cunning yer really socially and emotionally retarded and have a ton of blind spots for normal human interaction, most of which you can't understand because yer missing brain parts Grimmie

Your choice of icons says a lot about you, a more effective approach to being a real cocksucker besides your socks is to appear innocent and yer icon is a dead give way, yer ego wants people to know who they are up against an really scary monster. If we met in person and I eyeballed ya I could look through you like glass, here I just read between the lines and the more info I get the more effective I become.

You've had but a small taste of it, I'm a nice guy, but I've identified you and will behave accordingly, I give a lot o benefit to folks, until I'm sure about what they are and I don't know who you are, but I do know what you are. Rob is mostly harmless and I talk to him and joke. But yer the genuine article and my approach to your deceitful and manipulative behaviors will be quite different and quite painful I can assure you.

People tie there egos to the strangest of things and ya can reach out and touch them and make em hurt, you know this on some level. Guys like you figure yer smarter than everybody else and have a real big ego cause ya need it as a defense because of your habitual behaviors. The bigger the ego the easier it is to get to and the harder it falls.

When ya die you'll squeal like a pig in fear, I won't though
Bye Grimmie

I'm a Happy warrior and you are a most unhappy one Grimmie and will be more so into the future. The great mike Tyson said:

"Every body has a plan until they are punched in the face" so far you've only been bitch slapped.

Copy and post it if ya want, but don't make any changes now! Yer a creature of habit and are easily trapped cause yer also stupid too.

Hope this helps

Compassion comes first.