Reminder: Brett kavanaugh is a rapist


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately this is what I'm dealing with Cody just PM'd me, I don't know why he doesn't take a break and do the 90 day wonder as we call it in the trade.

Waste of breath, you guys don’t have to debate Uncensored like we do in any other area. Everyone said bad shit but only us weed growers buck brought over were censored. Lol then he deletes the tags and makes everyone think we trolled you guys. You guys know though, it’s part of your strategy to get last word.


Well-Known Member
Exactly you guys are all little bitches In the politic thread. You have an admin deleting all of our comments and then bannng us from Responding and you guys know it but act like you schooled us and we cant reply. Cowards I bet you would run like bitches if we were taking face to face. Your boyfriend buck played you guys and deleted the tag at the beginning of the trolling thread. Your all corrupt and you know it, your admin included. Cowards. Not a threat for you cry babies just saying your scared little bitches who hide behind admins.
Hello How are you ? You seem rather upset. Does the internet often causes you to feel this way ?


Well-Known Member
Bottom line is buck trolled gram reaper, myself and a bunch of other people cause he couldn’t win an argument in the outdoor section. He knew your admin would sensor us and you guys would back him. The jokes not on us. Think I’ll stick with the real weed growers, this area is pathetic and corrupt. You guys know it too.
Do cry in the shower so no one can see or hear your tears and moans


Well-Known Member
Totally not triggered! :lol:

So a little background. This mental midget starts posting offensive stuff in the Politics Forum, and after I had to delete many of his posts, I gave him a warning. The system then sends him a PM about it, and he responded to the PM 5 times! :shock:

Yep, totally not triggered! :lol:

Since then he has clicked on the Report button on so many posts in this forum that the other Mods want to get rid of him. All of this in addition to his constant juvenile rants claiming to be the victim of unfair treatment.

Yep, totally not triggered! :lol:

Yet the one thing that he cannot hide is his affection for talking about sucking cock. I don't understand it, but then I don't live in the middle of nowhere Canada. :lol:

Corrupt and you know it, you only banned us growers and I’ve been here years first time it’s happened. No one does shit about bucks bullshit ruining threads in outdoor area. You didn’t ban the other people swearing. I’m done with this area, if you need to ban that bad go ahead. This site is getting sad, and I see why now. Your a troll too I guess


Well-Known Member
Yeah pointless and my shit will just get deleted anyway. Good strategy winning debates on here guys
Let me tell ya what I think Cody, it's just an opinion and they are like arse holes in that everybody got one.

From what I've seen of @UncleBuck and I haven't been here that long, is that he has an extremely low tolerance for bullshit of all kinds, probably including my own. I figure he's values driven and is fighting for social change, tolerance and of late the soul of his country, one heart and mind at a time, in the only way he knows how and in the only place he probably can, his community, and this is what this is a community. I have only seen him defend the weak and vulnerable, is my opinion a patriot and a "happy warrior", who fights social division and of late, for the soul of his country, with shall we say different methods than me. He is intelligent, witty, sarcastic and acerbic, gets to the point and will bury you in argument, if yer a reasonable person on the wrong side of a moral or ethical issue. and I don't mind that in a man cause I'm like it my self, only a Hell of a lot more long winded. :lol: It is not for me to judge such a man, because I find him to be courageous, honorable and for the most part honest (we all lie a little bit). Most of the values and opinions he expresses we share and we share a battle against what I consider evil too, I'd rather talk about ideas and policy issues, but other important social factors have to be addressed first. America must win the internal struggle for it's soul, all us outsiders can do is try to help and lessen their suffering, we can also offer wise council to those who are willing to hear.

If he wasn't of some value to the community and didn't provide the valuable services to the platform in policing it for trolls, arse holes and Russians? who the fuck would know what kind of Hell hole this place would descend into, @potroast give the fucker a trophy. If he was a true asshole pot roast would have pulled the pin on him long ago, but he had faith in a values driven man too.
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Well-Known Member
Let me tell ya what I think Cody, it's just an opinion and they are like arse holes in that everybody got one.

From what I've seen of @UncleBuck and I haven't been here that long, is that he has an extremely low tolerance for bullshit of all kinds, probably including my own. I figure he's values driven and is fighting for social change, tolerance and of late the soul of his country, one heart and mind at a time, in the only way he knows how and in the only place he probably can, his community, and this is what this is a community. I have only seen him defend the weak and vulnerable, is my opinion a patriot and a "happy warrior", who fights social division and of late, for the soul of his country, with shall we say different methods than me. He is intelligent, witty, sarcastic and acerbic, gets to the point and will bury you in argument, if yer a reasonable person on the wrong side of a moral or ethical issue. and I don't mind that in a man cause I'm like it my self, only a Hell of a lot more long winded. :lol: It is not for me to judge such a man, because I find him to be courageous, honorable and for the most part honest (we all lie a little bit). Most of the values and opinions he expresses we share and we share a battle against what I consider evil too, I'd rather talk about ideas and policy issues, but other important social factors have to be addressed first. America must win the internal struggle for it's soul, all us outsiders can do is try to help and lesson their suffering, we can also offer wise council to those who are willing to hear.

If he wasn't of some value to the community and didn't provide the valuable services to the platform in policing it for trolls, arse holes and Russians? who the fuck would know what kind of Hell hole this place would descend into, @potroast give the fucker a trophy. If he was a true asshole pot roast would have pulled the pin on him long ago, but he had faith in a values driven man too.
All see I him do is go on the outdoor thread and ruin people’s Threads. Most are new members who he torments until they go somewhere else. Your an ass kisser and fit in here. I see why buck gets away with it, the admins are active in this area. Go back and look how he trolled us to the trolling thread and then deleted the post where he tagged us, he thinks your all below him. He’s laughing at you fools and you don’t even realize it. Don’t be pissed at me for making you guys see it. I’ll say it again when have you ever seen multiple people get limited from commenting, only in your political area. Keep winning those arguments one censor at a time.


Well-Known Member
Like how many debates have you guys “won” by getting the other guy banned? Sad and some of you probably actually think they were scared off. This should be the censor section not politic.
I keep hearing about all these times people were about to be banned only to see them whine a few posts later on them about to be banned.

You guys are trolls, troll better please, go get some of that religious Chinese propaganda and pretend it is real trying to sell it like your cult leader needs you to do so he don't go to jail.


Well-Known Member
I keep hearing about all these times people were about to be banned only to see them whine a few posts later on them about to be banned.

You guys are trolls, troll better please, go get some of that religious Chinese propaganda and pretend it is real trying to sell it like your cult leader needs you to do so he don't go to jail.
Dude they only banned us from replying on the troll thread and the creepy uncle thread.
Don’t try to twist it, your area is corrupt.....kind of Like your buddy trump.


Well-Known Member
All see I him do is go on the outdoor thread and ruin people’s Threads. Most are new members who he torments until they go somewhere else. Your an ass kisser and fit in here. I see why buck gets away with it, the admins are active in this area. Go back and look how he trolled us to the trolling thread and then deleted the post where he tagged us, he thinks your all below him. He’s laughing at you fools and you don’t even realize it. Don’t be pissed at me for making you guys see it. I’ll say it again when have you ever seen multiple people get limited from commenting, only in your political area. Keep winning those arguments one censor at a time.
Name all of the people whose threads I’ve ruined, crybaby

I’ll start:

1- @SuperNutz (who is a neo nazi)
2- @olaf687 (who is a Russian pretending to be american)


Well-Known Member
You are posting, how is that banned?
Ah I see, yeah I don't care about that, if you were spouting some stupid shit in there and got locked out that is on you, suck it up or you risk being called a snowflake. Which would be rude. Start a new thread with something you actually care about, maybe stick around and not troll and we all learn a little more about something we haven't considered before.


Well-Known Member
Name all of the people whose threads I’ve ruined, crybaby

I’ll start:

1- @SuperNutz (who is a neo nazi)
2- @olaf687 (who is a Russian pretending to be american)
Buck you go on all the new members outdoor threads and say how shitty people’s plants are cause you don’t have balls to torment well known respected growers. You know exactly what I’m talking about. I see you slowed down this past week since we outed you though. Your still my bitch though.


Well-Known Member
I’m not into wasting my time, doesn’t matter what is said you guys don’t

this isn’t any of those threads genius
Ok so you’re upset that I troll a neo nazi and a Russian pretending to be american

Go let a guy suck your dick, you’ll feel better