Reminder: Brett kavanaugh is a rapist


Well-Known Member
Didn't I tell you to take your cucking elsewhere? Do you think because you are retarded that you have special privileges?
Shit boy it looks like you got no heart and don't care about me or Cody?

I see his like was transactional, bet you feel threatened cause ya conned him with false support.
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Well-Known Member
Shit boy it looks like you got no heart and don't care about me or Cody?

I see his like was transactional, bet you feel threatened cause ya conned him with false support.
Tell me again about @UncleBuck being an alcoholic. You said that right? You guys are two faced sell outs, who talk shit about each other and laugh at making fools out of each other.


Well-Known Member
Good one buck, using that admin again to your advantage knowing we can’t reply to that trolling thread. You must like having one on tap to ban who you want. We don’t get that luxury on the grow side. Guess we don’t have admins active enough to back us over there. Not that I would do that anyway, I don’t need to manipulate threads to get
My point across or to cuckold friends with as in your case.


Well-Known Member
Tell me again about @UncleBuck being an alcoholic. You said that right? You guys are two faced sell outs, who talk shit about each other and laugh at making fools out of each other.
He maybe he did drink like a fish, lot's of nice guys do, but the moral and ethical motives and effort he has demonstrated here preclude he is drinking much now. Probably switched to pot like many and that does not fuck up the moral and ethical parts of yer brain like booze does, even when yer not chugging a dozen beers. That is one of the reasons pot smokers seldom indulge in front of their children, not out of shame, but because they don't want to influence their life's choices, at least I've found this to be the case, how bout you?. Maybe back when buck was a drink'n he might have used bad judgement, because alcohol is one of the few drugs that fucks judgement up big time.
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Well-Known Member
Out for good this time guys lol, bucks true colours have been exposed, we are going in circles and i just want to grow weed haha. I’ll have to google this Brett guy, and see what the deal is.
Anyway all the power to you boys In the politic section , have a good night.

P.S. Your both still my whores and I’m your daddy
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Well-Known Member
Stfu, idiot.
So Dongle what drives yer Nazi agenda boy?

Haven't seen ya deny that ya don't have a heart, or are ya gonna adapt?

Yer only purpose here is to cause social division and strife all of your posts are malicious too, this does not look good boy and with yer apparent neurolinguistic difficulties, it don't look good at all son.

The Gram Reaper was more verbose, but not as cunning or experienced as you.


Well-Known Member
By your analogy, Roosevelt was like Lenin because he opposed fascism and fascists like Hitler.

in other words, your post was a failure in logic.

More simply put, you are not very smart.
You pound him with reality and I'll see what his true motives are, if he'll answer my posts, seems a little gun shy to me...


Well-Known Member
Wow if you spent anytime on the outdoor grow side you’d know. Your bucks puppet. Let’s keep ignoring the fact he played everyone and deleted his comment.
Not to mention the corruption of multiple people being silenced on at least two threads. This site is becoming a joke, ban me if they want.
I grow in doors for the most part under water cooled LED cob lights of my own design and made with low income folks in mind. I run a small informal compassion club and provide medicine to others who can't afford the high prices. Half the dope I grow is CBD and I have a monster strain that is over 22% CBD and just 1% THC, wouldn't get a fucking fly high. I can post the lab results if ya like

A typical liberal eh?
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Active Member
So Dongle what drives yer Nazi agenda boy?

Haven't seen ya deny that ya don't have a heart, or are ya gonna adapt?

Yer only purpose here is to cause social division and strife all of your posts are malicious too, this does not look good boy and with yer apparent neurolinguistic difficulties, it don't look good at all son.

The Gram Reaper was more verbose, but not as cunning or experienced as you.
This is my thread now. Cucking and ratting will not be tolerated. Shape up or ship out.


Well-Known Member
This is my thread now. Cucking and ratting will not be tolerated. Shape up or ship out.
Are you practicing to be codpiece's top?

You're not very convincing but maybe a lonely self-repressed middle aged gay man in the middle of Nowhere Canada will see you as his daddy. Good luck to you and @codster25 , you two seem to have been made for each other.