Nutiant burn or lights 2 low


Hi all Growers I need some help 2 days ago plants were doin great there 2 weeks in2 flower since 1st budlets and now this cant figga it out ph 6.5 like always and same lucus formula as I always use .. I'm hoping its leds 2 close I've raised them so in pic 2 days ago less were closer but I've flushed with clean water now any help reassurance appreciated..oh temps top of growroom 30 at bottem about 27



Active Member
What temp is top of canopy? And looks like nutrient burn to me but i have never burned plants from heat, seems to be many leaves up top not effected and they would take the heat first, 99% sure nutrient related.


Hi temps uptop never get more than 31 so temps at bottem between 26/27 normally cheers 4 reply. I've cut all dries dead leafs


Active Member
Hi temps uptop never get more than 31 so temps at bottem between 26/27 normally cheers 4 reply. I've cut all dries dead leafs
Add a fan to cool down the top of canopy, have it blowing just above the canopy. I think 31 is too hot, shoot for 25-28, is plenty. Get fan with 3 or more speeds so you can adjust it perfectly. Can you post pics of the entire tent? What size intake outtake fans are you running?
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Active Member
Guaranteed gunna be happier with little less heat and better air flow:) would be best to have another fan down low for even airflow.