Did Israel have involvement in planning 9/11?


Well-Known Member
Oh my. I may have crossed the line? I hope not.. do we still have freedom of speech? Are we allowed to tell the truth? I’m off to bed.



Well-Known Member
I’ve been called every swear word on the book called retarded, so I’m testing the free speech policy.
Free speech doesn't count on a fucking privately owned forum, dumbass. You're spamming complete bullshit conspiracy theory. Right now, Facebook and others are paying BILLIONS of dollars in fines for allowing shit like that among other things.
I'm reporting every one of those shitposts as spam.
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Well-Known Member

Free speech doesn't count on a fucking privately owned forum, dumbass. You're spamming complete bullshit conspiracy theory. Right now, Facebook and others are paying BILLIONS of dollars in fines for allowing shit like that among other things.
I'm reporting every one of those shitposts as spam.
Wow I smell a snitch... btw everything posted here is on Facebook as well as YouTube..


Well-Known Member
Wow I smell a snitch...
A snitch is someone that tells on others in secret, who plays your friend and then betrays you.

I just called you a full of shit troll, told you that I was reporting your bullshit posting and let that be known in public, in the open, for everyone to see.


btw everything posted here is on Facebook as well as YouTube..
So what? This isn't them. If they nuke your shit and nuke you as well, it's entirely up to them and I sincerely hope they do. Again. After all, you've been banned already what...12 times?

Posting completely fake, nonsensical, conspiracy theory bullshit is getting the axe hand over fist these days.

Why do you think Alex Jones got banned from all social media, jackass?