What's wrong? (w pics)


Grown in Roots Organics Original Potting Soil
I'm a new grower. These were planted about 25 days ago. There were two worse leaves but I already threw those leaves out. The ONLY effected areas were the bottom two fan leaves so I pulled them off then took photos. I see the slighest bit of problem forming on the next set of leaves on one of the plants. In total it's affecting about 4 out of 10 plants. Any suggestions are more than helpful, thanks in advance!



Are you foliar feeding or misting them with the grow lights on?
No i haven't misted once and I had to look up 'foliar feeding' haha

I also haven't added any nutrients.
I don't believe I'm overwaterring as I'm letting the soil dry nearly an inch before watering again. ( I was worried I was overwaterring the first week or two.
It's very humid where I am, could it be too much humidity down there at the base? Thanks for ur input


Well-Known Member
On the forth pic I see salty water spots, at least I think so being they are round spots. But the leaves look sun burned or light shocked, that's why I was wondering if they were wet with the lights on because water has a magnifying effect.


On the forth pic I see salty water spots, at least I think so being they are round spots. But the leaves look sun burned or light shocked, that's why I was wondering if they were wet with the lights on because water has a magnifying effect.
I definently accidentally did that haha.
All the plants are at some stage of deteriorating bottom two fan leaves.
A couple plants (3 out of 10) have yellow tips however that is at the top with new growth, whereas the browing/dead leaves are at the very bottom.

Thanks for your advice.



Well-Known Member
I definently accidentally did that haha.
All the plants are at some stage of deteriorating bottom two fan leaves.
A couple plants (3 out of 10) have yellow tips however that is at the top with new growth, whereas the browing/dead leaves are at the very bottom.

Thanks for your advice.
Last pic looks like an early sign of a magnesium deficiency maybe, have you been giving her mag?


Well-Known Member
Or you could be giving too much nutes… Don't know what your setup is so just throwing out guesses.


Well-Known Member
Humidity dosent really make a difference if you have adequate air exchange and circulation.

Most put thermometer under the light and think its hot then add fans in an attempt to cool. The correct place for all meters is out of direct or indirect light whivh in a super reflective tent can be very hard yo do. I say this because plants dont like wind whatsoever and your exhaust will provide enough circulation and exchange generally.

Small points on how to set a tent up but could it be one or some of those rather than trying to chase single nute ddeficiencies or what not :-)


Or you could be giving too much nutes… Don't know what your setup is so just throwing out guesses.
Deficiency is more likely, I haven't added any nutes yet. I'll start with the next watering (how the
Humidity dosent really make a difference if you have adequate air exchange and circulation.

Most put thermometer under the light and think its hot then add fans in an attempt to cool. The correct place for all meters is out of direct or indirect light whivh in a super reflective tent can be very hard yo do. I say this because plants dont like wind whatsoever and your exhaust will provide enough circulation and exchange generally.

Small points on how to set a tent up but could it be one or some of those rather than trying to chase single nute ddeficiencies or what not :-)

Youre suggesting it's heat/humidity problems instead of a deficiency? Or at least control the heat & humidity before I start tackling single nute deficiencies? haha sounds like a smart idea genuinely. So these two small problems (the brown spots on bottom + the slight yellowing of leaves) don't seem like too big a problem and I should just go on as I am?


Last pic looks like an early sign of a magnesium deficiency maybe, have you been giving her mag?
0 nutes have been added so if anything it would be a deficiency I assume. I'm gonna move the lights 6 inches further away today. Also I was thinking of feeding them nutrients for the first time today as I was supposed to feed at the 25 day mark which was yesterday (soil was a bit wet and I wanted to give it another day to post on this forum and get your guys ideas).

Should I feed now, it did say around 25 days in I should begin nutrients? Or given the issues the plants are having, should I not?


Well-Known Member
0 nutes have been added so if anything it would be a deficiency I assume. I'm gonna move the lights 6 inches further away today. Also I was thinking of feeding them nutrients for the first time today as I was supposed to feed at the 25 day mark which was yesterday (soil was a bit wet and I wanted to give it another day to post on this forum and get your guys ideas).

Should I feed now, it did say around 25 days in I should begin nutrients? Or given the issues the plants are having, should I not?
They look generally healthy and pretty young for nutes, maybe just water the one with yellow tips with like a cup of water with quarter teaspoon of Epsom salt?


They look generally healthy and pretty young for nutes, maybe just water the one with yellow tips with like a cup of water with quarter teaspoon of Epsom salt?
Will hold off forsure. I'll feed the two with the epsom salt ratio you suggested tonight, tysm!


Active Member
This may be a stupid question, but were the bottom leaves buried in your substrate? Hey it happens.. No matter if you fix it or not.. This is growing which is constant learning experience. Chalk it up as a chance for growers growth. And keep a detailed grow log.. Try to think if you did anything different with those plants.