DIY, SIP POT sub irrigated planter

Maybe you all can help me. I'm testing out my first SIP before planting, and I don't think it's working. I tightly packed the wick with 80% pete 20% perlite. The wick is 2 net pots zip tied together with the bottom cut out of the top one so I can fill both. The water is filled up to 2 inches above the bottom of the wick. I put about 3 inches of dry soil mix above the wick. Let it sit overnight but the soil does not seem damp at all. Is it totally fucked?
I've not done any sip planters before so take this advice with a grain of salt. If you water the soil from the top until everything is saturated then I think the wicking should work ok.
I put a rH meter on top of the soil, which is 3 inches deep, and let it sit overnight. The rH was 38%. I took it out and it quickly went to 24%. So there is moisture there though it doesn't feel wet and I don't know if it's enough. I put the meter back in and draped it with a plastic bag and in an hour it read 48%. I covered it and I'll wait another day to read rH. Does the soil get really damp to the touch in yours?
hey guys, just sharing my sip pot, this is not my idea, but I have built 4 of them now!
they work amazing and I'm using them with probiotics! here's my link for more detailed info!

and here's my sip, the drawings are kinda bad, please excuse I just wanted to be able to show the measurements! everything is in inches!

ps. if you do this plz don't forget the over fill hole! a Tiny hole so you don't over fill it!

things you will need, tote, drill, pvc pipe, raver blade, 5 in net pot, cloth for net pot wick!View attachment 4232962 View attachment 4232963 View attachment 4232964 View attachment 4232965 View attachment 4232966 View attachment 4232967 View attachment 4232968
OK, so a 1'' air gap. Answered another question...
OK, so a 1'' air gap. Answered another question...
lol yeah buddy, sadly everything I know if kinda spread out, the main and basics is all covered in the "green's probiotic method" thread but, sadly most random questions and stuff are spread out over all my threads! working on putting all info laid out about the method in that ^^^ thread tho!
hey guys, just sharing my sip pot, this is not my idea, but I have built 4 of them now!
they work amazing and I'm using them with probiotics! here's my link for more detailed info!

and here's my sip, the drawings are kinda bad, please excuse I just wanted to be able to show the measurements! everything is in inches!

ps. if you do this plz don't forget the over fill hole! a Tiny hole so you don't over fill it!

things you will need, tote, drill, pvc pipe, raver blade, 5 in net pot, cloth for net pot wick!View attachment 4232962 View attachment 4232963 View attachment 4232964 View attachment 4232965 View attachment 4232966 View attachment 4232967 View attachment 4232968
very nice tips
Great thread OP. I’ve been making these with a 5 gallon bucket and I bought a brand name SIP. This is becoming my method of choice for my entire garden.
With your new technique, using the black corrugated pipe and vermiculite, does the soil sit directly on top of the vermiculite?
No air gap that I could see.
Looks like a more natural set up!

Gathering info for my next grow and your grows are AMAZING!!!
Thank you and that is correct, there is air in the black pipe, and when using a 2in fill tube, I believe it allows fresh air to get inside the pipe, especially while filling. It's been working nicely for me, no complaints so far.

I close off both ends of the pipe with chz cloth and zip ties. But upon dissecting the last one, I noticed the chz cloth was gone. I don't know where it went, but I couldn't find it. I guess its possible the em1 dissolved it or I dont know, but the pipes were mostly empty regardless so I'm continuing to do it this way. I haven't noticed any bad effects and it seems to do what its intended for regardless of where the chz cloth went.
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Thank you and that is correct, there is air in the black pipe, and when using a 2in fill tube, I believe it allows fresh air to get inside the pipe, especially while filling. It's been working nicely for me, no complaints so far.

I close off both ends of the pipe with chz cloth and zip ties. But upon dissecting the last one, I noticed the chz cloth was gone. I don't know where it went, but I couldn't find it. I guess its possible the em1 dissolved it or I dont know, but the pipes were mostly empty regardless so I'm continuing to do it this way. I haven't noticed any bad effects and it seems to do what its intended for regardless of where the chz cloth went.

Awesome, thanks for the reply!
Just digging a bit further...
If you have the ends sealed with cheesecloth, then the black pipe would be full of water or at least till the drain height.
Very interesting that there is no physical air gap and it is working so well!

I would imagine that the micro-organisms used the cheesecloth as a food source since it is a natural fiber.

Very keen to try your techniques out on my next grow, although I will start with a more traditional SIP in 5 gallon buckets and see how that goes.
Hopefully after that grow I will try this newer technique of yours!

Have you used the Step-Well soil? I tried it last grow with fabric pots and Autoflowers and was not too impressed.
Will continue using the EM1 in the SIP's though.

Still going through all your posts to get as much info as possible!
Awesome, thanks for the reply!
Just digging a bit further...
If you have the ends sealed with cheesecloth, then the black pipe would be full of water or at least till the drain height.
Very interesting that there is no physical air gap and it is working so well!

I would imagine that the micro-organisms used the cheesecloth as a food source since it is a natural fiber.

Very keen to try your techniques out on my next grow, although I will start with a more traditional SIP in 5 gallon buckets and see how that goes.
Hopefully after that grow I will try this newer technique of yours!

Have you used the Step-Well soil? I tried it last grow with fabric pots and Autoflowers and was not too impressed.
Will continue using the EM1 in the SIP's though.

Still going through all your posts to get as much info as possible!

I thought the air space would be the upper part of the pipe where the media screen would rest. I’ve looked at those systems but only used the 5gal and EB type.
Awesome, thanks for the reply!
Just digging a bit further...
If you have the ends sealed with cheesecloth, then the black pipe would be full of water or at least till the drain height.
Very interesting that there is no physical air gap and it is working so well!

I would imagine that the micro-organisms used the cheesecloth as a food source since it is a natural fiber.

Very keen to try your techniques out on my next grow, although I will start with a more traditional SIP in 5 gallon buckets and see how that goes.
Hopefully after that grow I will try this newer technique of yours!

Have you used the Step-Well soil? I tried it last grow with fabric pots and Autoflowers and was not too impressed.
Will continue using the EM1 in the SIP's though.

Still going through all your posts to get as much info as possible!
I've been recycling my soil for about 4 years now. I dont buy very many bags just have acquired alot over the years
What are you using for aeration in your mix and at what rates? I'm sure the answer to this is some where but cant seem to find it!