What Are You Listening To?


Well-Known Member
Lost alot of friends and family in this war and in the Gulf Wars. I was to young for this one,, or I'd have gone to it too...



Well-Known Member
I may have blinders on when it comes to music... But that's only because I've seen the light out there.. and it's scary out there..

Also depends or how much I had to indulge with after 45+ years of pretty much unlimited weed to smoke,,, My tolerance is off the charts about the only buzz I can get in afew pulls... And I've been known to have one to many pulls off that jug....

And at times,,, My long hair just can't cover up my redneck...

Naw I'm really not as bad as some of my favorite tunes are.. I do love my music,,, cept I got stuck in a time warp,,, around 1990 or so... After that, it was mainly a hard-sell....

Took a homie a week to get me to listen to this one... Matter a fact he's turned me on to afew lately;;
