Swami Seeds

Yeah, keep me in loop,Scijedi

Matt Riot is pretty much a super douche....and always has been. Late to the dinner plate and speaks without thinking. Spouting regurgitated magazine culture rhetoric.
Just another human slave locked into the narrative of capitalism.

Anyway, on towards the greener grass..

The last of the beans are done for the season and available now.

The One x (84 NL#5 x 88NL#5/Haze Bx1)

Blue Orca x (84 NL#5 x 88 NL5/Haze Bx1)

Blue Orca x Black Afghan
(71 Kandahar/76 Thai Stick x Kandahar)

The One x Mazar-I-Shariff

Yes folks... these are probably and most likely way better medicine than what you are smoking now.
I promise.
Swami.gear@gmail for list

so the bx is nl5 haze back crossed to the 84 nl5?
so the bx is nl5 haze back crossed to the 84 nl5?
Yes.. An old 84 cut stashed in Eugene... No longer in existence AFAIK...

Edit: This was an authentic hierloom Northern Lights #5 cut only from the original in 84. Not sure how long it was stashed in Eugene,but has no relation to the modern hybridized NL5 versions. This cut was also lost in Portland 2017.
This was the same plant off Whidbey Island in 84..I was there.
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Question... what exactly is an "SOS type"? Can you give an example or two? Just curious because I have a lot of the same genetics you're using, probably sourced from some of the same places, and I don't see you guys crediting where they came from. I do see a lot of mythology and revisionist history coming out of your camp though... just sayin'.
Question... what exactly is an "SOS type"? Can you give an example or two? Just curious because I have a lot of the same genetics you're using, probably sourced from some of the same places, and I don't see you guys crediting where they came from. I do see a lot of mythology and revisionist history coming out of your camp though... just sayin'.

..Dude,really..?.this question has the flavor of troll..
Everything I aquire is aquired through fair trade or purchase and I never reproduce anothers gear for sale.
I always ask permissions and am given permissions. I own Cherry Bomb now..
Mr Greengenes in his great generosity has given it to me. I have many of these relationships.

Also, if you do the research, all history is available and often publically researchable.
Once you do a hybrid with two types (not by the same breeder) on the free market it can be considered your gear.. That's how the game has been played for decades. Those that don't play by the rules.. don't stay in the game.

Sure,if your talking about Living Organic Soil methodology and maintaining classic breeding moral criteria. Fuck yeah!
Just seems a little funny to see someone pop up with Fgens and F1 crosses of other people's line work and then start offering free beans for anyone "catching" people doing "unauthorized" work with the same lines. Do your thing, man... but don't start acting like you're the sole proprietor of genetics that have been (and some still are) on the market from your sources since long before you showed up. Just been kind of watching from a distance and keeping my mouth shut until I saw that. I don't want to keep anybody from making a buck or anything, but you just placed a bounty for your followers on other pollen chuckers doing the exact same shit you're doing. I'll leave it at that.
Yeah.. you're tripping and a trolling.

I just explained it to to you.

You have to read the imformation with the clear and precise explaination I posted to understand your confusion.

Yes,you could say put a bounty on SOS plaugerists who ride my coat tails for profit ..period.

Fuckin a right ol son,
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m x g.jpg

More hay at 65 days...

Mazar-I-Shariff x 76 Peace Corps Guerrero

Couch locker and fridge raider.
You will wake up at 3am on the couch with PB n J burritos

For further clarification..
If I take Betty Crocker Chocolate Cake x Betty Crocker Vanilla Cake and repackage for sale and personal profit ...does not mean I can claim this as anything else other than Betty Crocker's gear.
Really glad to see you here Gas. I will be hitting that email. Thanks for the description of stuff. There is so much there to choose from it gets a bit overwhelming!
Warning on copied or plagurist made SOS types.

There is a person (possibly more) known as 'sinbud' mashing up SOS types for resale on instagram.

Simply taking SOS type x SOS type and calling it his for resale.

This has never been accepted in this culture and has always been considered bad form and a plaugerism. In case you didn't know.

I strongly advise you do not purchase seed from this individual.
There is a reason why I don't breed with Blue Orca Haze.
Because it's not and never was a good parent according to my years of working on it. Something I just know.
That's why Blue Orca Haze is and will only be Blue Orca Haze F1.

It can't get any better than the F1 that is already Blue Orca Haze.
You could say it's the be all end all there. In the best top 10 on Earth.

Again SOS types are SOS types..
You can't just mash up a breeders long standing work and call it yours in a matter of a cycle or two.

Operating under the slave mentally of Babylon capitalist rhetoric is no excuse ither. Your,re just another mentally enslaved servant of oppressors at that point.

It should also be made known that this guy has broad mites. It is quite easy for these microscopic mites and eggs to hitch a ride in seed packs.
Now you do..for the next year.

This is the difference between someone who is a breeder and actually has accountability for what they do,and someone who takes others work and claims it as their own.

Nobody does this shit....
"Hey, you left your tractor sitting in your field.. I figured I could just take it and claim it as mine since you aren't using it right now "

Or if I dump a box of Tide in with Tide Pods in one container then do a load of laundry and call it my own invention...lol.. same shit.

Free pack of seeds to anyone who PUBLICALLY EXPOSES unauthorized breeding and/or reproduction or combinations of SOS type x SOS type for public resale.
Meaning,you call them out on your's,thier's or any otherwise public page and show me your work for the prize..
Protect global cannabis genetic future and help shun a plaugerist.
Thank you,
Good afternoon Gas,
First of all if you’re gonna accuse me of doin something; please make sure it’s something I’m doing. I asked you permission to resale Longshot and you said no- and I’ve chosen to honor your wish, because I have respect for you.
You’ve told me I can give give these away and trade with them and that’s what I’m doing.
I’m not sure if you’ve already forgotten about the multiple BOH X 5 Poly Haze crosses you had available last year; if that’s not breeding with her then I must be delusional.
The thing that really makes no moral sense to me is the fact that I gifted you several Tribal African crosses; one of which you apparently liked good enough to Bx the line and release it for resale. The Mazar/Guerrero X Tribal African; did you put this together? I really don’t care what you do with the genetics I give you; that’s a good line and deserves to be BXed! I appreciate your efforts!! However I’m not sure how you can justify your right in selling the Bx and denying me the privilege to resale the original cross??
BTW I didn’t take your tractor out of your field; I paid you for it and you shipped it to me.
I’ve posted nothing derogatory about you or your company; I’ve only posted your views and unwritten restrictions that you place on your gear. I’ve got no problem with genetics with restrictions, but to expect people to magically know your expectations w/o making your position known is preposterous!!
Gas, I deleted your trash comment off my home page. Come trolling again and I'll show everyone where you sourced half of your genetics from so they can just buy them a lot cheaper from people who have actually worked the lines rather than just bought a pack or two of seeds and Fgen'd them. Grow up, dude. I kept it civil in the face of your high-and-mighty bullshit and definitely didn't go posting trash on your profile. I already said I don't want to keep anyone from making a buck, so your best bet is to let that horse die and just keep peddling your bullshit stories and line "histories" to people who don't know any better.
Douchebaggery ....

.I just said that you could give them away.. What yesterday... Go ahead and go back and edit my post where Im being too mean and include that new development in the drama would ya..

You blew smoke up my ass buying seed and did all this back room shit without telling me.

Pure bullshit..
You told me nothing. Only recently after several people told on you...then your hand in the cookie jar boy came out.

I just found out through other sources someone was doing something shady. Multiple people alert me to frauds ,copy cats ,and other douche bag party favors.
Have your mom make you sandwich or something kid. You must be exhausted working so hard to fuck me in the moral free slimeball corners of instagram.

You've posted private emails.. Which is below the belt ol son...and attacked MGD like a troll....

Do you think you know everything I do? How is that?
Yeah.. Like I said BOH polys arent as good IMO.
How in the fuck do you think I figured that out.
You must be growing one of those experiments you were told about when you aquried it.

The Johnny come latelys of the last 50 plus years of the culture who magically don't know shit but know everything. Fresh outta diapers and fresh off the turnip truck.

Mazar/Guerrero x Tribal African was done by me in 2017...sorry that I'm so oblivious to your entitlement.

Your breeding points are moot trying to discredit me. I follow the rules. You can't.

Why don't you go fuck with Bodhi, snow, kagyu, or any other respected known breeder the same way and see what happens..
Maybe they will be nicer.. Or not..
Seriously go this to other breeders and see how far you get.

..now where's that ignore button.
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Douchebaggery ....

.I just said that you could give them away.. What yesterday... Go ahead and go back and edit my post where Im being too mean and include that new development in the drama would ya..

You blew smoke up my ass buying seed and did all this back room shit without telling me.

Pure bullshit..
You told me nothing. Only recently after several people told on you...then your hand in the cookie jar boy came out.

I just found out through other sources someone was doing something shady. Multiple people alert me to frauds ,copy cats ,and other douche bag party favors.
Have your mom make you sandwich or something kid. You must be exhausted working so hard to fuck me in the moral free slimeball corners of instagram.

You've posted private emails.. Which is below the belt ol son...and attacked MGD like a troll....

Do you think you know everything I do? How is that?
Yeah.. Like I said BOH polys arent as good IMO.
How in the fuck do you think I figured that out.
You must be growing one of those experiments you were told about when you aquried it.

The Johnny come latelys of the last 50 plus years of the culture who magically don't know shit but know everything. Fresh outta diapers and fresh off the turnip truck.

Mazar/Guerrero x Tribal African was done by me in 2017...sorry that I'm so oblivious to your entitlement.

Your breeding points are moot trying to discredit me. I follow the rules. You can't.

Why don't you go fuck with Bodhi, snow, kagyu, or any other respected known breeder the same way and see what happens..
Maybe they will be nicer.. Or not..
Seriously go this to other breeders and see how far you get.

..now where's that ignore button.
I’m either gonna post the email you sent me stating that it was indeed my line that you back crossed or you can fes up to it like a man, since youre say posting private emails is below the belt; that’s the only way ppl are gonna know exactly what it is your saying in “private” conversation, because it’s obviously not what you’re saying in public! I call Bullshit!
Is "hand in the cookie jar boy" supposed to be me? Because I got no clue who SinBudd here is or what you two are talking about. Sounds like you have a habit of taking credit for other people's work.
Is "hand in the cookie jar boy" supposed to be me? Because I got no clue who SinBudd here is or what you two are talking about. Sounds like you have a habit of taking credit for other people's work.
I’m just responding to his personal bash against me. At this point I believe he may be ranting at both of us.
Yes, Gas did cross Mazar x Guerrero and Congo x Transkei =tribal African. Ive never pretended that I’ve made these. I simply ran both of those lines; selected, and crossed. I’ve never pretended that I’ve made Tribal African or the M/G; however, I’m the chap that crossed those 2 lines and gifted it back to Gas, who then bxd it and resaled it. I’m totally not against that in any way. My issue lies in the injustice of Gas resaling the Bx line and tells me I’m not allowed to sell the M/G X Tribal.
I’m only here because Gas started telling some lies and I wasn’t gonna let it ride.
I’m just responding to his personal bash against me. At this point I believe he may be ranting at both of us.
Yes, Gas did cross Mazar x Guerrero and Congo x Transkei =tribal African. Ive never pretended that I’ve made these. I simply ran both of those lines; selected, and crossed. I’ve never pretended that I’ve made Tribal African or the M/G; however, I’m the chap that crossed those 2 lines and gifted it back to Gas, who then bxd it and resaled it. I’m totally not against that in any way. My issue lies in the injustice of Gas resaling the Bx line and tells me I’m not allowed to sell the M/G X Tribal.
I’m only here because Gas started telling some lies and I wasn’t gonna let it ride.
I just happened to take a look at this thread earlier today and the first thing I saw was his rant post, which I'm guessing now was directed at you? Either way, he's got a bunch of 'Ozzy bit the head off a chicken' stories for most of his lines and I know for a fact that a good half of them are complete bullshit, so I assume a lot of the rest are too. I would have never said anything in a million years but reading that self-righteous narcissistic rant just hit me the wrong way. Hell, I was even interested in some of the crosses before but the attitude and all the smoke and mirrors turned me off.
More hay for the trolls...


Bliss =
Blue Orca x The Black/NL5haze

I love peeling the wigs of kids who think they are cannabis gangsters with this stuff.

While I'm doing all the work these kids are stroking out and and doing the fish flop on the floor....pooping.

Yes it was bred without stealing or stepping on anyone's toe's.
I’m just responding to his personal bash against me. At this point I believe he may be ranting at both of us.
Yes, Gas did cross Mazar x Guerrero and Congo x Transkei =tribal African. Ive never pretended that I’ve made these. I simply ran both of those lines; selected, and crossed. I’ve never pretended that I’ve made Tribal African or the M/G; however, I’m the chap that crossed those 2 lines and gifted it back to Gas, who then bxd it and resaled it. I’m totally not against that in any way. My issue lies in the injustice of Gas resaling the Bx line and tells me I’m not allowed to sell the M/G X Tribal.
I’m only here because Gas started telling some lies and I wasn’t gonna let it ride.
Yep.. I backcrossed it to reclaim it from a copy cat. Who was auctioning them off...
Did you miss the part where I already did this breeding... But never released. Bite it.
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