FISA Abuse by FBI


Well-Known Member
This thread is about chasing conspiracy theory bunnies to cover for your hero trump, you lardass neo nazi
There was no FBI FISA abuse, a judge signed off on everything and there was ample probable cause and evidence for him to do it. End of story. I suppose the Ukrainian fiasco is "fake news" too, FISA abuse is real fake news and you even started a thread based on this bullshit.

I wouldn't bother much with meditation Bugeye, if you are unwilling to be honest with yourself and others, it would only torment a normal person. You can't get through the pearly gates carrying the baggage of hate, heaven is entered by attaining a state of grace.

Prayer is talking to God, mediation is listening, listen more than talk. Or so said the ancient christian desert fathers.


Well-Known Member
Judges signing off on FISA warrants isn't an issue. The FBI providing the judges with unverified information and withholding exculpatory evidence would very much be an issue. Time will tell.


Well-Known Member
Judges signing off on FISA warrants isn't an issue. The FBI providing the judges with unverified information and withholding exculpatory evidence would very much be an issue. Time will tell.
I love the confidence you say that with, because I am not so sure it would be a big deal and thing Trump trolls are just looking for any line they can sell to throw smoke.

The 'unverified dossier' has a very nice note on the FISA application of exactly what it was all about. And ignores that Trump hired someone who was under suspicion of being a Russian asset since 2007. Trump fucked up again when he started calling for foreign countries to attack our country. But you are right, time will tell.


Well-Known Member
Good job giving credence to the stigma that all growers are criminals. If it weren't for idiot boomers like you the cannabis community would be decades ahead of where we are now, good job. Also, the FBI has worked tirelessly to keep our communities safe from violent right wing extremists like yourself, why would we not support them in those efforts?
Take it up with Rolli. He informed that most here support democrats because they are pot growing rebels. I believe him, don't you?
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Well-Known Member
Why isn't this investigation public? Why aren't you the accused allowed to face their accusers? Wahhhhh. This is just like the USSR! Waaaaaah. Why aren't the Democrats allowed to sit in on the investigation? Waaaaaaaaah!
im still waiting for this devious trap to close in on Biden, who buggy said was irrelevant weeks ago, but for some reason is trying to use today to deflect his support of a pedophile


Well-Known Member
I remember when he used to cry about the deficit when Obama was steadily eliminating it

Trump doubles it and then some and gets buggy’s support

And buggy still gets apoplectic when you call him racist

These people are remarkably stupid
Lol John brennan staffer/Biden ball washer is the dems holy grail whistle blower, this should be awesomer than the Russian collusion hoax.
Hey buckles do you think shifty shiff can share a cell with Manafort hahaha
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Well-Known Member
Lol John brennan staffer/Biden ball washer is the dems holy grail whistle blower, this should be awesomer than the Russian collusion hoax.
Hey buckles do you think shifty shiff can share a cell with Manafort hahaha
Adam schiff will not be going anywhere other than congress to oversee your hero’s impeachment

Russian collusion was proven in a court of law beyond all reasonable doubt

You tried to pretend to be a Democrat because conald is so impossible to defend

That’s pathetic. You’re pathetic


Well-Known Member
Wrong again retard, unless you are smarter than the American Bar association which I'm going to go out on a limb and say lol . Do you guys suffer from any type of nausea headache upset stomach diarrhea from this trump derangement syndrome? Because I think they have a fix for that hahaha
View attachment 4415025
The only obstruction they found to date is the penis stuck in your butthole, butt again I will refer you to some pepto bismol :lol:
You should just ask your buddy to ban me because you suck at this. Even with them deleting my avitar post and now banning me from your buttbuddies thread . Who wants to take bets on how many of you idiots will think I'm a Russian troll on my next account? How many days before you realize it's me again Andy?


Well-Known Member
Wrong again retard, unless you are smarter than the American Bar association which I'm going to go out on a limb and say lol . Do you guys suffer from any type of nausea headache upset stomach diarrhea from this trump derangement syndrome? Because I think they have a fix for that hahaha
View attachment 4415025
The only obstruction they found to date is the penis stuck in your butthole, butt again I will refer you to some pepto bismol :lol:
You should just ask your buddy to ban me because you suck at this. Even with them deleting my avitar post and now banning me from your buttbuddies thread . Who wants to take bets on how many of you idiots will think I'm a Russian troll on my next account? How many days before you realize it's me again Andy?
Poor butthurt thing

I bet that manafort shared trumps internal polling data with Russian spies because no collusion, right?

And don junior met with Russian spies because he really cares about russian baby adoptions, right?

“If it’s what you say it is, I love it! Especially later in the summer” (no collusion there)

When russians told don junior to have his daddy link to Wikileaks, and ten minutes later he did, that was because no collusion, right?

How do you think roger stone will do in his trial for coordinating the timing, release, and promotion of Russian owned Wikileaks?

Conald probably mentioned them 160 times in the last month of his campaign because no collusion, right?



Well-Known Member
Wrong again retard, unless you are smarter than the American Bar association which I'm going to go out on a limb and say lol . Do you guys suffer from any type of nausea headache upset stomach diarrhea from this trump derangement syndrome? Because I think they have a fix for that hahaha
View attachment 4415025
The only obstruction they found to date is the penis stuck in your butthole, butt again I will refer you to some pepto bismol :lol:
You should just ask your buddy to ban me because you suck at this. Even with them deleting my avitar post and now banning me from your buttbuddies thread . Who wants to take bets on how many of you idiots will think I'm a Russian troll on my next account? How many days before you realize it's me again Andy?
Dude, that MAGA hat is too big for you.

Trump holds up Ukraine military aid meant to confront Russia
08/28/2019 06:11 PM EDT Updated 08/29/2019 03:40 PM EDT

Russia attacks, seizes Ukrainian vessels in Black Sea off Crimea
Nov. 25, 2018, 3:28 PM PST / Updated Nov. 26, 2018, 5:24 AM PST

Putin-backed troops quietly moved a border on the fringes of Europe


When is he going to hire diplomats for Democracy around the world?

Why do you support Putin and pretend to be blind to your loss of freedom and Democracy Comrade?


Well-Known Member
Dude, that MAGA hat is too big for you.

Trump holds up Ukraine military aid meant to confront Russia
08/28/2019 06:11 PM EDT Updated 08/29/2019 03:40 PM EDT

Russia attacks, seizes Ukrainian vessels in Black Sea off Crimea
Nov. 25, 2018, 3:28 PM PST / Updated Nov. 26, 2018, 5:24 AM PST

Putin-backed troops quietly moved a border on the fringes of Europe


When is he going to hire diplomats for Democracy around the world?

Why do you support Putin and pretend to be blind to your loss of freedom and Democracy Comrade?
He dumb.