Greenwood Massacre aka Tulsa Race Riots - 1921

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I decided to watch the new show "Watchmen" on HBO and was caught off guard with the opening scene:

Turns out it was highly accurate in showing the Tulsa Race Riots (Greenwood Massacre is another name of it) in 1921. Where the white people completely destroyed a vibrant wealthy black neighborhood in Tulsa Oklahoma.


Turning it into a war zone that completely leveled the 35 blocks that the community was in.

10k black homeless from this at least 300 black people thrown into mass graves from this.


So to anyone that thinks studying reparations is a bad idea I would just say that things our government allowed white people to do to the minorities of our country have led to the severe difference in our ability to have a chance at what is the American dream until far too recently. Helping our fellow countrymen and women improve their lives does not hurt the rest of the people, it would actually help us all.
I decided to watch the new show "Watchmen" on HBO and was caught off guard with the opening scene:

Turns out it was highly accurate in showing the Tulsa Race Riots (Greenwood Massacre is another name of it) in 1921. Where the white people completely destroyed a vibrant wealthy black neighborhood in Tulsa Oklahoma.


Turning it into a war zone that completely leveled the 35 blocks that the community was in.

10k black homeless from this at least 300 black people thrown into mass graves from this.


So to anyone that thinks studying reparations is a bad idea I would just say that things our government allowed white people to do to the minorities of our country have led to the severe difference in our ability to have a chance at what is the American dream until far too recently. Helping our fellow countrymen and women improve their lives does not hurt the rest of the people, it would actually help us all.
I think the argument goes:

I didn't do it. Why should I pay for it?
So to anyone that thinks studying reparations is a bad idea

Forcing people to restitute people who weren't harmed by them is like divorcing your wife because the woman across the street cheated on her husband.

Victimizers should restitute their victims. When you force other people to do become the vicitimizer.
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If someone robs the convicted pedophile, then gives his scrappy belongings to their next of kin,and then dies, the convicted pedophile would have no recourse under his own idea of justice

Of course, the convicted pedophile would just ignore that and seek restitution anyway, in the same way he sent his kids to public schools then declared himself a raped slave when the bill came due
I decided to watch the new show "Watchmen" on HBO and was caught off guard with the opening scene:

Turns out it was highly accurate in showing the Tulsa Race Riots (Greenwood Massacre is another name of it) in 1921. Where the white people completely destroyed a vibrant wealthy black neighborhood in Tulsa Oklahoma.


Turning it into a war zone that completely leveled the 35 blocks that the community was in.

10k black homeless from this at least 300 black people thrown into mass graves from this.


So to anyone that thinks studying reparations is a bad idea I would just say that things our government allowed white people to do to the minorities of our country have led to the severe difference in our ability to have a chance at what is the American dream until far too recently. Helping our fellow countrymen and women improve their lives does not hurt the rest of the people, it would actually help us all.
Thankfully the city has paid some reparations and is still working on it. Hopefully Elizabeth will address this when she becomes president and give reparations throughout the USA just as Marianne Williamson had planned.
Forcing people to restitute people who weren't harmed by them is like divorcing your wife because the woman across the street cheated on her husband.

Victimizers should restitute their victims. When you force other people to do become the vicitimizer.
So I can kill you and take your land and give it to my son. My son keeps it and your people have to come looking for me. Got it
So I can kill you and take your land and give it to my son. My son keeps it and your people have to come looking for me. Got it

Actions and property are two different things.

If you killed somebody today, should your great great grandson be on trial for murder for your crime ?
Thankfully the city has paid some reparations and is still working on it. Hopefully Elizabeth will address this when she becomes president and give reparations throughout the USA just as Marianne Williamson had planned.

How do you "give" anothers money ? Please explain how that works...
Actions and property are two different things.

If you killed somebody today, should your great great grandson be on trial for murder for your crime ?
So I can beat the shit out of you and take your property and give it to my grandson ( one day) who can then give it to his son and so on... Go it Thanks. What's your address
Forcing people to restitute people who weren't harmed by them is like divorcing your wife because the woman across the street cheated on her husband.

Victimizers should restitute their victims. When you force other people to do become the vicitimizer.
Your thinking that people are having things taken away from them to get our society to the level playing field is bogus.

I think the argument goes:

I didn't do it. Why should I pay for it?
I would point out to them that the education, roads they use, electrical system, health system, medicines, on and on that everyone uses would not be able to be paid for in a few lifetimes if we all had to just rely on what we could pay for by ourselves. Society is about pooling resources for better results.

Working together to remove this societal roadblock that as a country we have placed our minority communities into would save us so much money and benefit us all greatly.
Your thinking that people are having things taken away from them to get our society to the level playing field is bogus.

I would point out to them that the education, roads they use, electrical system, health system, medicines, on and on that everyone uses would not be able to be paid for in a few lifetimes if we all had to just rely on what we could pay for by ourselves. Society is about pooling resources for better results.

Working together to remove this societal roadblock that as a country we have placed our minority communities into would save us so much money and benefit us all greatly.

Your thinking that people today are responsible for the actions of other people years ago is racist.

Unfortunately much of society is about whatever the prevailing attitudes are in a given culture. Those attitudes can be and are instilled via religious indoctrination, or government propaganda, but I repeat myself. Any just kind of society would not have a government that is exempt from consequences which would fall on you or me for the same kinds of actions.

In other words, "working together" can never be done while one party has the power to issue edicts while the other must simply obey. That's how the inequities of slavery came about in the first place. Einstein had a saying...just saying.
Your thinking that people today are responsible for the actions of other people years ago is racist.
What are you talking about, when did I say that 'people today' are 'responsible'?

You just tossing that out there and falsely claiming 'racist' could easily be a attempt to build up scar tissue by forcing people to defend/trigger here.

Racism is what caused the problem. Today racists are pushing this false narrative that somehow today we are being forced to pay for the racists actions. That is bullshit.

Funding a program like this is not socialism, it is an investment into our own country's future.
Funding a program like this is not socialism, it is an investment into our own country's future.

There are two ways to fund something.

The people providing the funding are doing so voluntarily without duress. The other way is involuntarily.

To advocate involuntary funding, is to continue the harm the original thing you hope to correct did. You will reap what you sow.
There are two ways to fund something.

The people providing the funding are doing so voluntarily without duress. The other way is involuntarily.

To advocate involuntary funding, is to continue the harm the original thing you hope to correct did. You will reap what you sow.
Your whole nonsensical taxation views makes the rabbit hole of actually discussing this with you impossible, because you can just call troll and walk away.


Everyone in our country understands that if you are legally employed you are trading your time for payment by your employer, you can always quit. Also you know that a portion of future earnings will be scraped off in the form of taxes to be used in what is hopefully the best way to keep our country growing and safe, again you could choose to not work legally if you hd such a problem with being taxed.

But mostly people understand that we benefit far more by the efficiencies created by government functioning and are begrudgingly ok with paying their fair share into the system. You are posting from a computer, if nothing else all the brainpower that went into building the technology, the infrastructure to get electricity and internet to you home, street, water, commerce efficiencies, all of that cost previous peoples taxes.

Unfortunately the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only Agenda has figured out the best way to trick people into keeping them in power is by continually lying to the electorate and voter suppression of minority communities and gerrymandering.
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