

Alright guys it’s is harvested dryer an now curing how often do you burp your jars? I work 12 a.m. to 12 pm so I have a bit befor I’m home my ole lady is home today so wonder if I needed to get her to do something till I mhome I jus burped it befor I leave for work so what’s the next time I should go ahaead an do it?
Depends on the rh when you put them in the jars. Do you have a hygrometer to see how much moisture they still have in them? I do daily for awhile, then weekly or so. But if they're jarred too moist I would burp a lot more often. I'm no expert, but all the buds I've harvested so far seem to just get better the longer they cure. I think the key is a slow dry, but wait for the experts to chime in. I'm still kinda a rookie.
What lucky Luke said. You need to get a hygrometer. Cheap off eBay. If humidity goes above 65 take the lids off for an hour or so until they hold steady at 60-65 then burp like he said.
I do mine 2 or 3 times a day that’s it.
For how long?
Depends on the rh when you put them in the jars. Do you have a hygrometer to see how much moisture they still have in them? I do daily for awhile, then weekly or so. But if they're jarred too moist I would burp a lot more often. I'm no expert, but all the buds I've harvested so far seem to just get better the longer they cure. I think the key is a slow dry, but wait for the experts to chime in. I'm still kinda a rookie.
na you make a lot of sense to me really preciate your info ! I’ll have to go get me one of those things today to make sure I don’t ruin my harvest
Air humidity and burping are two.pointless things those who dont yet understand or accept how to dry hump.

Weed hang drys down to low enough moisture lecels that it smokes well in a joint or such - that bendy snap stem stuff is the most unscientific pointless approach.

Once its this dry it dosent release moisture in a jar and can be sealed away no burping - however checking its still dry in a days time reassures its ready to store.

No idea wrf air humidity has to do with drying apart from fractionally speeding up or slowing but its really irrelevant as you need to hang past it being dry and for two weeks for the flavour and taste to fully devrlop - hence the slow part.

Mess with this at your own peril and not knowing the basics is really bad if you ever hope to.progress.

Quite a lot realise the old hang dry is far far far superior to all other bro science stem bending air humidity rubbish :-)
My stems didn’t snap befor I put them in my jars is that bad? I took them down right befor they would snap do I need to do something diffrent?
My stems didn’t snap befor I put them in my jars is that bad? I took them down right befor they would snap do I need to do something diffrent? I kinda understand your post but not fully
So I jus got up my monitor thing reads 70 I took my lids off ... your saying keep my lid off till my reading comes to 65? Then put lid back on?