Well, 5/6 broke shell germinating.. Two popped through soil a bit ago... The rest didn't make it so far. As for black berry dream. . 3/6 broke shell. 1 was rooted enough to pop into the soil. The other two are seriously seriously lagging behind. Still barely out of the shell. I keep thinking well maybe they failed? But every couple days the root gets just a touch longer on the remaining two, and is still nice and white. The one blackberry dream I have put into soil, still hasn't broke soil yet...not sure what to make of that. Sour patch kiss is growing slower as well but still growing Atleast. Worse comes to worse I'll.mother up a sour patch and if it ever pops past soil a black berry dream, and just use clones for a while.. I know it's not that I'm doing anything wrong I mean... My king tut and double stuffed sorbet by dna and pyramid seeds are doing fantastic. Thriving very very well. Has anyone else had this issue from Elev8 where the seeds take forever to germinate and pop through soil? I mean... Sour patch and blackberry, I was hoping were going to be the absolute hands down stars of the show so to speak.