Elev8 seeds is legit

Well, 5/6 broke shell germinating.. Two popped through soil a bit ago... The rest didn't make it so far. As for black berry dream. . 3/6 broke shell. 1 was rooted enough to pop into the soil. The other two are seriously seriously lagging behind. Still barely out of the shell. I keep thinking well maybe they failed? But every couple days the root gets just a touch longer on the remaining two, and is still nice and white. The one blackberry dream I have put into soil, still hasn't broke soil yet...not sure what to make of that. Sour patch kiss is growing slower as well but still growing Atleast. Worse comes to worse I'll.mother up a sour patch and if it ever pops past soil a black berry dream, and just use clones for a while.. I know it's not that I'm doing anything wrong I mean... My king tut and double stuffed sorbet by dna and pyramid seeds are doing fantastic. Thriving very very well. Has anyone else had this issue from Elev8 where the seeds take forever to germinate and pop through soil? I mean... Sour patch and blackberry, I was hoping were going to be the absolute hands down stars of the show so to speak.
Yup. I bought a 6-pack of Gorilla Glue Feminized seeds. Only 2 germinated, and that was withion 72 hours. the other 4 are over 180 hours and nothing. Tried to contact Elev8 and they dont even respond.
Same happened to me. Two packs of Elev8 and none popped. For the replacements, the sour patch kiss has 5/6 germinated super super well and have popped up through soil. Had over 1cm root tails before dirt lol. Their bla lberry dream though... Still nothing from replacements... Nadda...

Same bad experience with Elev8. Only 2 of 6 popped open. They dont respond to emails or phone calls unless you are sending them money. NO CUSTOMER SERVICE AT ALL.
Same bad experience with Elev8. Only 2 of 6 popped open. They dont respond to emails or phone calls unless you are sending them money. NO CUSTOMER SERVICE AT ALL.

I got a near instant reply. They replaced both packs of seeds. Don't get me wrong.. Never buying their gear again. But.. Atleast they made effort. But 3 out of 24 seeds.... Is terrible... I mean.. I understand one bad seed in an entire pack but... This is rediculous lol. Have you tried emailing them directly? I explained 0/12 popped and that I had receipts and everything to back it up and offered to send them pics to prove it. They got back real quick and sent me two packs to replace those previous two shipping and all. Came right to my house.
I had bad experience with them, I brought the gelato 33, absolute waste of money, very bushy with hardly any buds. My other plants I run next to them make them look pathetic. I will say they did go purple and you could say they all are very similar (all shit ). I seem to have bad experiences with all these new strains, they all seem either unstable or low producers. I will probably go back to the tried and tested strains of the past.
Took a while to find a female, but I managed to pull one from a Bruce Banner OG from Elev8. I’m confused why people are saying Elev8 is not good genetics, I think that’s bad form since so much is dependent on the grower’s abilities.

Pics attached of the sexed clone, supercropped main branch 3 or so weeks into flower and bounced right back. Strong genetic if you ask me



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Bad form? Germ rates are the breeder. Also, ince i spoke to them they re evaluated their black beeey dream. Once i got a pack of that again as a resend, i got i believe it was either 3 or 4 out of my 6 pack popped and sprouted in soil finally. So im super super super stoked as kinbo kush is ine of my hands down fav strains. So the hybrid looks great
I got the feeling they were legit and I was looking forward to trying some of thier stuff. I have bought plenty of seeds that didn't germ so it wouldn't be the first time. I want to try their M2.
I got the feeling they were legit and I was looking forward to trying some of thier stuff. I have bought plenty of seeds that didn't germ so it wouldn't be the first time. I want to try their M2.

Honestly id recomend their sour patch kiss or their blackberry dream. Their gelato is nice too.
I agree.. Not a fan of alot of the European companies anymore. Quality isn't really there compared to America. My favorite breeders are American so far. I've yet to try Dr seeds from up here in Canada... But I'm to leery of canuck seeds as I've heard nothing but absolute dirt about them. Even people growing out their freebies wish they used any seed but the freebie lol.
I have not had a problem with Canuck order 6 seeds, all popped. Even the free ones. Prices could be a little better though.
I have not had a problem with Canuck order 6 seeds, all popped. Even the free ones. Prices could be a little better though.

Im going by reviews of final products. Less than optimum genetics so to speak. I mean someone could be hypothetically stirring the shit pot about them but when it comes down to spending cash on seeds i want to know the product is killer.
Don't biame you for that.

I never did end up trying out dr seeds by the way. They just seemed like the seeds given werent the genetics featured so to speak. Theres no way do si dos should smell like fresh cut grass or bland in general. But thats what the two journals on their do si dos said versus what they claimed on their site. And they werent crap growers either. Just crap genetics. If youre looking for a better brand of seed, check out ripper seeds. I cant get past how damn fast they grow. They all germednamd then popped through soil well in roughly 48 hrs and then havent slowed down at all. Also, elev8 blackberry dream, as well as sour glue (no gorilla glue4 in it fyi) by medical seeds is absolutely killing it in the garden.
I never did end up trying out dr seeds by the way. They just seemed like the seeds given werent the genetics featured so to speak. Theres no way do si dos should smell like fresh cut grass or bland in general. But thats what the two journals on their do si dos said versus what they claimed on their site. And they werent crap growers either. Just crap genetics. If youre looking for a better brand of seed, check out ripper seeds. I cant get past how damn fast they grow. They all germednamd then popped through soil well in roughly 48 hrs and then havent slowed down at all. Also, elev8 blackberry dream, as well as sour glue (no gorilla glue4 in it fyi) by medical seeds is absolutely killing it in the garden.
Will definitely check the out, thanks!
Sorry for bumping an old thread but I have a bit of experience with this breeder so I thought Id chime in. I think the reason they get a lot of shit is because they released an unreliable gg4 back when it was seen as a clone only strain. They advertise it as having a tendency to herm which IMO is unprofessional, if your strain is unstable then it needs more work and it shouldn't be released yet.
They were too eager to put this strain out and make a name for themselves and it backfired.
But since then they have released some good work. I have tried a few gelatos and elev8s quality was head and shoulders above everybody else's.
Then they released 5 new strains at the start of 2019, basically 5 purple punch crosses. They claimed to have released these strains early due to high demand. They also claim to be lab testing these strains.
After my success with the gelato I was very nearly tempted by these new strains but I held off as I have too many seeds and I wanted to see these lab results first.
I noticed this week that they hadn't released lab results despite almost a year passing so I emailed them and there short shitty reply on how they have 'not gotten around to testing them yet' made me realise that I'm likely wasting my time with this company.
Testing isn't a requirement for me personally, I mostly grow bodhi these days and I don't think he lab tests his stuff, if he does he keeps it quiet and that's fine. But don't advertise as currently testing and then 9 months later say that you've not gotten round to it because that's obvious lies. They either have no intention of testing it and the 'early release due to high demand' is a pathetic attempt to create hype or they tested it and didn't like the results.
So I'm not usually so forgiving with breeders, one bad experience can turn me off but I'm giving these guys one more chance. They have this strain called M2 which is a mix of 4 landrace sativa from around the world. Their description sounds perfect and I have had my eye on this strain for years. Now I have finally gotten around to growing it, well I'm just about to start as they will be germinated this weekend and if they are anything less than the white hot fire that they are described as then I will be done with these guys and I will be letting everybody know to stay well clear.