I received the RO unit today and installed it!
Dumping the first few batches of water should take a while. I also got my ph/ppm calibration and cleaning kit.
To my surprise, the PPM Meter is on point. I cleaned and re-calibrated it, and it was only 40 PPM off on the x500 scale. Now it is reading calibrated and I will test it in a month or so to see how bad it loses calibration.
The ph meters I decided to clean and then soak in the KCL solution per
@Renfro recommendations. After at least 2 days I will attempt to re-calibrate them, and see how they are. One of the pen bulbs wicks inside the glass is brown with clear liquid around it, and the other one is much darker. I wonder if there is a way to tell just by looking at these glass probes if they are bad or not. I know they dried out.. definately. Blue lab says when it dries it dies... we will see.
Thank you all so much for the recommendations and help. This is going to save me a TON of hassle... Still need to add a tee for before the calcite filter, for watering my plants ,and may also add a secondary storage tank to increase the holding capacity from 3 gallons up to 6 gallons or so.
I decided not to install the UV filter. I figure since its town water there shouldn't be bacteria in it especially cause I'm pretty sure there is chloramine and or fluorides in it. Does anyone think I should install the UV filter?
The unit did have a booster pump , which is plugged in and running now.
I got this unit, but it was 280$ when I bought it I think there was a sale.
thanks again!