Cal mag.

Hydro and organic go just fine. I dunno who told you otherwise, but they lied to you.
No one told it to me, My res has shown me otherwise over the course of several tries.... it's not worth the effort to try and maintain and honestly i'm more then happy enough using my current SOP
Also, "chemical" nutrients (which should be stated as synthetic), won't hurt your microbes. Doesn't benefit them, but doesn't hurt them either.
I call bullshit on that one. doesnt concern me anyways though , I dont run organics... haven't for years .
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if you are in soil then you should be doing the whole water, water feed regiment, in which case adding 2.5 ml to every gallon of feed water would be fine, i've never seen a cal mag issue in person in true soil.... a soil less mix like pro mix should be treated just like hydro
I’m trying a Feed, Water, Supps, Water cycle, I only fed 2x in flower.
No one told it to me, My res has shown me otherwise over the course of several tries.... it's not worth the effort to try and maintain and honestly i'm more then happy enough using my current SOP

I call bullshit on that one. doesnt concern me anyways though , I dont run organics... haven't for years .

Just because you can't do it, doesn't mean it can't be done. Didn't want to see misinformation is all.

I don't know why you call bullshit. They're all ions. The only difference is chelation.
Just because you can't do it, doesn't mean it can't be done
Been there, done that... Did you see me say that it cant be done? no sir you did not... i said that it does not mix, specially if youre trying to keep a sterile clean res, which i strive for

As for the killing the good bacteria, Yeah youre right. but if they dont help out then no point it adding them is there? Organics is about maintaining the bacteria so they can convert nutrients into a form usable to the plants..... adding a nutrient readily available to the plants defeats the purpose doesnt it?
No one told it to me, My res has shown me otherwise over the course of several tries.... it's not worth the effort to try and maintain and honestly i'm more then happy enough using my current SOP

I call bullshit on that one. doesnt concern me anyways though , I dont run organics... haven't for years .
I think I agree with you... not sure on if I’m getting the right terminology, but organics are not available to the plant until another organism eats and poops it out, but Synthetics are readily available. Here’s the thing I don’t understand. N P K is still N P K. There aren’t 10 different nitrogen’s, right?
Been there, done that... Did you see me say that it cant be done? no sir you did not... i said that it does not mix, specially if youre trying to keep a sterile clean res, which i strive for

As for the killing the good bacteria, Yeah youre right. but if they dont help out then no point it adding them is there? Organics is about maintaining the bacteria so they can convert nutrients into a form usable to the plants..... adding a nutrient readily available to the plants defeats the purpose doesnt it?

If you're trying to keep a sterile res, obviously it won't work. Organic hydro is the same as organic soil.

They help the plant with readily available nutrition, in case something happens to your microherd, or your last amendments haven't broken down yet. They can be useful but not necessary.
Organics isn't just about microbes. You can grow in sterile soil with organic amendments in tea form. The right proportions of nutes are just as important as any microbes you do or do not feed them to.
Organics is about maintaining the bacteria so they can convert nutrients into a form usable to the plants..... adding a nutrient readily available to the plants defeats the purpose doesnt it?
if your plants starve for nutes it could helpful to give them a one-time dossage of mineralic fertilizer. ofc an organic solution would be a bit more helpful to the living soil, esp. if the soillife is in trouble (which may be the reason plants are lacking in the first place)

There aren’t 10 different nitrogen’s, right?
there are differences, eg nitrate vs ammonium.
but in the greater scheme of things, organic fert acts just slower... over time... whereas mineralic you see its effect right the next day.