What did you accomplish today?

Well I had planned on hooking up my new driver to my 132s... FedEx dropped it off on my porch someone picked it up off my porch and kept walking... So now with s&h I'm out 100 bucks and there's nothing I can do about it...

Porch pirates suck! Go through your vendor, they have to file the claim with Fedex. If you paid via paypal you can file a dispute for non delivery, if not you can do a charge back on your credit card. As long as you didn't specifically ask for the package to be left without a signature you have options.
This is a busy week. I'm gigging at the city's airports for the holiday travelers. Had a 3 hour set today, and 2 more - tomorrow and Wednesday. I've done this for a few years for one date (usually the day before Thanksgiving), but this year they said they had an 'overwhelming response' to my set last year, so they gave me 3 dates. I don't blame them, I am an AWESOME performer ;) This is cool because they pay $500 for a 3 hour set, and that's during the week! Unheard of. $1500 to play for a few days before the holiday? I'm down. I am not going to my family's Thanksgiving dinner this year, I lied to my sister to get out of it. It used to be cool, but for the last few years it's been so boring and dismal, especially since my mom passed in 2017. Some great friends invited me to their dinner, so I'll do that. Positive, talented, intelligent people who like to blaze up to get the appetite going for good food, and great conversation. I don't even feel guilty about it, perhaps it's because I'm a sociopath. Regardless, let's hear it for Tyler!
I never realized that this video is about several instances of seducing young men. It's funny that the only trend that survived the 80s in break dancing. Who would have predicted that. How is breaking still a thing???
It's a part of hip hop that has still lived on after almost every other part is non existent... But I wouldn't even call what they do now breaking...
my friends from Mich. came down for a few days, so i hung out with them and we went over the mountains to Cherokee.
stopped at Mingo falls on the wayIMG_20191125_134738.jpg
saw a bunch of elk, but this was the only one close to the road
then we went to the Museum of the Cherokee, nice place, with lots of informative displays. i was very impressed with the pottery display
it's a frog...not w/e you were thinking...
Turtle Storyteller