The Impeachment Of Donald Trump


Well-Known Member
your fucked bud, Obama and Putin were the corrupt ones . its pretty clear once you get off msm and go read real reporting.
Stick to the actual legal documents is my suggestion. Things that people are legally bound to not lie in otherwise when proven they get into jail time trouble.

You're sources lie to you constantly, and have to go to court to argue that they are ok to lie because their programs are entertainment.


Well-Known Member
I think all politicians should be purged and we start over, the corruption is off the charts. Both Countries.

Fixing the Russians issue needs to fixed before we can have a actual discussion of issues that we have as a country that can be fixed/improved.

Everyone is unable to see strait and go strait to trolling because they have been brainwashed by all the pushing of hateful shit to everyone in our country (especially targeting battle ground states/districts) by the Russian military.


Well-Known Member
It will never go to senate because Shiff knows the whitle blower is a fraud and he lied. It's over for the Dems. retards
Doesn't matter, there are whistle blower laws, and everything was already found accurate by asking the people referenced. Trump is just trying to get a new boogey man. The testimony against him was damning.

But more importantly, it pushes the point that Trump has been obstructing the investigation by claiming executive privalege on everything.
Thanks for confirming you're a fox television retard, not like we couldn't tell, but thanks anyway.
Us Canadians are smart enough to watch news that has all sides represented then we can make up our own minds. Unlike you sheep down there that are not educated enough to make your own minds up. Need the media and government to tell you how to live. citidots!
Are you an American? Does it matter to you that Russia is currently cat fishing our most vulnerable members of our society to cause chaos here?
no I'm not but hope you get everything thats coming to ya dummies. As i said we will end up bailing your asses out again. Your white house would be pink if it wasn't for us. lmao


Well-Known Member
Us Canadians are smart enough to watch news that has all sides represented then we can make up our own minds. Unlike you sheep down there that are not educated enough to make your own minds up. Need the media and government to tell you how to live. citidots!
Unfortunately bubbles are very well developed now. Take yourself for example, you seem very convinced of your side, but have not actually made any argument for how you got to this understanding, but instead go right to trolling the people on this forum.

Assuming you are an American and not a foreign troll cat fishing us.

All conjecture and hearsay, you guys just dont get it. He outsmarted you idiots again... 3rd time now lmao
"Outsmarted you idiots" what are you even talking about, you don't get it?

What occurred last week was that the next level of Trumps minions have all been implicated in withholding the whistle blower complaint for 2 weeks longer than he was legally allowed to. This triggered the Impeachment hearing for Dear Leader himself, who then committed obstruction of justice by commanding his minions with direct knowledge to ignore legal mandated subpoenas issued by the congress.

So now it goes to the next level.
If Trump wasn't sucking Putin's tiny dick, then maybe we could start to look a little less pathetic in the world. Dumbass!
lol oh ya he should be starting a war with another superpower who is done with your democratic leaderships BS. good move you idiots. i think Trump is Canadian, too smart to be a typical American.