I think it tells us what many of us have been saying for years, capitalism just doesn't work unbridled. We need that socialist aspect. We also need to start fucking testing people to give them the privilege to vote. Wipe out 60% of the voters to begin with. If you can't point to America on a map, if you don't understand the positions, and if you think Trump is innocent you need to have some of your rights taken away from you because you don't deserve them. If you love your affordable care act but hate Obama-care, you need to lose your rights. Along the same line we need to make higher education/trade schools free and mandatory. If you are not a productive member of society lose your right to vote. Trump is a symptom, the disease is unbridled capitalism that produces slaves that are easy to control. REMINDER - we spent more on education than any other country. REMINDER - we sent men to the moon. FACT - We are a country of idiots because that is the goal.