Why are my seedlings not growing

Dilan R Wertz

Active Member
So the vermiculite does have enough in it? Usually i don't start nutes until i transplant. This is first go with the vermiculite


Well-Known Member
Vermiculite is not soil and has absolutely no nutes in it.....you should be feeding 1/4 strength nutes.
Why did you use vermiculite?......it's used as a soil or perlite amendment to improve water retention in the root zone.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
well, lets see. vermiculite isn't the best growing medium in the world, it trys to absorb and hold onto as much water as possible.
once a plant is above the ground, here should be no need to put a bag or dome over it, especially if the rh is already 60%....
70 is a little cool, you're looking for temps around 78 while the lights are on, about 70 when they're off.

Dilan R Wertz

Active Member
Your not seeing growth above because it's doing it's growth down below, the ROOTS..
Yeah i just feel like on all previous by this time my 1st set of leaves is way bigger and 2nd set would be starting. Compared to others first weeks of growth i thought they looked kinda small. Thanks for your input


Well-Known Member
Yeah i just feel like on all previous by this time my 1st set of leaves is way bigger and 2nd set would be starting. Compared to others first weeks of growth i thought they looked kinda small. Thanks for your input
did you put them in straight vermiculite last time or use proper potting soil?