help newbie questions


Active Member to this....

couple questions...
1. my baby is about 36 inches tall and has white hairs everywhere.....should i do the 12/12 now to induce the bud process...
(by the way it's been outside in ga. temp for about 3 months)

2. what do the buds look like when it starts.......(searched everywhere for pics but no avail.)

3. do u really have to use all the extra nutrients that other people mention. (with this one...i didn't do anything and she seemed to grow well, but then again it's my first time trying)



Well-Known Member to this....

couple questions...
1. my baby is about 36 inches tall and has white hairs everywhere.....should i do the 12/12 now to induce the bud process...
(by the way it's been outside in ga. temp for about 3 months)

2. what do the buds look like when it starts.......(searched everywhere for pics but no avail.)

3. do u really have to use all the extra nutrients that other people mention. (with this one...i didn't do anything and she seemed to grow well, but then again it's my first time trying)

definatly should have switched sooner... and also i hope you have a big ass room as plants tend to triple in size after flowering(that means you could end up with a 9 foot plant if it is already 3 feet tall now)... if they have white hairs i believe they have already switched in to budding, so change your lights now to 12/12


Well-Known Member
your going to have a monster on your hands itll be great buds start out looking like a tiny clam shell with two long hairs coming out white. not to be confused with the peach fuzz on the stems


Well-Known Member
Its outside? You want to switch to 12/12? Safe to say its in a pot?

I think its already in 12/12 and flowering. Most harvest times are on Oct early Nov.


Active Member
thanks to all the advice......imma cross my fingers about the big buds......
in all my reading i was not informed on the plant doubling in size at budding time..

yes it in a pot......

af far as lighting goes......i was using natural sunlight all day till it went down.....for the past 3 day's i've been bring her in the house around 7 pm and placing the bag over her....careful that no light seeped in.....

another question's not as bushy as most plants that i've seen in other pictures.....but idk


Well-Known Member
What's up, you sent me a friend request?

I really can't coach you through the whole process, if you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them, you'll have to learn a bunch as you go, and do your research.

Good luck :peace:


Active Member
can anyone answer if it's a good idea to place a black garbage bag over the plant in the 12/12 period. Unfortunatly i do not have the extra space to place it in a closet or in and enclosed room.....
there have been several things that i have read upon and none have clearly answered my question.
there was a mention that this method is used during the sexing period.....
please help with any info that u may have.....i'm learning as i go....


Well-Known Member
sexing period is where you dertermine the sex of your plant by leaving it in 18/6 but placing a paper bag over one branch after getting 12 hours of light. people usually do this if they do not kno how to clone.

you plant has been ready for 12/12 for a while now by the sounds of it so put the whole plant on 12/12 to flower it

if it gets more than 12 hours of light in the flowering stage it can turn the plant hermi(both sexes) and then you'll get a bunch of seeds.


Well-Known Member
I don't get it... It should be flowering pretty well by now, if you live north of the equator. If it's about to be full on summer where you are it would make a lot more sense.

What's your latitude? Are you in South America, Africa, South Asia or Australia?