FISA Abuse by FBI

The real story is the obstruction of justice, and the resulting criminal convictions. Ten counts of obstruction of justice, when are we going to hear from the President? The answer is when he's out of office and can be charged like anyone else.
Notice: Nothing saying anything that shows me that the FBI isn't sitting on all the evidence they need to show that Trump is crooked as hell.

All they got is trying to toss evidence in Trump's legal trial, but I don't know shit about lawyering, just know enough to see that Trump is screwed and the Republicans are just going to piss all over themselves as the bulldozer that is Trump's criminal activities start to knock them down one by one.

Trump can't hold his shit together and is scared to death of his own people:
That's just it. Spying did not occur because the surveillance was ruled justified. Thank you.
You sound like you think this issue is now fully resolved. More to come I’m afraid. This was only about FISA abuse at FBI, Horowitz did not delve much beyond that fairly limited scope.
You sound like you think this issue is now fully resolved. More to come I’m afraid. This was only about FISA abuse at FBI, Horowitz did not delve much beyond that fairly limited scope.
Do you remember when flabby traitor troll Bill Barr lied in front of congress and said spying occurred? He's still lying. He had to disagree IG report because the whole house of shitty conspiracy cards came crashing down. Trump and Barr should be marched out into the street and shot for Treason. He threatened the whistleblower ,threatened the FBI, and incited death threats against Adam Schiff, and others in Congress!
Not the first time John Solomon's column