How to flush??

So far the only grammar you have is "moron" and "noob" lmao. See, you tend to not confront people who aren't afraid to call you out on your bullshit tbh, kid. Nothing I'm new to. I've been dealing with little shit keyboard warriors like you for the past 10 years.
If you been doing this for 10 years then u should know how big of an idiot u look like
So far the only grammar you have is "moron" and "noob" lmao. See, you tend to not confront people who aren't afraid to call you out on your bullshit tbh, kid. Nothing I'm new to. I've been dealing with little shit keyboard warriors like you for the past 10 years.
Like fuck your a grown fucking man getting pissed on the internet go shove a dick up your ass and ride it please
Then as simply stated your water company have zero idea on how to do a job. Id hazard a guess over chlorination could be exponetially worse for new borns and possibly cause more law suits than its worth.

Britas are shit, if its gas you leave out but if chloramine your screwed - buy bottled always.

Now can you post the detailed water report all first world companies are required by regulation to supply? :-)

Over exaggerated? lol. Come drink a bottle of our tap water and let me know how you feel about 10-20 minutes later. Guarantee you're gonna feel like shit and be dehydrated to the point of migraine. Nobody in my town drinks the tap water. It's over chlorinated so we all just use Brita filters. The town where I live has had problems over the years with too much chlorine in the water, so idk. I'm still not giving it to my plants.
My country has regulations that mean no tap water kills established soil microbes.

This is also common knowledge here and i and many past members have debated at length.

I need not say more :-)

I disagree. the chloramine is something to avoid using on plants. Have you done your research on what it does when it breaks down? It can effect the top layer of the soil and destroy the microbes and furthermore break down into toxic compounds.
I thought you weren’t into bro science king bro
Maybe do research before telling people what has worked in your experience, your nose isn’t going to be able to tell what went into a plant no doubt, but science doesn’t lie and what you are saying here is mis information

chloramine absolutely effects the soil and microbiology of your plant and if it can be avoided do so but you can get away with using it.
Ok. Now I'm just confused. I should have threw in that I use Botanicare PBP soil. I only mix up around 200ppm everytime. So I dont really nute my plants down but they have looked good so far. Here's a water report. Let me know what you guys think.


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So far it seems ok, this is more a contamination part, is there a bit that breaks down the calcium magnesium hardness total.ppm etc....

You obviously live in an area that mined or drilled but this dosent mean bad as the report states :-)

Ok. Now I'm just confused. I should have threw in that I use Botanicare PBP soil. I only mix up around 200ppm everytime. So I dont really nute my plants down but they have looked good so far. Here's a water report. Let me know what you guys think.
keep giving your plants baths noob. Maybe even draw up a cute little bubble bath next time too?
Look instead of going to sleep dumb has you were the night before. Why din't you read up on watering thru capilarity effect thru bathing for the most efficent way to water a root mass effectivly.. Here you can learn some french but image speak for itself.,1863.html

I'm a city gardener and i studied at the bitanical garden amongs the best horticultor in canada and they use bathing potted plant to water the finiky plants and have an easy conscience. So yes you can take a potted plant and completely submerge it root mass under water. Its even advice to do co once in a while of for plants you do not want to spray water on leafs. Sounds pretty much like late flowering senario. If its the most recommended technic used by the best in horticulture inductries. I don't see why you should go in trolling about it... Many nursery use bathing to water plants. You don't have to tend to it. The level of water you put in the tube is up to you. The more you put the less time in needs to remain in there. Let pressur, gravity and calilarity do the watering and go do something else... Like troling a great technic if not the best to break down built up salt from you potted plant... '' complete saturation of water retension in soil before a rinse) other wise you are not flushing if your if your soil is still abale to abdorb. So yeah a good flush is done after a watering ir as an extended watering double watering triple water. Just dunk the fucking shit.
Look instead of going to sleep dumb has you were the night before. Why din't you read up on watering thru capilarity effect thru bathing for the most efficent way to water a root mass effectivly.. Here you can learn some french but image speak for itself.,1863.html

I'm a city gardener and i studied at the bitanical garden amongs the best horticultor in canada and they use bathing potted plant to water the finiky plants and have an easy conscience. So yes you can take a potted plant and completely submerge it root mass under water. Its even advice to do co once in a while of for plants you do not want to spray water on leafs. Sounds pretty much like late flowering senario. If its the most recommended technic used by the best in horticulture inductries. I don't see why you should go in trolling about it... Many nursery use bathing to water plants. You don't have to tend to it. The level of water you put in the tube is up to you. The more you put the less time in needs to remain in there. Let pressur, gravity and calilarity do the watering and go do something else... Like troling a great technic if not the best to break down built up salt from you potted plant... '' complete saturation of water retension in soil before a rinse) other wise you are not flushing if your if your soil is still abale to abdorb. So yeah a good flush is done after a watering ir as an extended watering double watering triple water. Just dunk the fucking shit.
I see one problem sterilization what do you guys do to sterilize them because that’s a problem waiting to happen if your using chlorine it should be fine but the only time I would ever advise dunking is to use a bti or something that needs to be applied thru the whole plant imo only time a dunk is needed
Here bk78 troll on these houseplant that grow in a 1/2 gallon pot. Sprouted from seed (23/09/2019) and look at the diffrence of top and add two week of vedging as to not topping and flower right away (front) has to not topping and wait 2 week to flower. 50-75% of watering has been done with water coming from under and mild watering from above.


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I see one problem sterilization what do you guys do to sterilize them because that’s a problem waiting to happen if your using chlorine it should be fine but the only time I would ever advise dunking is to use a bti or something that needs to be applied thru the whole plant imo only time a dunk is needed
In most nursery they use soiless mix. And they don't bother sterilisation. Distilled water us for carnivoreous plants (theuly cannot have tap water or fertilized water. And for equippement sterilization. Not for watering plants. That's what labs do to know exacty what is in the water after they add aditive to be able to compare test...

If you're all that concerne about chlorine then thro a bottle of prime seachem. Destroye chloramine and chlorine instantly. But that's an whole under topic on its own that dosen't really have it place here.
In most nursery they use soiless mix. And they don't bother sterilisation. Distilled water us for carnivoreous plants (theuly cannot have tap water or fertilized water. And for equippement sterilization. Not for watering plants. That's what labs do to know exacty what is in the water after they add aditive to be able to compare test...

If you're all that concerne about chlorine then thro a bottle of prime seachem. Destroye chloramine and chlorine instantly. But that's an whole under topic on its own that dosen't really have it place here.
im not worried about the chlorine and I know I don't have chloramine i know this but im asking about how do u keep the room from popping some bad shit in the tubs like pm/mold/etc. you just clean them good between uses or what?
im not worried about the chlorine and I know I don't have chloramine i know this but im asking about how do u keep the room from popping some bad shit in the tubs like pm/mold/etc. you just clean them good between uses or what?
Well yeah of course you wash the trais. You don't want to reuse the same water or bathing devise for another productiin line a plant spiecies. In case you had patogene in the root mass that need threatment. To avoitd spreading it onto other plants. So after its done you washed it all up.
Well yeah of course you wash the trais. You don't want to reuse the same water or bathing devise for another productiin line a plant spiecies. In case you had patogene in the root mass that need threatment. To avoitd spreading it onto other plants. So after its done you washed it all up.
just gotta make sure because I clean all my trays that water pools in with bleach and I ozone the room for a few hours
Like fuck your a grown fucking man getting pissed on the internet go shove a dick up your ass and ride it please
Lol, see the funny thing is I'm not "pissed" one bit. I think it's fucking hilarious. Then you wanna resort to talking about shoving dick up ones ass? Not quite sure what you do in your free time but keep those details to yourself please. Cheers.
Then as simply stated your water company have zero idea on how to do a job. Id hazard a guess over chlorination could be exponetially worse for new borns and possibly cause more law suits than its worth.

Britas are shit, if its gas you leave out but if chloramine your screwed - buy bottled always.

Now can you post the detailed water report all first world companies are required by regulation to supply? :-)
Please elaborate how brita filters are shit?
LMAO I love how this is getting turned on me, like I'm the bad guy here. Must think I'm gonna run off with my tail between my legs but nah, I'm not going anywhere.