Well-Known Member
Might sound dumb but it gets all the nuts in soil 100% out and also flush all beneficial bacteria that constitute your living soil. Just because you havent heard ir try dosent meean inlts dumb. The reason you don use clorinated water its because it kills beneficial bacteria and mycos in your living soil. Doing it at the end of flowering before harversting does inlylo this. I've been growing since 1995. Can't tell me there is something wrong wuth these plants that are 80 days old from seeds niw can you.
wtf are you even talking about? Everyone I know uses tap water and I’m 99% sure it has chlorine in it no matter how long you leave it sit out. When you water your garden or shrubs do you declorinate The water first?
griwing a plant in your parents basement in 95doesn’t make you a master grower FYI.