The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

radiant Rudy

Well-Known Member
You all cry about Trump being president but the truth is that even people in other countries wish they had a president like him. Look at the u.k. their party which is equivalent to our Republican party just won in a land slide election. Fact is people are sick of Democrats all across the board and it has been shown in the uk and soon with a vast number of other countries! I could care less what happens as I'm set for life but it is funny watching all sides rip each others wings off..
Cringe, the voice of the rightly institutionalized.

Stooge people at NATO, from "other countries", mocked him to his bloated bragging face, trump fucking shit himself and fainted. Your 'analysis', reads as if you sucked the feces directly from that pig's ass.
This year trumps poorly educated were bitch slapped in pa, va, la, ky. In 2018 they got their crusty wigs split. Your fantasies are childlike, and guarantee dissappointment. Trump is IMPEACHED


Lastly, on incarceration day, prison medical is going to discover and forcibly remove you from trumps shithole. So no maggot, you are not "set for life".

merry impeachmas
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Well-Known Member
Cringe, the voice of the rightly institutionalized.

Stooge people at NATO, from "other countries", mocked him to his bloated bragging face, trump fucking shit himself and fainted. Your 'analysis', reads as if you sucked the feces directly from that pig's ass.
View attachment 4442094
This year trumps poorly educated were bitch slapped in pa, va, la, ky. In 2018 they got their crusty wigs split. Your fantasies are childlike, and guarantee dissappointment. Trump is IMPEACHED


Lastly, on incarceration day, prison medical is going to discover and forcibly remove you from trumps shithole. So no, you are not set for life.

merry impeachmas
Merry Impeachmas!


Well-Known Member
If there was no evidence before other than hearsay (which is not evidence) then what evidence could possibly come to light now? O wait one more thing, what high crimes and misdemeanors was he charged with? I've not seen one articulated, not one specific crime! Blah blah blah does not count. What specific federal code has He broken?

Help me understand this! One side is saying blah blah, blah. The other side is also saying blah, blah, blah. All I hear from both sides is blah, blah, blah but not one crime has been said!
First, impeachment is not a criminal proceeding. Second, do you remember the 10 or 11 instances of corruption of justice in the Mueller report?


Well-Known Member
Have a look at some of the Trumpers and socks who troll here.
An Inside Look At The Growing US White Supremacy Movement | Morning Joe | MSNBC
New York Magazine looks at the growing white supremacy movement across the United States in its latest issue. The magazine's editor-in-chief David Haskell joins Morning Joe to discuss what they learned from the project. Aired on 12/23/19.


Well-Known Member
One of the hundreds who will go to prison... A small sample of what will happen if the democrats win it all in 2020, guys like this will go away for a long time. As soon as the air cover Bill Barr is giving these clowns disappears, the FBI will be on them like stink on shit, the new federal prosecutors will have a goddamn field day, it'll be like fishing in a barrel with sticks of dynamite!
The invisible man: Text messages reveal former golfer's role in Ukraine scandal

New York (CNN)When Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman traveled to Ukraine last winter to help Rudy Giuliani dig up dirt on President Donald Trump's political opponents, they were accompanied by a 44 year-old American named David Correia.

A former pro golfer and restaurateur, Correia had gotten to know Parnas and Fruman in South Florida, where he'd gone into business with Parnas years earlier.
While Parnas and Fruman, who had high-level contacts in Ukraine, worked to gather documents that they believed showed evidence of corruption by Joe Biden and his son Hunter, Correia was there to make the effort pay off in lucrative business deals, according to people who talked to him at the time, as well as copies of text messages obtained by CNN.
Before the trip, Correia texted an American associate that he wanted to "be fully prepared to close specific deals in Ukraine while we are there," according to the message viewed by CNN. Though he had no experience in the gas or energy business prior to working with Parnas, Correia was bent on securing a deal to sell US liquified natural gas to Ukraine through a pipeline in Poland.
When the three men were indicted in October for illegally funneling foreign money into Republican political circles, attention quickly focused on Parnas and Fruman, who have become key characters in the ongoing impeachment saga of President Donald Trump.
Meanwhile Correia's role has gotten little scrutiny. In part, that's due to the lack of detail in the indictment beyond Correia's alleged involvement in an effort to lobby for a marijuana business that, according to the indictment, was secretly backed by a Russian businessman. Compared to the four counts Parnas and Fruman face, Correia was charged with just one. All three men have pleaded not guilty.
But sources and documents obtained by CNN shed new light on the crucial role Correia played in furthering the business interests of Parnas and Fruman. The three men weren't just there to help the President by digging up dirt on his political opponents. They were there to make money.
Correia was often the trio's point person in dealing with business contacts in Ukraine, and his work included drafting contracts and memorandums of understanding that the group could present to potential business partners, according to four sources who deal with them.
Sources who dealt with the men said that Correia's smooth, conscientious manner was a helpful contrast to Parnas and Fruman, who sometimes struck people as hustlers.
"Lev was flamboyant; he only got out of bed at 2 p.m. in the afternoon," says one person who talked business regularly with the trio on the East Coast. "Correia was the worker, the one really trying to make a business out of all their connections."
"Correia came across as likeable and professional," said another person who dealt with the group. "Without him, Parnas and Fruman really had no credibility,"
Several days after Fruman and Parnas were nabbed at Dulles International Airport, Correia landed on October 16 at JFK International Airport in New York and turned himself in. Following a brief court appearance that same day, where he was asked to post $250,000 bail, Correia has stayed out of the limelight.
Correia's lawyer declined to comment for this story.
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Well-Known Member
One of the hundreds who will go to prison... A small sample of what will happen if the democrats win it all in 2020, guys like this will go away for a long time. As soon as the air cover Bill Barr is giving these clowns disappears, the FBI will be on them like stink on shit, the new federal prosecutors will have a goddamn field day, it'll be like fishing in a barrel with sticks of dynamite!
The invisible man: Text messages reveal former golfer's role in Ukraine scandal

New York (CNN)When Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman traveled to Ukraine last winter to help Rudy Giuliani dig up dirt on President Donald Trump's political opponents, they were accompanied by a 44 year-old American named David Correia.

A former pro golfer and restaurateur, Correia had gotten to know Parnas and Fruman in South Florida, where he'd gone into business with Parnas years earlier.
While Parnas and Fruman, who had high-level contacts in Ukraine, worked to gather documents that they believed showed evidence of corruption by Joe Biden and his son Hunter, Correia was there to make the effort pay off in lucrative business deals, according to people who talked to him at the time, as well as copies of text messages obtained by CNN.
Before the trip, Correia texted an American associate that he wanted to "be fully prepared to close specific deals in Ukraine while we are there," according to the message viewed by CNN. Though he had no experience in the gas or energy business prior to working with Parnas, Correia was bent on securing a deal to sell US liquified natural gas to Ukraine through a pipeline in Poland.
When the three men were indicted in October for illegally funneling foreign money into Republican political circles, attention quickly focused on Parnas and Fruman, who have become key characters in the ongoing impeachment saga of President Donald Trump.
Meanwhile Correia's role has gotten little scrutiny. In part, that's due to the lack of detail in the indictment beyond Correia's alleged involvement in an effort to lobby for a marijuana business that, according to the indictment, was secretly backed by a Russian businessman. Compared to the four counts Parnas and Fruman face, Correia was charged with just one. All three men have pleaded not guilty.
But sources and documents obtained by CNN shed new light on the crucial role Correia played in furthering the business interests of Parnas and Fruman. The three men weren't just there to help the President by digging up dirt on his political opponents. They were there to make money.
Correia was often the trio's point person in dealing with business contacts in Ukraine, and his work included drafting contracts and memorandums of understanding that the group could present to potential business partners, according to four sources who deal with them.
Sources who dealt with the men said that Correia's smooth, conscientious manner was a helpful contrast to Parnas and Fruman, who sometimes struck people as hustlers.
"Lev was flamboyant; he only got out of bed at 2 p.m. in the afternoon," says one person who talked business regularly with the trio on the East Coast. "Correia was the worker, the one really trying to make a business out of all their connections."
"Correia came across as likeable and professional," said another person who dealt with the group. "Without him, Parnas and Fruman really had no credibility,"
Several days after Fruman and Parnas were nabbed at Dulles International Airport, Correia landed on October 16 at JFK International Airport in New York and turned himself in. Following a brief court appearance that same day, where he was asked to post $250,000 bail, Correia has stayed out of the limelight.
Correia's lawyer declined to comment for this story.
This mess is about laundering of Iranian oil-money and Trump is behind it with Giuliani being his bag man. Erdogan's involved too. The links go through Giuliani. Trump is using empire for money laundering of Iranian oil money, which I believe is the whole reason for most of the recent skulduggery.

Six degrees of Rudy: Giuliani's web tangles three Trump controversies
Ukraine only skims the surface of the former mayor's influence in the administration.

This year, Giuliani seized on unfounded allegations that Ukraine had scuttled an investigation into Hunter Biden at the behest of his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, a leading 2020 Democratic presidential rival. Giuliani said his investigative efforts had the president's blessing, which has been confirmed by multiple witnesses in the impeachment inquiry.
But Giuliani had some help with his efforts.


Parnas, a Trump donor, told the New Yorker earlier this year that he became "good friends" with Giuliani after the 2016 election. The friendship was lucrative for Giuliani, who told Reuters that Parnas' company Fraud Guarantee paid his consulting company Giuliani Partners $500,000 for business and legal advice last year.

Giuliani has strong ties to the Turkish government and represented a Turkish-Iranian banker, Reza Zarrab, who was jailed in March 2016 on money laundering charges. Zarrab, who had an office in Trump Tower Istanbul, was close friends with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and had politically damaging information involving a government-run Turkish bank, Halkbank.
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Well-Known Member
polls in China show that most like Trump
They know an idiot when they see one! They know that their government will have him by the balls in no time flat, the Chinese will be a very good negotiating position and Trump will be desperate for a deal. I'd be happy too, if Putin were the drooling idiot, but Vlad ain't no idiot, an evil bastard, but a smart one, maybe a little too smart for his own good! Another guy who might be as desperate as Donald that the democrats don't win in 2020, MBS's head literally depends on the outcome, they will chop the fucking thing off in Saudi. So ya got 3 very desperate characters here, Donald, Vlad and MBS who have access to cash and nothing to lose, no meaningful measures were taken to protect the elections, the GOP and Trump blocked everything. The FEC is crippled too with no quorum. Even republican members of congress could go the prison in the countless scandals, if the democrats win big in 2020, any close election would be stolen by the GOP. A landslide is required this time around and I think you'll see one by the time election day rolls around, whether Donald is leading the ticket over a cliff or Pence.

Christ help a lot of these assholes when Uncle Sam gets done with their assholes! I figure hundreds will be in prison or squeal deals by the time the books close on this shit storm. Donald used his special talent for spreading slime and corruption and was a magnet for it, almost everybody got compromised and or fucked that he has come into contact with! To know him was to get fucked by him and that went for everybody in his miserable life. Now imagine, this loser has a "cult of personality" of over 60 million fear driven racist Americans, cheeto Jesus is mighty for many morons....

Here is how Donald is spending Christmas eve, it doesn't look like he's enjoying any holiday cheer at all! It kinda looks like he's desperately fighting for survival, mounting a one fool PR war, he can't seem to relax, something is definitely bothering him...

Trump says Pelosi's 'desperate' and 'hates all of the people that voted for me'
The president spoke to reporters at his Mar-a-Lago resort in South Florida where he's spending the holidays.

By Adam Edelman
President Donald Trump on Tuesday slammed Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., for pressing the impeachment case against him, saying, "She hates the Republican Party, she hates all of the people that voted for me and the Republican Party, and she's desperate."

In remarks to reporters after a video teleconference with members of the military on Christmas Eve from his Mar-a-Lago resort in South Florida, Trump complained that he had been treated "very unfairly" by House Democrats who impeached him on two articles last week...
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