Does smoking Seeds make you impotent?


Well-Known Member
impotent? like not smell like weed?
Never heard that one before.
No Mane, lol... I should have explained that a little more.
Not "impotent" as in "bad quality weed" but "impotent as in "bad quality sperm"
I heard if you smoke seeds you can end up impotent, or not being able to have a baby. I heard it fucks up your sperm.?? This was ages ago, but I beleived it my whole life. The more I think about the more it seems like its made up


Well-Known Member
I dont know about impotent but IT DOES put hair on your back. Do it enough and you'll have a rug! and a headache :hump:


Well-Known Member
Oh great, one of you people...
Sorry my question doesn't live up to your thread qualifications, I will make sure I think about that the next time I post. Wouldn't want to piss off a dick like you.


Well-Known Member
ive heard that too, and same for stems even. as i have no way of knowing i assume its true and meticulously pick them out


Well-Known Member
Oh great, one of you people...
Sorry my question doesn't live up to your thread qualifications, I will make sure I think about that the next time I post. Wouldn't want to piss off a dick like you.
in all serousness is there not part of this theard missing ,i think there was a couple more post....
grow teck post that my thread was lame
than he posted a guy in a thong with a hairy ass
whitch did not surprise me because it was grow tek posting


New Member
lol .. I'm just imagining someone packing their bowl with a buncha seeds.. *popopopopop*

I don't see how seeds could do anything like that... I'm gonna have to say it's a myth.. If seeds did it, then why wouldn't the herb itself have such an affect?

But seeds are known to cause head aches if smoked.. Never have for me though..

I heard Mountain Dew kills sperm .. :D