I go to court tommorow


Well-Known Member
Ok, I am goin to court tommorow for a possesion charge. Chances are I'll get probation. Not the biggest of my legal troubles at the moment. Anyone been on probation for a misdemeanor possesion charge? What should I expect? When is the first time I'll have to pee in a cup? Just wondering if I need to take a detox drink with me to the courthhouse..


Active Member
I guess if your really after a buzz when you start the probation, you could drop dancers. i'd only do it when your absolutely craving and have some time before your next test but they go out of your system in something like 2 days.


Well-Known Member
You'll probably get probation... and piss tests will be a large part of it since its a drug charge. You don't have to worry about a drug test just yet though. You'll have 30 days after your court date to get clean.


Well-Known Member
first offense?
it's a misdemeanor, don't worry. You could end up with just a fine and some comm service.

I got prob and a fine. But my charge was a felony.

What state you in?

Probations starts the next month. They can't expect you to be clean once you get sentenced.


Well-Known Member
Sweet, thanks all, and yes, first offense as an adult. I'm in Fl and with any luck MMJ will be legal here in the near future. How hard is it to move out of state and get transfered to a different PO?

All I had on me was a joint, and a roach. (I'm surprised they didn't get me for DWI since I had a roach on me.) It was a fatty, too. I was on my way to a party in tallahassee. It was 2 AM so I figured noone on the road so I might as well speed. (I was stoned so to me speeding a little was goin 118 mph.)


Well-Known Member
Sweet, thanks all, and yes, first offense as an adult. I'm in Fl and with any luck MMJ will be legal here in the near future. How hard is it to move out of state and get transfered to a different PO?
Florida is harsh on weed offenders.

Its pretty easy to move out of state. You just have to give your PO enough notice for them to transfer you... don't go anywhere until they give you the OK.


New Member
dump your lawyer and defend it on your own on the grounds that it is unconstitutional for the government to make one of gods gifts to man illegal in any way


Well-Known Member
Sweet, thanks all, and yes, first offense as an adult. I'm in Fl and with any luck MMJ will be legal here in the near future. How hard is it to move out of state and get transfered to a different PO?

All I had on me was a joint, and a roach. (I'm surprised they didn't get me for DWI since I had a roach on me.) It was a fatty, too. I was on my way to a party in tallahassee. It was 2 AM so I figured noone on the road so I might as well speed. (I was stoned so to me speeding a little was goin 118 mph.)
My step son got in trouble down here....do yourself a favor and keep all your paperwork and take notes....If they drop by your house to check it out, write it on the calendar. If you have to do community hours write them down for your records. What I found was that they are incompetent and they love to pass the buck. They are very un organized. Please keep a record of everything you do to satisfy your requirements from the court. I watched them fuck over so many people and get away with it....


Well-Known Member
Do they do home inspections? I did not know that. That is seriously not cool.... Guess I gotta break down the grow room...


Well-Known Member
Do they do home inspections? I did not know that. That is seriously not cool.... Guess I gotta break down the grow room...
They did for my son. He had a felony arrest though. The outcome of court was probation and he could have it expunged so that it would no longer be on his record. He had to do community hours and drug classes. They would pop up at my home and at his work all the time. They were just looking for him to fuck up so they could keep him in the system. That seems to be the way they are here, if they can keep you in the system it is more money for them. I swear it would piss me off, I didn't understand why they made things so difficult. It was like they were setting these guys up for failure. They are dicks...


Well-Known Member
dang dude that is harsh, I live in denver and they passed a law that if you carry under an ounce its legal for state but still illegal for federal, but its one step closer to being legal in denver if you have to go to federal court its still just a slap on the wrist and only like $100 fine


Well-Known Member
Sweet, thanks all, and yes, first offense as an adult. I'm in Fl and with any luck MMJ will be legal here in the near future. How hard is it to move out of state and get transfered to a different PO?

All I had on me was a joint, and a roach. (I'm surprised they didn't get me for DWI since I had a roach on me.) It was a fatty, too. I was on my way to a party in tallahassee. It was 2 AM so I figured noone on the road so I might as well speed. (I was stoned so to me speeding a little was goin 118 mph.)
i think speeding is the #1 cause of attracting a cop who then finds bud. speeding at 2am pretty much guarantees the cop is going to see if he can find a dui/posession/warrant or whatever on you.


Well-Known Member
Do they do home inspections? I did not know that. That is seriously not cool.... Guess I gotta break down the grow room...
Yea you can't grow on probation bruh, you'd be even more fucked if caught growing.

Hopefully you won't have supervised probation... You seriously don't want that.

You talk to ya lawyer recently?