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Question in title.
Yeah I've sprayed the plant plenty of times in veg and its perfectly fine but im wondering about what it will do to the budsIll say this...
I had some damping off issues, which is caused by fungus or mold. So along with a cinimon water bath, my next round of seedlings got dousced with h202.
H2o2 is toxic to anerobic organisims because of the chemical bonds between hydrogen and oxygen... The extra oxygen atom is freely given off in h2o2 and thus is toxic to life that has oxygen toxicisity.
Any chemical reaction with h2o2 will yeild h2o and oxygen. My guess, based on chemistry, not experience with spraying on buds, is that the plant will be just fine, and any anerobic stuff will die.
What would you recommend buying for powder mildew on plants that are almost 2 weeks away from harvestNothing, I would imagin. I've never grown the first pot plant yet, but unless oxygen is toxic to something, h202 sits on it like water.
I doubt it would have any affect on a bud beyond watter.
I'm only chyming in because no one else has. But I know a fair amount about h2o2 from my mushroom growing days, my micro-biology and chemistry days at university.
If it had any adverse affect, I would be shocked.
What would you recommend buying for powder mildew on plants that are almost 2 weeks away from harvest. New at this pm
You might be screwed man being that late into flower it's not good to spray stuff on your buds and you got powdery mildew in that stuff so me personally I would toss the plant it wouldn't be healthy to smoke that shit and I don't think yoh can get rid of it that late into flower if it was earlier in flower maybeWhat would you recommend buying for powder mildew on plants that are almost 2 weeks away from harvest
What would you recommend buying for powder mildew on plants that are almost 2 weeks away from harvest
These guys have a free sample going to. Just pay shipping.Plant Therapy from I'm sure theres at least one other that slips my mind atm.
H2O2 is an oxidising agent that will oxidise almost any organic material as you increase the concentration. In higher doses, it will damage plants.
One of the best organic fungicides is potassium bicarbonate which is commonly available.
It has the bonus of providing your plants with foliar potassium right when it needs it, during flower.
There's a good list of natural fungicides here:
Same. How frequently have you sprayed? I'm waiting 7 days between sprays but I wanna bump it up to every 4. I'm 3 weeks outFor what it is worth,I have used h202 right up to last week of flower,never had any adverse effects,and didn't seem to alter taste or buzz.