Trump is the most admired man in America?

Wait till the tRUmpers start losing there food stamps and SS disability, they probably think he's only taking it away from the dark people.
True Trumpers aren't worried about it.
We are working hard and getting rich enjoying the good work that Trump is doing.
We don't need food stamps ... and, this nation will always take care of those citizens who can't take care of themselves.
He hasn't done a damn good thing for this country.
That is only part of your soliloquy that I can in good faith agree with.

I personally think that he's destroyed our farmer's future with his bull shit tariffs, set back race/religious relationships in this country, destroyed our relationship with the EU, destroyed any hope for peace in the ME, destroyed our faith in the election systems, destroyed climate control & the EPA & the FBI & State Department & the fucking list can go on and on.

Fuck Trump
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True Trumpers aren't worried about it.
We are working hard and getting rich enjoying the good work that Trump is doing.
We don't need food stamps ... and, this nation will always take care of those citizens who can't take care of themselves.
Let’s see some evidence that trumpets are getting rich then

Otherwise we have to write this one off as another one if your senile delusions again, grandpa racist
destroyed our farmers future with his bull shit tariffs,
If he hadden't faced off China ... how would things get better? It would just be passed down to the next president like the last 10 presidents did. Trump had the guts to fight the fight.
set back race/religious relationships in this country
How did he do that? He has done more to elevate minorities than anybody. His companies have a great record on hiring and promoting minorities. The thing about a capitalist is that he only sees one color ... green. Meteorites income has gone up faster than anyone else's in this country -- ever.
destroyed our relationship with the EU
Because we wouldn't drop to our knees and blow the power in Brussels? Because we expect Germany and France to pay a small part of their defense, like they agreed to? Who needs a relationship like that? It was time for a divorce ...
destroyed any hope for peace in the ME
Those cannibal fucks have been fighting for 3000 years! Trump didn't start it. He's trying to get OUT of it.
destroyed our faith in the election systems,
By keeping a secret server in the basement? By hiding emails that were distributed to enemies of the US? Including Russia? Then by destroying evidence, and lying? He did all that? No, wait ... it was someone else ...
destroyed climate control
He has never, ever, messed with the climate controls in the White House. Where did you get this info?
savages have been fighting for THREE THOUSAND YEARS. That's not Trumps fault.
If he hadden't faced off China ... how would things get better? It would just be passed down to the next president like the last 10 presidents did. Trump had the guts to fight the fight.

How did he do that? He has done more to elevate minorities than anybody. His companies have a great record on hiring and promoting minorities. The thing about a capitalist is that he only sees one color ... green.

Because we wouldn't drop to our knees and blow the power in Brussels? Because we expect Germany and France to pay a small part of their defense, like they agreed to? Who needs a relationship like that? It was time for a divorce ...

Those cannibal

By keeping a secret server in the basement? By hiding emails that were distributed to enemies of the US? Including Russia? Then by destroying evidence, and lying? He did all that? No, wait ... it was someone else ...

He has never, ever, messed with the climate controls in the White House. Where did you get this info?
savages have been fighting for THREE THOUSAND YEARS. That's not Trumps fault.
you are one delusional racist drunk
For the first time ever, that cocksucker Trump tied with Obama as the most admired man in America this year, according to the annual poll from Gallup.

Trump has never before topped the list, which is compiled by asking Americans to name which living man and woman they admire most.

That say's a lot about the state of affairs in America today as we end the year and enter 2020, and that is that it is chock full of fucking imbeciles.

A fucking lying adulterer with no morals, a climate change denier, a misogynistic POS, an obvious racist and the 3rd POTUS in America's history that has been impeached is tied with Obama as the most admired man in this country?

Figure that shit out, because I can't.

Obama wasn't impeached.
Why in the world would people actually like this guy?
I mean, really, he has:

* Confronted China on their theft from US citizens, and is stopping it.
He has buckled and is desperately hoping to just get back to how it was under Obama before he devastated the farmers across the nation, who will not get back to where they need to be before they lose their farms. And he did jack shit about patent theft.

* Shamed other countries to start contributing to their own defense and pay their fair share to NATO.

More like Russia started to attack the world and the countries (Under Obama) started their increasing in military spending, which Trump very likely accelerated because they know he is Putin's puppet and don't trust him.
Screen Shot 2019-12-30 at 5.53.02 PM.png

* Middle class wages rise faster than rich peoples.
The Rich just got the tax cuts of a lifetime thanks to their orange buddy. They didn't need to have any increase in their salaries to bring home millions more at the expense of the middle class.

* USMCA passed ensuring thousands of good jobs on both sides of both borders.
Nancy says you're welcome for finishing up Trump's homework that is slightly different than NAFTA and could have been done without changing the name. But Trump loves his branding, and apparently the people in his cult love it.
Screen Shot 2019-12-30 at 5.57.14 PM.png
* Ended the Iran Nuclear Deal – Gone are the days of coddling the mullahs who have terrorized America and our allies for decades.
And now they are doing military exercises with Russia and China. I am sure Isreal feels really comfortable with that.

* Making the US energy self sufficient, again freeing us from the 10th century goatherds that used to control out energy.
Which policies of his actually did this? I am sure if he got his way and everyone used flattering lights to boost his ego it could change things.

* Smashing the ISIS Caliphate and Exiting Syria – Unlike his predecessor, who haughtily dismissed and ignored the ISIS threat as terrorists’ “JV team."
Trump scattered ISIS and they are attacking us still. And then gave Russia control of the region. Is that winning?

* Increasing Minority Jobs – If Trump is actually racist, as biased mainstream media “journalists” often claim, he’s remarkably bad at it, because people of color have thrived under the pro-growth policies of the Trump Boom.
Obama had more jobs added in his last 3 years than Trump did in his first 3.

* Defending the borders of the USA for the first time in decades.
Trump has not added one foot of new wall on the southern border. Obama's administration added 650 miles. Trump wants to militarize the southern border like we are North Korea. I know the racists love it, but it is so stupid and a waste of money.

* Appointed two Supreme Court judges who honor and respect the constitution, Bret Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsech.

I could go on ... but ... yea, I get it.
How could anyone like the guy ... what a racist, orange, woman and minority hating, lying, a$$hat.
He hasn't done a damn good thing for this country.

You can thank Mitch for that one.

Trump is a great mass marketer and obviously has the tools to be a cult leader. But he hasn't really done anything and no amount of branding will change that outside of the people who drink the kool aid.
CNN is predicting bad things for the USA.
Now THAT is a shock.

Russia and ISIS would like to see that happen too.
Does that give you an idea about CNN's political bent?

Typical tRUmp supporter has trouble reading, it's CCN stupid. Try searching "stock market crash" in google news, pages of articles from many mainstream market publishers will come up, this one was from today is all.