Wake & Bake...negative effects


Active Member
For me it just depends on what I am doing that day. I love to wake and bake when I can though. Sit back, enjoy some good weed and some coffee while I stare out the window.

***Edit. oops, I am in the wrong thread.

For me , when I wake and bake I have to be conscious of the fact that I am high. I will smoke more during the day when I wake and bake, especially on my days off. When I do that It causes me to either fade out earlier in the evening(5pm lol) or I stay up and feel hazy the rest of the night, Kind of like that feeling like you just woke up.


Well-Known Member
3 am bong hits = waking up stoned. waking up stoned + bong hits..................and my maximum lazy dumbass potential has been attained.


Well-Known Member
My mind is broken and is locked in hyperdrive, I fall asleep with a joint and greet the morning with a joint {or two}, pain is constant and this helps me be a productive member of society.
I'm a stoner of that there is no doubt, the buzz I get first thing in the morning just sets the tone for the day.


New Member
Wake & Bake Cons: Speaking from Experience as a Long-time PRODUCTIVE Cannabis Enthusiast :blsmoke:

:wall:Makes it not as fun in the evening, a lot less of an effect (The morning highs quickly become a feeling of not even really getting high...which can make it easier to help kick the AM habit)
:wall:Drastically increases tolerance (Cuttin' out the morning smoke reduces your tolerance without taking a t-break too : D )
:wall:Becomes a habit/Sign of addiction
:wall:Makes you want to smoke/think about it during the day.
:wall:Even if you don't smoke after noon, you are still groggy and less motivated to do what reeally needs to be accomplished that day.

I will be replacing my morning bowl for some exercises with my cup of coffee...In one week from now I will return with my results :eyesmoke: :leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
Wake & Bake Cons: Speaking from Experience as a Long-time PRODUCTIVE Cannabis Enthusiast :blsmoke:

:wall:Makes it not as fun in the evening, a lot less of an effect (The morning highs quickly become a feeling of not even really getting high...which can make it easier to help kick the AM habit)
:wall:Drastically increases tolerance (Cuttin' out the morning smoke reduces your tolerance without taking a t-break too : D )
:wall:Becomes a habit/Sign of addiction
:wall:Makes you want to smoke/think about it during the day.
:wall:Even if you don't smoke after noon, you are still groggy and less motivated to do what reeally needs to be accomplished that day.

I will be replacing my morning bowl for some exercises with my cup of coffee...In one week from now I will return with my results :eyesmoke: :leaf::leaf::leaf:
Don't forget penis... but I wouldn't consider that a negative necessarily.




Well-Known Member
Wake and Bake is for those have nothing in Life to do.
Nothing really gets done.
You my friend are narrow minded. Just because you're lazy doesn't mean everybody else is.

I've smoked medicinally my whole adult life. I'm more productive when I use Cannabis. It only enhances the mindset you're already in.
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Well-Known Member
Wake and bake is fun at times, no doubt about it. But it's the worst thing you can do to your stash. Don't underestimate it's effects on your tolerance to THC. You will gradually increase your daily consumption until you don't get very high anymore. This is doubly true for those who yave unlimited anounts of pot. Don't ask me how I know loo