Large white seed found in main stem?


Well-Known Member
:weed:I would like to see a photo of the shell from that pumpkin sized seed next to a ruler. Surely you kept the shells after they germinated HMMMM?:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
curiouser and curiouser... I've subscribed in hopes that there will be more pictures, at first glance the leaves remind me of the magnolia leaves on the tree at my old house, if it were a magnolia the seeds would have been red though.
It's puzzling that this occurred in two plants.. what's with all the haters btw? I thought stoners were more chilled out than this..


Well-Known Member
What a load of BS, I cant believe this guy is actually getting people to believe him! Its defo more possible to grow shrooms on your bollocks or whatever the feck you were on about!


Well-Known Member
guys i just went up to check on my plants and they started spitting white seeds at me, I planted them all and forks started growing


Well-Known Member
yea ... but dont post a pic of somethin to prove that it was true.
.. just take a pic of a plant growing instead ;)

orgAnic Panic!

Active Member
all the administrators are proll laughing their asses off at us....but god damn it the suspense is killing a pic so we can declare this true or boulshit......


Well-Known Member
queen bee is the shizzy, lmfao, this is the best room ever as far as entertainment!
I would like to post my days findings, i checked the shrooms grwing on the bottom of my bullocks and to my own amazement they started spitting white seeds on that shit is sic.thats the first time i laughed today.


Well-Known Member
Look everyone I left a tomato in my grow room and it must have pollinated my females coz I got these weird seeds that makes plants that grow weed AND tomatoes! Look at my picture! Isnt it amazing?!



Well-Known Member
Look everyone I left a tomato in my grow room and it must have pollinated my females coz I got these weird seeds that makes plants that grow weed AND tomatoes! Look at my picture! Isnt it amazing?!

Thats awesome, Can I get a clone of that?

Sarcasm intended!!