I agree with alot that was said here and just wanted to add a few things to the topic at hand .
BTW my spelling is not the best , bear with me.
Im an experienced DWC Bubble Bucket grower with 5 Gallon Buckets fit with 6 inch Net Pots and air stones . I dont use a chiller due to cold enviorments in New England (avg. 40-50* F) most of the year . I have used many diffrent Microbes/BenificalBacteria , Enzymes , Additives and Hydro Acids. I was doing what most new aged growers do early imto growing with trying products due to golden age of cannabis were all in now . We all are Growers and have the options now a days , so its hard not to be. I have used samples and obtained many diffrent bottles along the grows and Im going to make a statement for all DWC growers useing Bubble Buckets with Air Stones , No chiller growing method . The statement is , Benifical Bacteria and the teams of Microbes and strains of bacteria is not needed . Its something that ends up hurting you , more then helping. In DWC ive seen the addtion of the stuff add unwanted PPM/EC levels , make leaves seem to have a money/paper type feel texture . The leaves will generate discolored and fade pattern spolching , almost round spots that blend toeghter in a sploch pattern per say. The Leaves tend to crinkle a bit and twist sometimes. This was all maintained with a Spot on PH of 5.8 with no swing and water temps consisitently between 65 and 69 degrees F. The rooms air temps at 75 degrees Lights On and 67 degrees F. at night time/lightsoff . The PPM are always the spot on and never over FEED nor water level too high to be overwatered . I totally saw issues with Max Microbes , Tarantula , Mammoth P , Orca , Great White Chum , MicrobialLife , etc.. they dont need to be added because your keeping your DWC Clean and Steril and you do Bucket Change out and Clean out every week so your replacing your water and all every week to provide your plant with clean and full nutrient set up availability. Your not fighting bad Bacteria unless your not useing the key to DWC known as (Enzymes) and (Hyperchlorous Acid) 0.005% IMO.
The key to DWC is to combine these two products after you mixed your nutrients and at the end before you reset your bucket back up and drop your roots back into the water , you must have these addtives to your grow.
These are the key products to keeping your DWC the cleanest and in order to never need extra ppms or addtives such as Benifical Bacteria or Microbe Teams of Bacteria .
Key # 1 -(Enzymes) Helps clean dead root matter , breaks down the salts , restructures compounds and nutrients to be utilized by the plant and also helps fight off root rot phythium . Products like SLF 100 is the best or Cyco Zyme or CannaZyme. I havent used hydrozyme so idk but herd its the same as cannazyme.
Key # 2 - (Hyperchlorous Acid) 0.005% this product will kill any bacteria and root rot and stages of anything starting to spread as far as the bad bacteria. It also treats the plant where its ryzosphere is at full production , utilzing the clean and clear zone by keeping the nutrients clear of bad chemicals like some other Hyperchlorus Acids do. Its important to use these companys that base there makeup for plants . Companys such as UC roots , Watermaxx , ClearRez and not pool shock , you want these plant growing companys so you dont fuck up your garden with DIY.
I do agree with alot of what was posted here and I dont want the demenor of disagreement.
I just wanted to post what I think are two really good key componets to the DWC no chiller steril grow method .
Thanks guys
@RealThor89 VikingGardens_Thor on IG