
Maybe, I don't know. But nobody on here, that I've seen, has shown any evidence of it being "better". I suppose if you're feeling like mister science you can take two clones, grow them through veg, then flip one straight to 12/12, and take the other down slowly and then compare the end results.
But then you would have to take the extra couple days to a week of veg time into account.
It won't hurt your plants at all, so if you want to do it go right ahead. Like I said, some other people on this forum do it, and if it turned into a disaster they would've posted asking for help by now.
Wont hurt it by any means... But in all actuality, i doubt it will matter much in terms of "stress" on the plant.

If you think about it in terms of the sun... Starting from the summer solstice, through to the winter solstice, your losing 3-5min of sunlight, per day. The best most of us can do, on timers, is change lighting by 15min intervals. So unless your planning on dropping your light timer by 15min once every 3 days, for like 2 months straight... your still going to be changing the light schedule in an unnatural way.

So if you arent replicating the sun's natural movements, id say go the opposite way, and give your plant as much light as she can possibly get at all times, meaning 18-24 hours on, right up until the switch, when u drop it down to 12/12. dropping off 1 hour per day isnt going to make or break her either way though.

Just like a lot of other stuff with growing, its mostly up to personal preference really. CAN you do it without causing an issue? Sure. Do you need to/Is it going to make any difference in your end result? Probably not
Wont hurt it by any means... But in all actuality, i doubt it will matter much in terms of "stress" on the plant.

If you think about it in terms of the sun... Starting from the summer solstice, through to the winter solstice, your losing 3-5min of sunlight, per day. The best most of us can do, on timers, is change lighting by 15min intervals. So unless your planning on dropping your light timer by 15min once every 3 days, for like 2 months straight... your still going to be changing the light schedule in an unnatural way.

So if you arent replicating the sun's natural movements, id say go the opposite way, and give your plant as much light as she can possibly get at all times, meaning 18-24 hours on, right up until the switch, when u drop it down to 12/12. dropping off 1 hour per day isnt going to make or break her either way though.

Just like a lot of other stuff with growing, its mostly up to personal preference really. CAN you do it without causing an issue? Sure. Do you need to/Is it going to make any difference in your end result? Probably not
The rate of change is variable, slower near the solstices and faster near the equinoxes.
Think its called the gas lantern method ive heard people saying its good could be bullshit tho never tried it myself never felt the need to mess with photoperiods unless your growing say a finicky landrace sativa
Think its called the gas lantern method ive heard people saying its good could be bullshit tho never tried it myself never felt the need to mess with photoperiods unless your growing say a finicky landrace sativa
I thought gaslighting was that outdoors technique of lighting up outdoor plants at night in warm climates to extend veg? Maybe we're talking about different things.
I just read in someone’s post doing it like that would give the plant less stress so I thought ad try it

Stress isnt measurable.. so its hard to make that claim as a matter of fact, ya know what i mean?

They might be right, but without seeing a reaction out of the plant itself, its hard to say either way how helpful it is. But again, it definitely wont HARM the plant to do that, just may not be worth the extra effort to do so. No matter what you choose to do, you plant will be fine though, so dont stress too much about it. Just do w.e feels right
Stress isnt measurable.. so its hard to make that claim as a matter of fact, ya know what i mean?

They might be right, but without seeing a reaction out of the plant itself, its hard to say either way how helpful it is. But again, it definitely wont HARM the plant to do that, just may not be worth the extra effort to do so. No matter what you choose to do, you plant will be fine though, so dont stress too much about it. Just do w.e feels right
Thanks so much mate
I do mine over two weeks.
18/6 to 15/9 then 12/12. Not gradually, just each change a week apart. Makes me feel good, dont know what the plants think about it
I just flip straight to 12/12 from 18/6 haven't had issues. There's growers that give their plants 24hrs of darkness before the switch to 12/12
I got mixed results with circadian rhythm based grows.

Some don't stop stretching for like 6 weeks into flower lol, others only put on an inch every week, something tells me genetics is at play, which makes sense.

It's indoor growing bro, your free to experiment with what you like.
the slow drop certainly won't hurt anything, but the mythical 12/12 is no bueno. Sats grow in a longer daylight climate than Indicas, and most people give both more hours of light than they require. 12/12 is neither fish nor fowl, you should be either above or below 12/12. Sats respond best with 12:15 and 11:45, indicas a lot less but never 1:1
