So I got my cuts from enjoigarden today.....
What a complete joke!!!
First off he said he was going to send 5 each of unrooted cuts of 4 strains...he sent 1 each...second,he cut them too short and too close to the node...3rd,he just threw them in a thermos and in a box....
And when I sent him pics of the cuts he said they looked good...what the hell hun????
Do these look good to you??View attachment 4458595View attachment 4458596View attachment 4458597View attachment 4458598
Looks like cuts I got from oneoftheluckyones. Complete joke! Mold IN the stems and hard wood stems that are completely purple
At the end of the day he is an honest guy....
He is offering to reship fully rooted clones hes working with me

I feel it's my job as a senior to help this man and teach him how to send clones successfully so others won't be put in my position...
He is very apologetic...
I will keep u all updated...
So I was planning on ordering unrooted cuts from mad scientist...I was actually going to send him payment tonight..
On a whim I asked how many unrooted clippings of each strain he was going to send and he said one each!!wow that's ridiculous
Every person I've talked to or worked a deal with for unrooted cuts on strainly they would send at least 5 of each

Am I wrong here for thinking this???
At the end of the day he is an honest guy....
He is offering to reship fully rooted clones hes working with me

I feel it's my job as a senior to help this man and teach him how to send clones successfully so others won't be put in my position...
He is very apologetic...
I will keep u all updated...
There is no excuse for sending cuts that shitty. Those plants are barely limping by. I mean you could probably get them to root but it'll take weeks!
Is there a version of this that Canadians use? I can’t seem to find anyone listed in Canada or only a couple.
it's all good! I was warned by colocowboy before I received them luckily so they have been under strict quarantine. If they make it ill probably have to go 3 or so clone generations till I'm comfortable enough to introduce into main area.
I wasn't going to say anything about the chem D cut I got but a few of you guys have already mentioned it. Mine wasn't really in bad shape at first glance but closer inspection with bare eyes and she had a lot of mites. She had that dusty look on the top of her leaves but they wasn't speckled or freckled much like the normal telltale signs. Mine was in a solo cup with decent looking soil but it started going downhill so I carefully removed from the cup and gently washed the soil off. I guess he roots in areo because mine had only rooted on one side of the stem about a half inch up from the cut and was a decent diameter sized root but I would have left mine in the cloner longer in hopes of the roots sprouting around the stem more. I reset mine in FF coco loco and it's looking much better. Idk if the original soil was bad or just oversaturated. Would I do it all over again? Yes if this is the original chem D yes I would.